Issue statuses

If the custom status is an Issue status, all four issue types must be enabled for it (Bug Report, Change Order, Issue, and Request). For example, in the issue status shown below, the status Reopened cannot be used as a default status because the Change Order issue type is not selected:

All issue types enabled

Set a custom status as a default status for a group

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Setup Setup icon .

  2. In the left panel, click Groups Groups , then click the name of the group where you want to create or customize statuses.

  3. In the left panel, click Statuses Gear settings icon .

  4. Open the Project, Tasks, or Issues tab, depending on the type of status you want to set as a default status.

  5. Click Set Default Statuses near the upper-right corner.

  6. In the drop-down area that displays, next to the status where you want to set the default status, select the default status you want to set.

  7. Click Save.

    The status is now available as a default status for use with projects associated with the group.

  8. Associate the custom status with the project where you want to use it.

    You associate the status with the project by associating the group where the status resides with the project. Users can use the custom status only if the group where the status resides is associated with the project.

    If you assign the project to a different group, the project status will reload and could change.
    1. Go to the project where you want to use the custom status.

    2. Click the More menu More icon , then click Edit.

    3. In the Edit Project box that displays, in the Group field under Project association, select the group that the custom status is associated with.

    4. Click Save Changes.

Groups inherit default status configurations

After a Workfront administrator configures a custom status as a default status, new groups that are created inherit that configuration.

Similarly, after a group administrator sets a custom status as a default status, new subgroups created directly below the group inherit that configuration.

For more information, see How groups inherit statuses.

When a default status is hidden

If you hide a default status (by enabling the Hide status option for it), the system tries to set another status of the equivalent type as the default instead.

If there is no available status of the equivalent type, the status type displays as Hidden and is not available for work items.

No available status

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