Add Expenses
Go to the project where you want to enter expenses.
If you want to add expenses to a task, navigate to a task instead. -
Click Show More, then click Expenses.
Click Add an Expense .
The Add an Expense dialog box is displayed. -
Update the following:
Description: Description of the expense.
Expense Type: (Required) Select the category that best describes the expense.
Task: Begin typing the name of the task that this expense is associated with, then click it when it appears in the drop-down list.
Planned Amount: The planned budgeted amount for the expense.
This affects the Budgeted Cost of the project. -
Actual Amount: The amount that the expense actual cost.
This affects the Actual Cost of the project. -
Planned Date: The expected date for the expense to occur. You can type the date in the field using the mm/dd/yy format, or you can click the calendar icon
Date Paid: The date the expense was paid.
Billable: Select this option if you want to bill this expense. Categorizing an expense as billable is important when creating billing records.
Reimbursable: Select this option if the expense needs to be reimbursed. You can then mark the expense as reimbursed after the expense has been reimbursed.
Select a Custom Form and specify any additional information required. You must create a custom form before you can associate it with an expense. Only active custom forms display in the list. For information about creating custom forms, see the article Create a custom form.
Click Save Changes.
Delete Expenses
Go to the project where you want to delete expenses.
Click Show More, then click Expenses.
Select the expenses that you want to delete, then click Delete
Click Yes, Delete It to confirm deletion.