23.3 release overview

This page provides information about functionality that is included in the 23.3 release. These enhancements were made available in the Production environment with the 23.3 release on July 20 and 21, 2023.

The 23.3 release webinar was on June 29, 2023. You can register for the webinar to view an on-demand recording here.

Off-cycle features (those releasing to Production prior to the 23.3 release date) are highlighted in yellow.

The 23.3 release includes the option to move your organization to monthly releases. Therefore, Workfront is changing the numbering scheme of releases to account for both monthly and quarterly release tracks.
  • If you are on the fast release (monthly) track, the release after 23.3 will be 23.8, on August 31, 2023.
  • If you are on the quarterly release track, the release after 23.3 will be 23.10, in the week of October 26, 2023.
Quarterly releases will include functionality from three monthly releases. For example, the 23.10 quarterly release will include functionality released in the 23.8, 23.9, and 23.10 monthly releases.
Monthly and quarterly releases are planned to be available on the last Thursday of the month.
table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2
Monthly release Quarterly release
  • 23.8 (August 31, 2023)
  • 23.9 (September28, 2023)
  • 23.10 (October 26, 2023)
  • 23.10 (Week of October 26, 2023)
  • No release (November 2023)
  • No release (December 2023)
  • 24.1 (January 2024)
  • 24.1 (January 2024)
For more information on the fast release process, see Enable or disable the fast release process.

Adobe Workfront enhancements

Administrator enhancements

Release dates

Enable faster Workfront release cycles

To allow you to receive new Workfront product features and updates more quickly, we've added the ability to enable faster release cycles. Now, you can choose to have your organization receive Workfront releases more frequently than once a quarter. The quarterly release cycle will still be available for organizations that prefer less frequent releases.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: June 22, 2023

  • Production release: With the 23.3 release

Group-level control available for "Where users can log time" timesheet and hour preference

The system administrator can now lock and unlock the "Where users can log time" timesheet and hour preference. When this preference is unlocked, group administrators can configure the "Where users can log time" settings separately for each group.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: May 4, 2023

  • Production release: May 18, 2023

Display logic and skip logic indicators and rules displayed in the form designer beta

The form designer public beta was re-enabled in Preview and Production on July 21, 2023. In addition, you can now view the existing logic rules created in legacy custom forms within the form designer.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: July 21, 2023

  • Production release: July 21, 2023

Agile enhancements

Release dates

Agile View of a project displays a kanban board

The Agile View of a project now includes additional functionality to filter, group, and sort work in a kanban board. The new, flexible design of the view includes a robust search feature and the ability to add new tasks to the project directly from the board.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: June 29, 2023

  • Production release for all customers: With the 23.3 release

Sort by board columns

We have added the ability to sort the cards in the columns on a board. When you select an option to sort by, all columns are sorted. You can't sort a single column, and the backlog or intake column is not sorted.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: June 22, 2023

  • Production release for all customers: With the 23.3 release

Dark mode now available on Adobe Workfront Boards

You can now display all of your boards and workstreams in dark mode. The new setting is available through the preferences on the Boards dashboard.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: June 22, 2023 This feature has been removed from Preview and will not be released with 23.3.

  • Production release for all customers: N/A

Goals available on workstream iterations in Adobe Workfront Boards

We have added the ability to add goals to an iteration, without having to list the goals on a card. Goals are added in a checklist format and can be marked complete. The metrics area on the top right of the iteration shows how many goals exist and how many have been completed.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: June 22, 2023 This feature has been removed from Preview and will not be released with 23.3.

  • Production release for all customers: N/A

Add comments to cards on boards

You can now add comments to both ad hoc and connected cards on boards, and tag other users on the comments. Comments are available in the card details. The comment feature for boards uses the new Adobe Workfront commenting experience.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: June 15, 2023

  • Production release for early opt-in: June 22, 2023 This feature is available in Production on this date only through the early feature opt-in for Workfront Boards.

    Production release for all customers: With the 23.3 release

Enhancements to the Boards tag manager

The tag manager interface has been improved, allowing you to create new tags quickly and apply them to cards. You can also create tags for workstreams.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: May 19, 2023

  • Production release: May 19, 2023

Simple filters available on board intake columns

Simplified filters have been added to the intake column setup to allow you to define the intake column more quickly. The available filters are Workfront projects and assignments by team or user. You can switch to the advanced filters if you prefer.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: May 10, 2023

  • Production release for early opt-in: May 10, 2023 This feature is available in Production on this date only through the early feature opt-in for Workfront Boards.

