Access requirements
Expand to view access requirements for Workfront Planning.
You must have the following access to perform the steps in this article:
*For more information about Workfront access requirements, see Access requirements in Workfront documentation.
Considerations when sharing views
You can give View or Manage permissions to a view to internal Workfront users.
Users with Manage permissions can modify the view settings, share, duplicate, or delete it.
You can share views with people outside your organization with a public link.
When you share a view publicly, the link is accessible by anyone outside of your company for a limited time, indicated by the expiration date. There is no login required to view the shared view.
People outside your organization who have access to a view cannot create other views, edit the shared view, or add, delete, or edit record information in the view.
Share permissions to a view internally
You can share views you created or views you have Manage permissions to with users, groups, teams, companies, and job roles in Workfront.
Click the Main Menu icon
The Workfront Planning landing page opens.
(Optional and conditional) If you are a Workfront administrator, click one of the following tabs:
- My workspaces: Displays workspaces you created.
- Other workspaces: Displays all workspaces in Workfront Planning, including the ones shared with you.
For all other users, all workspaces you created or are shared with you display in the Workspaces area.
Open the workspace whose view you want to share, then click a record type card.
This opens the record type page.
From the view tab, hover over the view you want to share and click the More menu
The Internal sharing tab should be selected by default.
(Optional) In the Who has access area, select from the following options:
- Only invited people can access: You must specify users, groups, team, company, or job role that you want to share the view with. This is the default option.
- Everyone in the workspace can view: All users that have View or higher permissions to workspaces can access the view.
In the Grant access to this view field, start typing the name of a user, a group, team, company, or job role then click it when it displays in the list.
Select one of the following permission levels from the drop-down menu:
For information about permission levels and what actions users can perform for each level, see Overview of sharing permissions in Adobe Workfront Planning.
System administrators always receive Manage permissions to views shared with them.
Click Copy link to copy a link to the view to your clipboard.
Click Save.
The view updates with a people icon
Views without a people or a global icon are views you created and are not shared with others. Unshared views are only visible to you. -
Share the copied link with others. Users who receive the link must be active users and log in to Workfront to be able to access the record type page and display it in the selected view.
Share permissions to a view publicly
You can share views you created or views you have Manage permissions to with people that do not have a Workfront license and who might be external to your organization.
To share a view publicly in Workfront Planning:
Click the Main Menu icon
The Workfront Planning landing page opens.
(Optional and conditional) If you are a Workfront administrator, click one of the following tabs:
- My workspaces: Displays workspaces you created.
- Other workspaces: Displays all workspaces in Workfront Planning, including the ones shared with you.
For all other users, all workspaces you created or are shared with you display in the Workspaces area.
Open the workspace whose view you want to share, then click a record type card.
This opens the record type page.
From the view tab, hover over the view you want to share and click the More menu
Click Public sharing.
Enable the Create public link setting.
A link becomes available. This is a public link. When shared, anyone with the link, including people from outside your organization can access the record type page, and view records and fields on the page.
Click the Copy link icon
Manually enter a date, or use the calendar in the Link expiration date field to select an expiration date for the public link. The record page view will not be accessible after the selected date.
Click Save.
The view updates with a global icon
Views without a people or a global icon are views you created and are not shared with others. Unshared views are only visible to you. -
(Optional) Paste the link you copied to an email, chat message, document, or in a Workfront comment to share it with others.
Grant permissions to a view from a permission request
Users who access a link to a view to which they do not have permissions can request permissions to the view. All users with Manage permissions to the view receive the permission request and can grant or deny the permissions.
(Conditional) If you are are the manager of a view, you might receive a request from another user to access the view in the following areas:
- An in-app notification
- An email notification
- An in-app notification
(Conditional) From the notification area in Workfront, click the in-app notification
From the email notification, click View all notifications, then click the notification in the list.The Pending access requests box displays.
(Optional) For the user whose permissions you want to approve, select one of the following options from the drop-down menu to the right of the user’s name:
- View
- Manage
Select the user for whom you want to approve or deny the permission, then click Approve all or Deny all.
Click the left-pointing arrow to the left of Pending access requests, then click Save.
If you approved the request, the users are added to the sharing box of the view. The user requesting the permission receives an email confirmation that their request was approved.
Remove permissions to a view
Click the Main Menu icon
The Workfront Planning landing page opens.
(Optional and conditional) If you are a Workfront administrator, click one of the following tabs:
- My workspaces: Displays workspaces you created.
- Other workspaces: Displays all workspaces in Workfront Planning, including the ones shared with you.
For all other users, all workspaces you created or are shared with you display in the Workspaces area.
Open the workspace whose view you want to stop sharing, then click a record type card. This opens the record type page.
Hover over the tab name of the view you want to remove sharing from and click the More menu
To remove the internal sharing of a view, do the following:
- Ensure the Internal sharing tab is selected.
- Find the user, group, team, company, or job role what you want to remove, expand the permissions drop-down menu to the right of the name of the entity you are sharing the view with, then click Remove.
To remove the public sharing of a view, do the following:
- Click the Public sharing tab.
- Deselect the Create public link option.
Click Save.
People no longer have access to the view. There is no notification for the users that have been removed from accessing the view that they no longer have this access.
- Workfront documentation
- Product announcements
- Administration and setup
- Adobe Workfront basics
- Agile
- Documents
- Manage Work
- Teams and groups
- Reporting
- Manage resources
- Review and approve work
- Timesheets
- Adobe Workfront Scenario Planner
- Adobe Workfront Goals
- Adobe Workfront Planning
- Adobe Workfront Integrations
- Workfront Proof
- Adobe Workfront API
- ProofHQ API
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