Edit a template
Go to the template you want to edit.
(Conditional) To edit limited information about the template, click Template Details in the left panel, then go to the areas listed in the left panel to edit information for each area.
To edit information in the Details section, click the Edit icon
- Overview
- Custom Forms
Names of customs forms display only if there are custom forms attached to the object.
- Finance
For information about all fields that display in the Details area, continue with editing all fields using the Edit Template box below. -
(Conditional) To edit all information about the template, click the More menu
The Edit Template box opens. The sections in this box contain the same fields available in the Template Details section .
Consider editing information in any of the following sections:
- Template Name
- Overview
- Finance
- Custom Forms
- Project Settings
- Tasks Settings
- Issue Settings
- Access
- Linked folders (conditional availability)
Template Name
Begin editing your template as described above.
In the Edit Template box, click Template Name.
(Optional) Continue editing the following sections, depending on the information you want to modify
Click Save.
Begin editing your template as described above.
In the Edit Template box, click Overview.
Update the following fields:
(Optional) Continue editing the following sections, depending on the information you want to modify.
Click Save.
Begin editing your template as described above.
In the Edit Template box, click Finance.
Update the following fields:
(Optional) Continue editing the following sections, depending on the information you want to modify.
Click Save.
Custom Forms
Begin editing your template as described above.
In the Edit Template box, click Custom Forms.
The names of the custom forms that are already attached to the template display in the left panel.
Click inside the Add custom form field and select the custom form or forms that you want to associate with the template. You must build the custom forms before they are available to select in this field.
Only active custom forms display in the list. For more information about building custom forms, see Create a custom form.
You can add up to ten custom forms to a template.
The forms will be added to the project that is created from this template.
(Optional) Update information in any of the fields on the custom forms. The information will transfer to the projects that will be created from the template.
(Optional) Click the x icon to the right of a custom form name, then click Remove to remove it from the template.
(Optional) Continue editing the following section, depending on the information you want to modify.
Click Save.
Project Settings
Begin editing your template as described above.
In the Edit Template box, click Project Settings.
Update the following fields:
(Optional) Continue editing the following sections, depending on the information you want to modify.
Or -
Click Save.
Task Settings
You can define the defaults that will be associated with all the new tasks when you add them to a project that is created from the template.
For information about how these settings affect creating new tasks, see Create tasks overview.
Begin editing your template as described above.
In the Edit Template box, click Task Settings.
In the Task Default Approval Process box, select the Approval Process you want to associate with all new tasks when you add them to a project created from this template. You must create an Approval Process for tasks before you can associate it with tasks. Only active approval processes display in the list. For more information about creating Approval Processes, see Creating Approval Processes.
In the Task Default Custom Forms box, select the custom form or forms that you want to associate with all new tasks when you add them to a project created from this template. You must build the custom forms before they are available to select in this field. Only active custom forms display in the list. For more information about building custom forms, see Create a custom form. You can associate up to ten custom forms with a task.
(Optional) Select Use Work Effort to automatically calculate task Planned Hours if you want to enable managing task effort by using Work Effort instead of Planned Hours in the project created from the template.
(Conditional and optional) If you selected Use Work Effort to automatically calculate task Planned Hours, click the drop-down menu to update the percentage for each level of Work Effort. The following percentage values are the defaults:
Work Effort level Percentage value Small 25% Medium 50% Large 75% For information about using Work Effort to manage the effort on tasks on projects, see Work Effort overview.
(Optional) Continue editing the following section, depending on the information you want to modify.
Click Save.
Issue Settings
By editing issue settings, you can prevent users from adding issues inline in the future project created from the template.
Begin editing your template as described above.
In the Edit Template box, click Issue Settings.
(Optional) Deselect the Allow users to add issues inline option. It is enabled by default.
When disabling this option users cannot add issues inline to the project or the tasks in the Issues section, when the project is created from the template.
Disable this option if you want to enforce users to complete the New Issue Fields or the custom forms associated with new issues.When disabling this option, users with permissions to add issues to the project created from the template can do so by using the New Issue button or a request queue associated with the project.
For more information about configuring issue settings on projects, see the Issue Settings section in the article Edit projects.
For information about creating issues on projects, see Create issues.
(Optional) Continue editing the following section, depending on the information you want to modify.
Click Save.
Begin editing your template as described above.
In the Edit Template box, click Access.
The Access you specify for your template will become the Access of users associated with the project when the template is used to create a project.
Specify the following Access information for the template:
(Optional) Continue editing the following sections, depending on the information you want to modify.
Click Save.
Your changes will be submitted for this template.
Now, when you use this template to create a project all these settings will transfer to the new project.
Linked folders (conditional availability)
Linked folder functionality automatically creates folders in Adobe Experience Manager Assets, and connects these folders to Workfront.
This section appears only if all of the following apply:
- Your organization has been migrated to the Adobe Admin Console
- Your organization has enabled and configured an integration with Adobe Experience Manager
- The template has enabled and configured linked folders.
For instructions on editing Linked folders, see Edit workflow values in a project in the article Use workflows in the Experience Manager Assets integration.
Edit templates in bulk
You can edit templates in bulk and update all their information at the same time.
To edit templates in bulk:
Click the Main Menu icon
Click Templates.
Select several templates in the list.
Click Edit.
The Edit Templates dialog box opens.
Click the sections on the left to edit all selected templates.
For more information about editing information on templates, see the Edit a template section in this article.
Click Save Changes.
All changes you made are now visible on all the selected templates.
Add tasks to a template
After you have created your template and have edited the template information, you can add tasks to it.
Adding tasks to a template is similar to adding tasks to a project.
For more information about adding tasks to a project, see Create tasks in a project.
When you add tasks to a template, the Duration of the template and the Start and Completion Days of the template change accordingly. For information about the Start and Completion Days of the template and of the template tasks, see Overview of Start and Completion Days in a template.
Add additional items to a template
After you have created your template and have edited the template information, you can add more items to it. The items you add will be available for the project when you are creating it from the template.
Adding the following items to a template is identical to adding them to a project:
For more information about creating risks, see the Create and edit risks on projects section in the article Create and edit risks on projects.
Approval processes
For information about associating approval processes with work, see Associate a new or existing approval process with work.
Billing Rates
For more information about overriding billing rates for a project, see Overview of overriding Job Role Billing Rates and calculating Revenue on a project.
For more information about adding expenses, see Manage project expenses.
Topic Groups and Queue Topics
For more information about adding Topic Groups and Queue Topics to a project or template, see Create a Request Queue.
You can add the following items to the tasks in the template:
For more information about adding expenses, see Manage project expenses.
For more information about associating approvals with work, see Associate a new or existing approval process with work.
Activate or deactivate a template
You can deactivate a template if you want users to not be able to find it and create proojects from it. You cannot attach a deactivated template to projects nor use it to create a project.
Deactivated templates do not affect existing projects that were created using them.
To deactivate a template:
Go to an active template, then click the More
The template is no longer active and users can no longer find it to create projects from it.
(Optional) To activate the template, click the More
The template is now active and can be attached to projects or used to create projects.