Blueprints catalog is available to all users, and administrators can allow requests

All Adobe Workfront users can now browse the catalog of available blueprints. For more information, see Browse the blueprints catalog and request installation of blueprints.

Additionally, the system administrator can enable access for users to request installation of blueprints. Assigning a request queue to store the requests allows users to make requests from the blueprints catalog. For more information, see Configure access to blueprints.

Add an image to a custom form

In a custom form that you create or edit, you can now add an image and include an informational or instructive tooltip that users can read when they hover over it.

This could be helpful, for example, to show branding for a new product, or to provide visual information that people need when they are filling out the form.

Previously, custom forms were completely text based.

In the new Adobe Workfront experience areas that haven’t been modernized yet, such as the box that displays when you bulk-edit items, custom form images do not display. They will display as we continue to update those areas.

New default access level configurations

To better suit the needs of most administrators who create new access levels, we have changed the default configuration for the “Fine-tune your settings” options listed below. These display when you click the gear icon Access levels gear icon on an Edit button.

All of these changes disable an option that was previously enabled by default. If this doesn’t suit the needs of your organization, you can enable them when you are setting up a new access level, or any time later.

This default configuration change affects only access levels that you create from now on, not any that you created previously.
  • In a new access level with a Plan license type:

    • Share System-wide is now disabled for projects, tasks, issues, portfolios, programs, reports, filters, documents, and templates.
    • View Built-In Reports and Share Reports Publicly are also disabled for reports.
    • Share Documents Publicly is also disabled for documents.
  • In a new access level with a Work license type:

    • Share System-wide is now disabled for filters and documents.
    • Share Documents Publicly is also disabled for documents.
  • In a new access level with a Request or Review license type:

    • Share System-wide is now disabled for filters.

Deactivate a group

As your internal organizations change, you might need to stop using certain groups in Workfront and create new ones. To help with this, we have added the ability to deactivate a group without losing its historical data. For regular users who don’t need to see them, inactive groups are cleared from group type-ahead fields.

You can still find and configure options, preferences, and object associations for inactive groups that you manage. And deactivating a group doesn’t change anything about the objects that the group is attached to.

Previously, it wasn’t possible to deactivate a group.

For more information, see Deactivate or reactivate a group.

Blueprints installation history enhancements

When you install a blueprint, a message now displays the specific objects (such as roles, teams, or groups) that were successfully installed with the blueprint and any objects that failed to install. You can also view the list of installed objects on the Blueprint Details page by clicking View Details next to a specific installation in the installation history table.

For more information, see Install a blueprint.

Blueprints installation history

A warning now displays when installing a Preview-only blueprint in Production

Certain blueprints are only available to install in the Preview environment for testing purposes.

If you access Preview-only content in your Production environment, Sandbox 1, or Sandbox 2, the install button is not active, and you might see a warning message.

For more information, see Install a blueprint.

Previous page22.2 Release overview
Next page22.2 Project enhancements


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