
Before you begin, you must create a report. To learn more about creating reports, see Create a custom report.

Schedule a report delivery

To schedule a report for automatic delivery or to edit or delete an existing report delivery:​

  1. Go to a report that you want to schedule for delivery.

    Report deliveries do not contain prompts. If you wish to limit data in a report delivery, we recommend applying filters to the report that you want to send.
  2. Click Report Actions, then Send Report.

    The Send Report dialog box displays.

    To send a report manually at any given time, go to the report, then click Report Actions > Send Report > Send Now.
  3. Select the Repeating Deliveries tab.

  4. (Conditional) To modify an existing repeating report delivery, select the report delivery in the Repeating Deliveries section.

  5. Specify the following information:

    Send to

    Begin typing the name of the user, group, team, or role who you want to send the report to, then click the name when it appears in the drop-down list.


    Specify the email address of a person external to the Workfront system who you want to have access to the report.

    Repeat this process to send the report to multiple users, groups, teams, or roles.


    Consider the following when adding report delivery recipients:

    • lf your organization restricts Workfront notifications to specific email domains, you may only be able to send reports to email addresses listed in the email allowlist.

      For information on how a Workfront administrator updates the email allowlist, see the section Configure your email allowlist.

    • Adding a large number of users as recipients can cause the delivery to fail. If you experience delivery failures, you can schedule multiple report deliveries with smaller groups of users.

    Email Subject

    Specify a subject for the email notification.

    By default, the email subject is:

    Workfront Report: [Name of the report] [Date]

    Email Message

    Specify a message to include in the email.

    By default, the email message is:

    Attached is the [report frequency] report [Name of the report] generated by Workfront on [Date].

    Note: For reports delivered as an Excel file only, the following message is also added to the email: "Please be aware that with MS Excel (XLS) file types, there is a limit (65,530) on the number of hyperlinks these file types support. If you exceed those limits, your file will not open and it is recommended to resend without the hyperlinks. Please go back to the report scheduler to remove hyperlinks and resend the report." The "please go back to the report scheduler" phrase is a link back to the report.

    Deliver this report with the Access Rights of

    Begin typing the name of a user who has access to the report, then click the name when it appears in the drop-down list. Users who receive the report will be granted the same level of access to the report as the user that you specify here.
    For more information, see Run and deliver a report with the access rights of another user.

    Note: This field does not support wildcards. For example, using the wildcard $$User.ID does not run the report with the access rights of the user who is receiving the report.


    Select the format you want for the delivered report:

    • HTML

    • PDF

      If you select this, you can format the output using the additional Paper Size and Orientation options that display.

    • MS Excel (.xlsx)

    • TSV

    Include Links

    This option is available only when MS Excel is selected in the Format drop-down menu. When this option is enabled, any hyperlinks are included in the exported Excel document.

    Documents that contain more than 65,530 links cannot be opened. If the exported document will contain more than 65,530 links, deselect this option.

    This option is enabled by default.

    SummaryDisplays a summary of when the delivery repeats.
    RepeatsSelect whether the report should be delivered daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly.
    Repeats EverySelect the frequency with which you want the delivery to repeat. The value you select for this option is based on the option that is selected in the Repeats drop-down list.

    Select the time of day for the delivery to be sent.

    Tip: Because system loads can affect report delivery times, there may be a delay of up to 24 hours between the scheduled time and the actual delivery time. If you need a report delivered by a specific time, we recommend scheduling the delivery prior to the time that it is needed. In general, we recommend scheduling the delivery at least a day prior to the date when it is needed.

    Repeats On

    This option is available when the Repeats option is set to either Weekly or Monthly:

    • When the Repeats option is set to Weekly: Select the days of the week that the delivery is sent.

    • When the Repeats option is set to Monthly: Select whether the delivery is sent on the day of the month, day of the week, or last day of the month (these options leverage the date that you select in the Starts On field).

    Starts OnSelect the date for the scheduled delivery to begin.
    Ends OnSelect a date for the scheduled delivery to end.
    NeverSelect Never if you want the scheduled delivery to last indefinitely.
  6. Click Save to save the report delivery.

    The report displays in the Repeating Deliveries section (in the Send Report dialog box) and it will send at the scheduled time.

    For information about size limitations that can affect the delivery of your reports, see the sections Report delivery limits and Export limits.

Scheduled reports are subject to an internal time limit when being processed for delivery. In the event a report takes longer than the limit to be sent, you will receive a notification and the report will no longer be delivered regardless of any remaining scheduled deliveries. To continue sending the report, first try reducing the size of the report through filters and views, then create a new scheduled delivery.
If you are using a scheduled report delivery to analyze Workfront data through a BI tool, we recommend using Workfront Data Connect instead. For more information, see Workfront Data Connect overview.
  1. (Optional) To delete a scheduled delivery:

    1. In the Repeating Deliveries panel, click the scheduled delivery, then click Delete.
    2. Click Delete to confirm.
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