Maintenance Window FAQ

What is an Adobe Workfront maintenance window?

Maintenance windows are blocks of time reserved for Workfront to make updates to infrastructure and other platform-related issues. Occasionally Sandbox environments are included in the maintenance.

Although time is allocated each month for maintenance windows, Workfront is committed to minimizing disruption as much as possible. Generally, Workfront uses maintenance windows less than once a month, with an average downtime between 30 and 60 minutes.

If maintenance is required, it is scheduled and announced on the Workfront Status site at

When are the Workfront maintenance windows?

Your Workfront maintenance window is dependent upon the cluster where your Workfront instance is running. Cluster assignments are based on geographic regions.

If your organization is assigned a cluster that is outside your geographical region, you can request to be migrated to a different cluster. Migration to a different cluster requires a short service outage during the migration.

The maintenance window schedule is as follows:

  • Clusters 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6: Saturdays from 8:00 pm to 12:00 am MT
  • Cluster 4: Saturdays from 8:00 pm to 12:00 am GMT/BST

Can I be notified prior to a scheduled maintenance?

You can receive advanced notification of planned maintenance by subscribing to the Workfront Status site ( The Workfront Status site announces maintenance at least 3 days prior to the event. If there is an emergency situation, the advance notice might be less.

For information about how to receive status updates to maintenance and trending issues, see Subscribe or Manage your subscription in the article The Adobe Workfront Status site.
