Daily digest notifications

A daily digest notification is an email containing all of the notifications of a certain type that you received in the 24 hours before the email.

For a complete list of what email notifications have been enabled for a daily digest email delivery as well as information about all the categories for email notifications, see Event notifications.

Workfront does not send any Daily digest notifications for the Miscellaneous and Goals categories of events. You cannot disable the Daily notifications for these categories.

There are several things to be aware of when receiving daily digest notifications:

  • Each notifications section in your My Settings panel generates its own daily digest email. You can have as many daily digest emails every day as notification settings that are enabled for daily digest emails.
    For example, if you selected to receive a daily digest email for several actions under the Information about Projects I Own, you receive one email notification listing all the events met for this area.

  • Notifications in a daily digest email are grouped by various criteria. For example, in the case of Information about Projects I Own, the events are grouped by the project name.

    For the Communication category, the notifications are grouped by the object where the communication happened.

    For the Communication category, you can select individual notifications for instant delivery only. To have notifications delivered in a daily digest, you must select all of them.
  • The daily digest email lists events that happened for the actions in one particular area (like Information about projects I Own) within the 24 hours prior to the time chosen for delivery.

  • The timezone for the time selected for daily digest delivery matches your timezone, as it is configured on your browser.

  • The daily digest emails have the name of the section in the subject line, as well as the date on which they are delivered.

  • At least one event must trigger a notification in order for the daily digest to be delivered. Daily digests are not sent if no events marked for daily digest emails are met.

Notification of posted comments

The notifications in the Communication category alert you to comments that have been posted in the Update stream of a specific item.

Daily digest emails for the Communication category are selected for all notifications available.

The information is summarized for the object where the communication happened, and a total number of communication messages is displayed for each object.

To reply to the comment or view it in Workfront:

  1. Click the Comment button in the email.

    The Updates area of the object opens, with the specific comment outlined in blue.

    A reply box is open, which you can use to reply to the comment.

For more information about configuring email notifications, including enabling daily digest notifications, see View and modify your email notification settings in Modify your own email notifications.

Automatic reminders

Automatic reminders are enabled by your Workfront administrator to alert you of tasks and issues that are due, late, or near the planned completion date. For late notifications, the email is sent nightly until the task or issue is completed. After the administrator configures these, you cannot disable them. Also, you cannot change the content or the subject line of an email triggered by an automatic reminder.

They can be sent to one or more of the following:

  • The users assigned to a task or issue
  • The user’s immediate manager
  • The manager of the immediate manager

Automatic reminder emails are sent from the email address that your Workfront administrator selected to handle outgoing emails.

Depending which automatic reminder is activated, the following kinds of information are available in the automatic reminder email:

  • The date when the task or issue was created
  • Task or issue name
  • The name of the project where the task or issue resides
  • Description of task or issue
  • A list of users assigned to the task or issue
  • The name of the user who entered the task or issue
  • The priority of the task or issue
  • Date when the task or issue became overdue

For information about enabling automatic reminders, see Set up automatic reminders.

Reminder notifications

A Workfront administrator (or a user with a Planner access level and administrative access to reminder notifications) can design reminder notifications about approaching deadlines and manually associate them with projects, tasks, issues, and timesheets.

If the deadline changes after a user receives a reminder notification for any of the objects mentioned above, the user doesn’t receive another reminder notification.

Reminder notifications are sent from the email address that the Workfront administrator selected to handle outgoing emails.

For information about setting up and enabling reminder notifications, see Set up reminder notifications.

For nformation about how you can get the required administrative access, see Grant users administrative access to certain areas.

Boards notifications

Adobe Workfront Boards sends you an email when you are added to a board and when a card is assigned to you. You can select which emails you want to receive in your Boards preferences.

For more information, see Boards email notifications and preferences.

Other Workfront emails

There are other emails you might receive from Workfront which cannot be configured.

The following emails are automatically sent by Workfront when these conditions are met:

  • Restore an item: When the Workfront administrator restores an object from the Recycle Bin, an email is sent to the Workfront administrator.
  • Failed to be restored: When the Workfront administrator attempts to restore an object from the Recycle Bin, and the restore fails, an email is sent to the Workfront administrator.

The following emails can only be configured at the user profile level. They cannot be enabled or disabled at the system level:

  • Completion of personal task: when a personal task you assigned to someone else is completed, you will receive an email.
  • Comment added to user: when someone comments on your user profile, you will receive an email.

In-app notifications

You can receive notifications inside the Workfront web application, when certain events happen.

For more information about in-app notifications, see View and manage in-app notifications.

Email notifications in the mobile email app

You can receive Workfront email notifications in your mobile email app, on your mobile device.

If you have the Workfront Mobile App installed on your phone, tapping the links in the email opens them in the Workfront Mobile App. This includes tapping any of the following action buttons:

  • Work On It
  • Comment
  • Make Approval Decision
  • See All Notifications
  • Add
  • Get Started
  • See More Details

For more information about the Workfront Mobile App, see Use the Adobe Workfront mobile app.

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