Workfront Proof release activity: Week of May 17, 2021

This page describes changes made to the Workfront Proof (stand-alone proofing application). Changes described here are not applicable to the proofing functionality within the Adobe Workfront application.

User profile menus in Workfront Proof now use typeahead fields to search for users

This feature was released to the Preview environment on May 20, 2021. It will release to the Production environment on September 16, 2021.

To help manage large drop-down menus listing all users in the system, we’ve replaced all user profile search menus with a typehead search in Adobe Workfront Proof standalone. Some examples of user profile search menus include

  • Proof owners
  • Out of office contacts
  • Template owners

Previously, all profile search drop-downs listed all users in the system, producing a large menu.
