Template preferences

Choose how you want to install the template.

You can also designate template ownership before you install the blueprint. You can make changes to these fields after the template is installed. For more information, see Edit project templates.

Template Preferences section

  1. In the Template Preferences section, specify a new template name.

  2. Specify the following:

    Template ownerThis person receives Manage permissions on the template and will become the Project owner when the template is used to create a project.
    Template sponsorThis person is usually a manager, executive, or stakeholder who needs to know what is happening with the project. The Project Sponsor does not gain any additional access to the project but is added to the email notifications for the project.
    PortfolioThis is the portfolio the project will belong to when it's created.
    ProgramThis is the program the project will belong to when it's created.
  3. Select whether the template is installed as active or inactive.

  4. Select whether you want to use defined new issue preferences, if preferences are available.

    Click See issue preferences to review the specific preferences that will install with the blueprint. Projects created from the imported template use these preferences for new issues added in the Issues section.

    Queue topic groupsQueue topic groups define the highest level of categories for the issues or requests. Users view topic groups as menu options when selecting where to submit requests. A topic group can contain multiple queue topics. For more information, see Create Topic Groups.
    Queue topicsQueue topics work in conjunction with routing rules to assign issues or requests. They are the menu options that users select when entering an issue or request, after selecting a topic group. For more information, see Create Queue Topics.
    Routing rulesRouting rules send issues or requests to specific job roles , users, or teams. They can also send the requests to specific projects, other than the one associated with the request queue. For more information, see Create Routing Rules.
    Example: The new issue preferences in this blueprint provide four queue topics. The user selects one of these topics when creating an issue. (Because only one topic group exists, it is automatically applied and the user does not have to select it.) When the user completes and submits the issue, routing rules determine which job role or team it is assigned to.
    Sample new issue preferences
    Queue topics for new issue
    Issue routed to job role
    • Using the issue preferences helps create consistency in the way that new issues or requests are captured on your projects.
    • Setting these preferences does not automatically make the projects created from the template into request queues. For information about setting up a request queue, see Create a Request Queue.
    • Not all blueprints contain new issue preferences.

Role mapping

This section may not appear in some blueprints.

Some templates include prescribed job roles. Job roles help you assign the right people when the template is converted to a project. You can customize how roles are mapped before you install the blueprint. Click See role descriptions to learn more about the roles available in the blueprint.

The blueprint searches by the role name to see if any existing roles match. The search is case sensitive, so names must be an exact match. If no existing roles match, you can have the blueprint create them for you.

Role Mapping section

  1. If a role exists, you can choose one of the following options:

    1. Create a new role with a different name, then type the name in the text box.
    2. Use existing role, then select a role in the selection box.
    3. Do not use mapped role. This option is not recommended because some tasks will not have roles assigned.
  2. If a role does not exist, you can choose one of the following options:

    1. Create a new role. This option creates the role the blueprint recommends.
    2. Create a new role with a different name, then type the name in the text box.
    3. Use existing role, then select a role in the selection box.
    4. Do not use mapped role. This option is not recommended because some tasks will not have roles assigned.
The installation process does not apply roles to specific people. You should verify the people in those roles after installing the blueprint solution and assign people if necessary. For information, see Actions to take after installing a blueprint.

For more information about job roles in Workfront, see Create and manage job roles.

Team mapping

This section may not appear in some blueprints.

Some templates include prescribed teams. Work assigned to a team can be completed by any member of the team. You can customize how teams are mapped before you install the blueprint. Click See team descriptions to learn more about the teams available in the blueprint.

The blueprint searches by the team name to see if any existing teams match. The search is case sensitive, so names must be an exact match. If no existing teams match, you can have the blueprint create them for you.

Team Mapping section

  1. If a team exists, you can choose one of the following options:

    1. Create a new team with a different name, then type the name in the text box.
    2. Use existing team, then select a team in the selection box.
    3. Do not use mapped team. This option is not recommended because some tasks will not have teams assigned.
  2. If a team does not exist, you can choose one of the following options:

    1. Create a new team. This option creates the team the blueprint recommends.
    2. Create a new team with a different name, then type the name in the text box.
    3. Use existing team, then select a team in the selection box.
    4. Do not use mapped team. This option is not recommended because some tasks will not have teams assigned.
The installation process does not add people to the teams. You should verify the people on the teams after installing the blueprint solution and assign people if necessary. For information, see Actions to take after installing a blueprint.

For more information about how teams function in Workfront, see Create and manage teams.

Company mapping

This section may not appear in some blueprints.

Some blueprints include prescribed companies. A company is an organizational unit that can represent your organization, a department within the organization, or a client you work with. You can customize how companies are mapped before you install the blueprint. Click See company descriptions to learn more about the companies available in the blueprint.

The blueprint searches by the company name to see if any existing companies match. The search is case sensitive, so names must be an exact match. If no existing companies match, you can have the blueprint create them for you. The primary company in the blueprint is mapped to the primary company in your environment, even if they do not have the same name.

Company Mapping section

  1. If a company exists, you can choose one of the following options:

    1. Create a new company with a different name, then type the name in the text box.

    2. Use existing company, then select a company in the selection box.\

      The primary company in the blueprint is mapped to the primary company in your environment, even if they do not have the same name.

    3. Do not use mapped company. This option is not recommended, because the company references in other objects will be empty.

  2. If a company does not exist, you can choose one of the following options:

    1. Create a new company. This option creates the company the blueprint recommends.
    2. Create a new company with a different name, then type the name in the text box.
    3. Use existing company, then select a company in the selection box.
    4. Do not use mapped company. This option is not recommended, because the company references in other objects will be empty.
To configure the companies after installing the blueprint, see Actions to take after installing a blueprint.

For information about associating a template with a company, see Edit project templates.

For information about how companies function in Workfront, see Create and edit companies.

Group mapping

This section may not appear in some blueprints.

Some blueprints include prescribed groups. A group is a group of users that coincides with your departmental structure. Groups are similar to but distinct from teams and companies in Workfront. You can customize how groups are mapped before you install the blueprint. Click See group descriptions to learn more about the groups available in the blueprint.

The blueprint searches by the group name to see if any existing groups match. The search is case sensitive, so names must be an exact match. If no existing groups match, you can have the blueprint create them for you.

Group Mapping section

  1. If a group exists, you can select Remap Group and choose one of the following options:

    1. Create a new group with a different name, then type the name to assign to this group. References to the group in the blueprint definition will be associated to this new group instead.

    2. Replace with an existing group, then search for and select a group in the selection box.

      You cannot rename an existing group.
  2. If a group does not exist, you can:

    1. Change the suggested group name by typing it in the text box.
    2. Select Remap Group and choose Replace with an existing group, then search for and select a group in the selection box.
    3. Select Remap Group and choose Insert under an existing group, then search for and select a group in the selection box. This option creates a new subgroup under the existing group.
To configure the groups after installing the blueprint, see Actions to take after installing a blueprint.

For information about using groups in Workfront, see Groups overview.

Previous pageInstall a blueprint
Next pageActions to take after installing a blueprint


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