Other Workfront Classic features released to Production prior to the 2019.4 release

The following features were made available to the Workfront Classic Production environment prior to the 2019.4 release to Production.

For information about the release time frame and all functionality available with the 2019.4 release, see 2019.4 release overview.

Add a filter to a Typeahead field in a custom form

Now, when you add a Typeahead field to a custom form, you can add a filter to limit the objects that are available when someone uses the field. For example, you could limit the field so that the user can select only members of the Marketing and Sales teams in your organization.

For more information, see the section Create and add a new field in the article Creating Custom Forms.

Available in these environments:

  • Workfront Classic
  • The new Workfront experience

Production release:

  • October 18, 2019

Change the display type of a field in a custom form

Now you can change the display type of a field in a custom form.

For example, if you have created a Checkboxes field, you can change it to a Dropdown field or a Radio Buttons field. These three field display types are interchangeable.

Or, if you have created a Single Line Text Field, you can change it to a Paragraph Text field. These two field display types are interchangeable.

Previously, to change the display type of a custom field, you had to create a new field and delete the old one. This required transferring data, which was often time consuming.

Available in these environments:

  • Workfront Classic
  • The new Workfront experience

First available in Preview:

  • August 9, 2019

Create time off calendars and reports

You can now see user's time off for better planning and execution. You can also add new time off reports and calendars to your dashboards for a real-time view of user availability.

Available in these environments:

  • Workfront Classic
  • The new Workfront experience

First available in Preview:

  • August 9, 2019