Add a subtask to an existing story on the Scrum board

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Teams.

  2. (Optional) Click the Switch team icon Switch team icon , then either select a new Scrum team from the drop-down menu or search for a team in the search bar.

  3. Go to the agile iteration or project that contains the story where you want to add a subtask. For information about how to navigate to an iteration, see View an iteration.

  4. Go to the story tile on the story board where you want to add a subtask.

  5. Click Add Subtask on the main story card to create a subtask to the story.

    Add subtask


    Click Add Subtask on a subtask tile to create a subtask to the subtask.

    Workfront supports infinite levels of subtasks, but only two levels (subtasks of subtasks) are displayed on the agile story board.

    Add subtask

    When adding a subtask to a story that currently does not have a swimlane, the parent task is promoted to the Parent Story column and the subtask moves inside the swimlane.

  6. Specify the following information:

    Subtask NameSpecify a name for the subtask.
    DescriptionSpecify a description for the subtask.

    Specify the estimate for the subtask.

    Keep in mind the following when creating estimates:

    • If your agile team is configured to estimate stories in points, then by default 1 point equals 8 hours. Estimates are added as Planned Hours on the story.
    • The combined estimates for all subtasks determines the estimate of the parent story. For more information, see Update the status of stories and subtasks on the Scrum board.
    • When you create a new subtask, the Estimate field is already set. If you reset the estimate on the subtask, you are resetting the estimate on the parent story (because the parent story is the sum of all its subtasks).
    Planned Hours(Available only in projects) Specify the number of planned hours for the task.
    AssignmentBegin typing the name of the team where you want to assign the subtask, then click it when it appears in the drop-down list.
  7. Click Create.

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