    Production release for all customers: With the 23.3 release

Simple filters added to the dynamic board template

The filters on the dynamic board template have been simplified to allow you to create a board more quickly.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: April 27, 2023

  • Production release for early opt-in: April 28, 2023 This feature is available in Production on this date only through the early feature opt-in for Workfront Boards.

    Production release for all customers: With the 23.3 release

Dynamic board template

A new template, dynamic board, is now available for standalone boards. This template is not available for boards inside of a workstream.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: April 20, 2023

  • Production release for early opt-in: April 28, 2023 This feature is available in Production on this date only through the early feature opt-in for Workfront Boards.

    Production release for all customers: With the 23.3 release

Migrate agile team Kanban cards to Boards

A new Add to Boards button on agile team Kanban boards allows you to add all cards from the Kanban board to a Workfront board. You can choose to create a new Workfront board or add the cards to an existing board.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: April 20, 2023

  • Production release for early opt-in: April 28, 2023 This feature is available in Production on this date only through the early feature opt-in for Workfront Boards.

  • Production release for all customers: May 18, 2023

Left navigation added to card details on Boards

As more field options are added to cards on Workfront Boards, the card details have grown longer. A new navigation panel on the left of the card details allows you to select a section and move automatically to that group of fields.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: April 20, 2023

  • Production release for all customers: April 27, 2023

Boards email notifications and preferences

Email notifications are now available for Adobe Workfront Boards. The notifications are turned on by default and you can select in your preferences which emails you want to receive. You will receive an email when you are added to a board and when a card is assigned to you.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: April 13, 2023

  • Production release for early opt-in: April 13, 2023 This feature is available in Production on this date only through the early feature opt-in for Workfront Boards.

    Production release for all customers: With the 23.3 release

Financial Management enhancements

Release dates

Date effective cost and billing rates

Date effective cost and billing rates are now available on the company, user, and job role objects in Workfront. When date effective rates are applied to a project, and hours are logged on project tasks, the costs and revenue are calculated using the specified rates for each time period.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: June 29, 2023

  • Production release for the Fast release customers: To be announced, after the 23.3 Production release

    Production release for all customers: To be announced
    The assignment rate override feature was temporarily disabled in Preview from June 30 to July 13, 2023.

Integration enhancements

Release dates

New Google Workspace integration now available

A new Google Workspace integration is now available in the Google Marketplace. The new integration authenticates using OAuth2, and replaces the previous integration.

The previous Google Workspace integration is now deprecated, and will be automatically uninstalled.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: N/A

  • Production release: June 27, 2023

Adobe Creative Cloud integrations now support multiple assigned users

The Adobe Creative Cloud integration now supports the ability to choose between "Done with my part" and "Complete" (or "Resolved") When a task or issue has multiple assigned users.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: N/A

  • Production release: June 22, 2023

View and manage Workfront notifications from the Workfront for Creative Cloud plugins

To make it easier for you to receive the notifications you need, we've made it possible to view and manage Workfront notifications without leaving the Adobe Creative Cloud. Now, you can view notifications, as well as access the work items and comments related to those notifications, directly from the Workfront plugin window within the Creative Cloud application.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: N/A

  • Production release: June 22, 2023

Automatically create linked folders to Adobe Experience Manager Assets when creating a project

With the new Create linked folder workflow for the Adobe Experience Manager integration, you can configure the integration with a path to an Adobe Experience Manager Assets folder. When the integration is added to a project template, any projects created from the template will automatically create a linked subfolder in Experience Manager Assets in the specified folder.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: May 11, 2023

  • Production release: May 24, 2023

Map Workfront field values to tags in Experience Manager Assets

Now, you can categorize and quickly find assets based on data from Workfront. You can map this data as part of your metadata configuration in the Workfront for Experience Manager Assets integration.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: May 10, 2023

  • Production release: May 10, 2023

Map Workfront fields to custom Experience Manager Assets metadata fields

With the native integration, you can now map both native and built-in Workfront fields to custom metadata schema fields in Experience Manager Assets as a Cloud Service.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: May 10, 2023

  • Production release: May 10, 2023

Adjust automated proof workflow template settings using Adobe Workfront for Creative Cloud

You can now adjust existing automated workflow template settings directly in the Creative Cloud.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: April 27, 2023

  • Production release: April 27, 2023

Project enhancements

Release dates

New document approvals

Document approvals are being redesigned in a phased rollout that will be made available to more users with each release.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: May 31, 2023

  • Production release: June 14, 2023

This feature is part of a phased release and is currently only available for specific customers.

