Summarize using AI Assistant
Workfront’s AI Assistant can summarize some objects, giving you a high-level view of the object’s intent or details.
For example, if you ask AI Assistant to summarize a project, it returns brief descriptions of the project’s purpose and status, gives examples of tasks that are completed and that are still pending, and provides some additional details and notes.
AI Assistant can summarize the following objects:
- Projects
- Tasks
- Issues
- Documents
Access requirements
You must have the following access to perform the steps in this article:
For more detail about the information in this table, see Access requirements in Workfront documentation.
Your Workfront administrator must have enabled AI Assistant for your organization.
For more information, see Prerequisites to AI Assistant in the article AI Assistant overview.
Your Workfront administrator must have enabled AI Assistant for your access level.
For more information, see Enable or disable AI Assistant.
Summarize using Summarize buttons
The following areas have buttons that generate summaries using AI Assistant:
- Project header: Summarize project
- Updates area: Summarize comments
To use the Summarize project or Summarize comments button:
Click the button.
AI Assistant opens, with a prompt to summarize the project or the last 7 days of comments on the update stream.
AI Assistant may take a few moments to generate the summary, depending on how large or complex the object is.
View the AI summary in the AI Assistant panel.
(Optional) Refine the prompt to ensure that it gives you the information you need.
For example, you can refine the Summarize Contents prompt to summarize comments for the last 14 days, instead of the last 7.
Summarize an object in AI Assistant
To see a summary of an object:
Navigate to the object for which you want to see a summary.
Click the AI Assistant icon
In the AI Assistant panel, enter a prompt such as:
- Provide a summary in three sentences
- Summarize this
AI Assistant may take a few moments to generate the summary, depending on how large or complex the object is.
View the AI summary in the AI Assistant panel.