
An AccessLevel object is associated with users, and describes the set of AccessLevelPermissions that determine what the user can access.

For more information on access levels, see How access levels work.


An AccessLevelPermissions object represents a specific permission to access, create, or modify a Workfront object. These permissions can then be associated with an Access Level.

Direct Fields
  • coreAction

    Added the following possibleValues:

  • forbiddenActions

    Added the following possibleValues:




  • secondaryActions

    Added the following possibleValues:





If a User does not have access to an object in Workfront that they need, they can request access to that object. The AccessRequest object represents this request.

Direct Fields


An AccessRule object represents a rule set in custom access levels that determines how users can share projects they create.

Direct Fields
  • coreAction

    Added the following possibleValues:

  • forbiddenActions

    Added the following possibleValues:




  • secondaryActions

    Added the following possibleValues:





An ActivityLog object is a complete list of all activity that has taken place in a given Workfront Proof account.


The following operation was removed from the ActivityLog object:

  • ADD


An AnnouncementAttachment object represents a file that has been attached to a Workfront announcement.

For more about announcement attachments, see Send announcements

Direct Fields
  • fileExtension

    Added possible values:

    • qdoc (enum.fileextension.qdoc)

    • qslides (enum.fileextension.qslides)

    • qsheet (enum.fileextension.qsheet)


A given work item, such as a task, document, or timesheet, may require that a supervisor or other user sign off on the work item. An Approval object represents the action of signing off on a work item.

Direct Fields
  • backlogOrder

    Removed the following flags:

    • DYNAMIC,

    • LAZY_READ,


  • groupID

    Added the following flags

    • AUTO_LOAD,

    • DYNAMIC,


  • workEffort

    This field was added, and represents whether it takes a user a small, medium, or large amount of daily effort to complete a task. Possible values are:

    • 1 (Small)

    • 2 (Medium)

    • 3 (Large)

    For more information on Work Effort in Workfront, see Work Effort overview.


A Calendar Section is a calendar report.

For more information on calendar reports, see Calendar reports overview.

Direct Fields

The following fields were added to the CalendarSection object to support the new functionality of using custom dates in calendar reports.

For more information, see Use custom date fields in a calendar report.

  • customDate

  • customEndDateParameterID

  • customStartDateParameterID

  • ignoreActualDates


A Company object represents an organization consisting of a collection of people.

For more information on companies, see Create and edit companies.

Direct Fields
  • groupID

    The ID of the group that the company is associated with.

Reference Fields
  • group

    The group that the company is associated with. Associating a company with a group allows the group administrator to extend group access and permissions to the company.


A Customer object represents an organization that uses an instance of Workfront.

  • productEnabled

    This action takes a CustomerProductTypeEnum argument and returns a boolean that says whether that customer has an account for that product.


A CustomerPreferences object represents the set of preferences that a customer has set for their instance of Workfront.

Direct Fields
  • name

    Added possible values:

    • password:zoomIntegrationEnabled (Enable Zoom integration in the updates stream)
    • password:quipIntegrationEnabled (config.general.quip.enabled)


A Document object represents a file (such as written material, images, or other forms of information).

  • createLinkedProofVersion



A DocumentVersion object represents a specific version of a file (such as written material, images, or other forms of information).

For more information about document versions, see Upload a new version of a document.

Direct Fields
  • externalIntegrationType

    Removed possible value:

    • QUIP (Quip)
  • proofDecision



The following actions were added to the Document object.

  • getDocumentReviewerDecision

    This action takes the documentVersonID argument (string) and returns a map that indicates the reviewer's decision.

  • setDocumentReviewerDecision

    This action takes the following arguments:

    • documentVersionID (string)

    • reviewerDecision (string)

    • comment (string)


A Group object represents a set of users and teams. Groups often represent departmental structure.

Direct Fields
  • businessLeaderID

    The ID of the Business Leader assigned to the group.

Reference Fields
  • businessLeader

    The Business Leader assigned to the group. A Business Leader is someone who makes business decisions for the group.

    For more information on business leaders, see Business Leader overview.

  • assignMultiple

    This action takes the following arguments:

    • userIDs (string[])

    • roleIDs (string[])

    • teamID (string)

  • getGroupMembers

  • updateMembersList

    This action takes the following arguments:

    • newMemberIDs (string[])

    • removedMemberDs (string[])


A LinkedFolder object represents a folder linked from an external document provider, such as Google Drive or Dropbox.

For more information on Linked Folders, see Link documents from external applications.

Direct Fields
  • externalIntegrationType

    Removed possible value:

    • QUIP (Quip)


An OpTask object is commonly known as an Issue. An issue is a work item that usually indicates that there is a problem preventing the completion of a task or project. An Issue can also be a Help Desk request. Change Orders, Requests, and Bugs are also Issues.

Direct Fields
  • backlogOrder

    Order indicates a task or story's position on the Agile backlog.

    This field removed the following flags:

    • DYNAMIC,
    • LAZY_READ,

These actions added the argument status to support the new Start button functionality, which changes the status of a work item when a user clicks the button to indicate that they have begun work on the item.

For more information, see Replace the Work On It button with a Start button.

  • acceptWork

  • unacceptWork


A Parameter object is a custom field.

The Parameter resource added the flag SHARABLE.

For more information on custom fields, see Create or edit a custom form in Create or edit a custom form.

Direct Fields
Collection Fields
  • accessRules


Default Fields
  • label



A Portfolio object is a collection of projects that compete for the same resources, typically money or people to complete them.