New Share button

The Share option has been pulled out of the More menu for projects, tasks, and issues to make sharing more intuitive.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: June 22, 2023

  • Production release: With the 23.3 release

Mobile enhancements

Release dates

New proof functionality in the Workfront mobile app

With the deprecation of the standalone Workfront Proof app in the 23.10 release (October 2023), the primary Workfront mobile app has had proofing features added to allow for proofing on mobile to continue.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: N/A

  • Production release: Available in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store on June 21, 2023

Other enhancements

Release dates

New Home experience

To better enable users of all types to utilize Workfront for their specific needs, Home has received a major update! The New Home experience offers visual and content customization for your Home page, providing the flexibility to display only the information that is most relevant to your work.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: June 23, 2023

  • Production release: With the 23.3 release

New commenting experience for additional objects

The new commenting experience will be available for the following objects, shortly after the 23.3 release to Production: template tasks, templates, timesheets, teams, users, programs, portfolios.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: To be announced, after the 23.3 Production release

  • Production release for the Fast release customers: To be announced, after the 23.3 Production release

    Production release for all customers: With the 23.10 release (October 2023)

New commenting Beta experience for projects, tasks, and documents

The new commenting Beta experience is now available for projects, tasks, and documents. Prior to this update, the commenting Beta experience was available only for issues and goals.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: June 1, 2023

  • Production release: With the 23.3 release

Profiles without avatars now display user initials

To make it easier to find specific users within large lists, profiles without customized avatars now display the user's initials on a colored background in lists and legacy reports. This is a minor cosmetic change, and does not apply if an avatar photo is already being used or the user is deactivated.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: April 20, 2023

  • Production release: May 4, 2023

New commenting beta experience enhancements

Enhancements to the Updates section are being made available within the 23.3 release timeframe for the new commenting beta experience. These enhancements will be made available in the Production environment with the 23.3 release, unless otherwise specified.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: Throughout the 23.3 release timeframe

  • Production release: With the 23.3 release (unless otherwise specified)

New Canvas Dashboard experience enhancements

Enhancements to the Canvas Dashboard are being made available within the 23.3 release timeframe. These enhancements will be made available in the Production environment with the 23.3 release, unless otherwise specified.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: June 5, 2023

  • Production release: June 5, 2023

Look-and-feel updates during the 23.3 release timeframe

Minor updates to the look and feel of various areas of the Adobe Workfront application are being made within the 23.3 release timeframe. These enhancements will be made available in the Production environment a minimum of 2 weeks after releasing to Preview.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: Throughout the 23.3 release timeframe

  • Production release: A minimum of 2 weeks after releasing to Preview (unless otherwise specified)


Workfront Fusion enhancements

New features in Workfront Fusion are available in Production at a cadence outside of the 23.3 release schedule. For more information about the latest features, see Adobe Workfront Fusion release activity.

Workfront Scenario Planner enhancements

There are no Scenario Planner updates at this point in the release. This area will be updated when updates are available.

Workfront Proof enhancements

New features coming to Workfront Proof release within the 23.3 release timeframe. For information about these new features now available in Preview, see Adobe Workfront Proof with the 23.3 release.

Workfront Goals enhancements

New features coming to Workfront Goals release within the 23.3 release timeframe. For information about these new features now available in Preview, see Adobe Workfront Goals with the 23.3 release.

API version 16

For API version 16, we’ve modified some resources and endpoints. Some of the changes support new functionality, and others make it easier for you to use the information available through the API.

For information on what’s new and updated, see What’s new in API version 16.

For information on API versions, see API versioning and support schedule.

Workfront Maintenance Updates

For information about the maintenance updates made during the 22.3 release, see Workfront Maintenance Updates.

Training updates

Explore the latest updates made to learning programs, learning paths, videos, and guides for each Adobe Workfront product release. For more information, see the “What’s New” section of the Workfront Tutorials page.

Functionality soon to be removed from Workfront

The following functionality is soon to be removed from Workfront:

Deprecation of the Proof mobile app with the 23.10 release (October 2023)

We will be officially deprecating the Proof mobile app with the 23.10 release (October 2023). The general Workfront mobile app has been enhanced with new proofing functionality (see the release note under Workfront Mobile enhancements for more information), and users are advised to begin using it for proofing work as soon as possible.

Note that the Workfront mobile app requires a Workfront login. External users and guests can continue to use the Proof app for proofing work; however, it is no longer supported and will become unavailable with the 23.10 release (October 2023).
