View proof comments in the Updates tab

In Workfront, you can view proof comments without launching the proofing viewer.

  1. Go to the project, task, or issue that contains the document, then select Documents.
  2. Click the row containing the document, then click the Summary icon Summary icon on the right-side of the page.
    The comments display in the Updates section of the Document Summary.

Mark all comments as read

As a reviewer of a proof, you can quickly mark all comments as Read.

  1. Go to the project, task, or issue that contains the document, then select Documents.

  2. Find the proof you need, then click Open proof.

  3. (Conditional) If the comments area is not open, click  View comments  in the upper-right corner.

  4. Above the comment list, click the More icon, then click Mark all as read.

  5. Mark all as read

Reply to proof comments from the proofing viewer

  1. Go to the project, task, or issue that contains the document, then select Documents.

  2. Find the proof you need, then click Open proof.

  3. (Conditional) If the comments area is not open, click  View comments  in the upper-right corner.

  4. Click any comment to view the comment marks on the proof.

    Use the Previous comment and Next comment buttons on the right edge of the screen to navigate forward and back through comments.
  5. Type your reply in the Add a reply box.

  6. (Optional) To notify another reviewer about your reply, type @ in the comment box, then type the user’s name or email address. For more information, see Tag users to share a proof.

  7. (Optional) To add a file to a comment, do either of the following:

    • Click the paper clip icon, then browse to and select the file you want to upload.
    • Drag a file from a location on your computer and drop it into the comment area.
  8. Click Reply.
