Keyboard shortcuts in the Workfront Proof proofing viewer

This article refers to functionality in the standalone product Workfront Proof. For information on proofing inside Adobe Workfront, see Proofing.

The information described in this section is available in both the Web Proofing Viewer and the Desktop Proofing Viewer.

Keyboard Shortcut
Action on Video Proofs
Action on Static Proofs
k (upper-case or lower-case)
Play or pause video
Right arrow
Next frame
Next page
Left arrow
Previous frame
Previous page

Mac: cmd+n

Windows: Ctrl+n

Open a new comment window
Open a new comment window
L (upper-case or lower-case)
Skip video 5 seconds forward
j (upper-case or lower-case)
Rewind video 5 seconds backward
Hold Shift, then press >
Play video faster
Hold Shift, then press <
Play video slower
f (upper-case or lower-case)
Open in full-screen mode

Mac:  Ctrl+Enter

Windows: cmd+return

Save comment
Down arrow
Next comment
Up arrow
Previous comment
Delete or Backspace
Delete markup you have selected
0 (zero)
fn+Left arrow
Home key
Restart the video

fn+Right arrow


End key

Skip to end of video
M (upper-case or lower-case)
Mute and unmute video
Shift and scroll
Zoom in or out
Zoom in or out

Mac:  ctrl+0

Windows: Ctrl+0

Fit to page
Fit to page

Mac:  ctrl+1

Windows: Ctrl+1

Zoom to 100%

Mac:  ctrl+2

Windows: Ctrl+2

Fit to width

Mac:  ctrl+3

Windows: Ctrl+3

Fit to height

Mac: cmd++
cmd+shift+scroll up

Windows: Ctrl++

Zoom in
Zoom in

Mac: cmd+-
cmd+shift+scroll down

Windows: Ctrl+-

Zoom out
Zoom out
Windows: Hold spacebar while dragging image

Mac: cmd+f

Windows: Ctrl+f

Search document

Mac: cmd+g

Windows: Ctrl+g

Mac and Windows: Press Enter key in the Search field.

Next search result

Mac: cmd+Shift+g

Windows: Ctrl+Shift+g

Mac and Windows: Press Shift+Enter keys in the Search field.

Previous search result

Mac: cmd+z

Windows: Ctrl+z

Undo typing in a comment