Group by project percent breakdown

To apply this grouping:

  1. Go to a list of projects.

  2. From the Grouping drop-down menu, select New Grouping.

  3. Click Switch to Text Mode.

  4. Remove the text in the box, and paste the following code in the available space:

    group.0.linkedname=direct Breakdown
    group.0.valueexpression=IF({percentComplete}=0,"0 %",IF({percentComplete}<=26,"0-25 %",IF({percentComplete}<=51,"26-50 %",IF({percentComplete}<=76,"51-75 %",IF({percentComplete}<100,"76-99 %","100 %")))))
  5. Click Done > Save Grouping.

  6. (Optional) Update the name of the grouping, then click Save Grouping.