For more information on portfolios, see Portfolio overview in Adobe Workfront.

Direct Fields
  • groupID

    The ID of the group that the portfolio is associated with.

Reference Fields
  • group

    The group that the portfolio is associated with.


A Program object is a subset of projects within a portfolio, where similar projects can be grouped together.

Direct Fields
  • groupID

    The ID of the group that the program is associated with.

Reference Fields
  • group

    The group that the program is associated with.


A QueueDef object represents a Queue, which is a Project that has been published to the Help Desk area to allow users to submit Issues to it.

For more information on Request Queues, see Create a Request Queue.

Direct Fields
  • requestorCoreAction

    Added the following possibleValues:


A ScheduledReport object represents a report that has been configured to be scheduled for delivery.

Direct Fields
  • format

    Added possible values:

    • qdoc (enum.fileextension.qdoc)

    • qslides (enum.fileextension.qslides)

    • qsheet (enum.fileextension.qsheet)


A ScoreCardQuestion object represents a question that has been added to a Scorecard. These questions are usually determined by the Portfolio manager, and their answers allow the manager to understand how well a project aligns with the goals of the portfolio.

For more information on Scorecard Questions, see Create a scorecard.

Direct Fields


A Task object represents a work item that must be performed as a step toward achieving a final goal (completing a Project).

Direct Fields
  • workEffort

    This field was added, and represents whether it takes a user a small, medium, or large amount of daily effort to complete a task. Possible values are:

    • 1 (Small)

    • 2 (Medium)

    • 3 (Large)

    For more information on Work Effort in Workfront, see Work Effort overview.


These actions added the argument status to support the new Start button functionality, which changes the status of a work item when a user clicks the button to indicate that they have begun work on the item.

For more information, see Replace the Work On It button with a Start button.

  • acceptWork

  • unacceptWork


A Team object is a collection of Users that can be assigned to a work item.

Direct Fields

The following fields were added to the Team resource:

  • groupID

    This field associates a team with a group. This identifies the team as part of the group and allows the Group Administrator to manage the teams.

  • workOnItStatusChange

    This is a boolean parameter that indicates whether the team's Work on It button has been configured as a Start button. When a member of the team clicks a Start button to begin work on a work item, the item's status changes from New to a status configured in the team settings.

  • The following fields allow you to specify custom statuses for the Start button on the individual work items.

    • workOnItOpTaskBugReportStatuses

    • workOnItOpTaskChangeOrderStatuses

    • workOnItOpTaskIssueStatuses

    • workOnItOpTaskRequestStatuses


    For more information on the Start button, see Replace the Work On It button with a Start button.

Reference Fields

The following field was added to the Team resource:

  • group


A TemplateTask object represents a Task that is part of a Template. Template Tasks become Tasks in the Project where the Template is used.

For more information on Template Tasks, see Edit a template task.

Direct Fields
  • workEffort

    This field was added, and represents whether it takes a user a small, medium, or large amount of daily effort to complete a task. Possible values are:

    • 1 (Small)

    • 2 (Medium)

    • 3 (Large)

    For more information on Work Effort in Workfront, see Work Effort overview.


A Timesheet object represents a virtual timecard that allows Users to enter actual hours worked for Tasks, Projects, and overhead Hour Types.

For more information on Timesheets, see Timesheets overview

Core Fields

The following field was removed from the Timesheet resource:

  • objcode


Direct Fields
  • updateType

    Added the following possible values:

    • initiativeAdd (enum.updatetypeenum.initiativeadd)

    • initiativeEdit (enum.updatetypeenum.initiativeedit)

    For more information on initiatives, see Initiatives overview in the Scenario Planner.


A User object represents a person with an account in Workfront that can log in and interact with the system.

Direct Fields

The following fields were added to the User resource:

  • actualDeactivationDate

    This represents the date and time that a user was deactivated.

    For more information on deactivated Users, see Deactivate or reactivate a user.

  • alignAccessType

    This field shows the user's access to Workfront Goals. Possible values are:

    • No access

    • View

    • Edit


The following action was added to the User resource:

  • getUserAccessPermissionsByObjCode

    This action takes the following arguments

    • ids (string)

    • objCode (string)


A Work object is a common interface that both Task and OpTask inherit, and shares common code between the two.

Direct Fields
  • backlogOrder

    Order indicates a task or story's position on the Agile backlog.

    This field removed the following flags:

    • DYNAMIC,

    • LAZY_READ,


  • groupID

    This field added the following flags:

    • AUTO_LOAD,

    • DYNAMIC,


  • workEffort

    This field was added, and represents whether it takes a user a small, medium, or large amount of daily effort to complete a task. Possible values are:

    • 1 (Small)

    • 2 (Medium)

    • 3 (Large)

    For more information on Work Effort in Workfront, see Work Effort overview.


Learn: Automating Workflows with Workfront Fusion - Unique Use Cases in Action


Tuesday, Mar 4, 6:00 PM UTC

Looking for creative ways to use Workfront Fusion to solve business challenges? Join Pan Shahbazian of Starbucks as she shares three unique use cases that can transform your workflows.


The Perfect Blend: A New Era of Collaboration with AEM and Workfront

Adobe Customer Success Webinars

Wednesday, Apr 2, 5:00 PM UTC

Explore how Adobe Experience Manager and Workfront integrate to help teams move from ideation to delivery without the usual bottlenecks, ensuring content is organized, on-brand, and ready to go live faster.


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