Look-and-feel updates during the 22.2 release timeframe

This page describes minor updates to the look and feel of various areas of the Adobe Workfront application that were made within the 22.2 release timeframe. These enhancements will be made available in the Production environment a minimum of 2 weeks after releasing to Preview.

For a list of all changes available with the 22.2 release, see 22.2 Release overview.

Updated Approvals page

Preview release: March 10, 2022; Estimated Production release: With the 22.2 release.

The Approval pages in the following areas now have a modern look and feel, in line with the design of the new Workfront experience:

  • Approvals page in the Setup area
  • Approvals page in the Group area
  • Approvals page for a project, task, or issue

Improved experience in the Documents area

Preview release: February 24, 2022; Estimated Production release: Phased rollout beginning on March 9, with availability for all customers by March 18, 2022.

We’ve improved the performance of the documents area in Workfront. The Documents page now loads significantly faster.

We’ve also updated the look and feel in several dialogs and have updated the list view to align with other list experiences in the new Workfront experience.

Updated lists and reports

The toolbars on the following lists and reports now have a modern look and feel, allowing you to quickly manage objects in Adobe Workfront.

Preview release: March 3, 2022; Production release: with 22.2 release

  • Task: Expenses list
  • Template: Expenses list
  • Template Task: Expenses list

Preview release: February 10, 2022; Production release: March 3, 2022

The toolbar for these same reports within dashboards was also updated in Production with the weekly Maintenance Update on March 3, 2022.
  • Project reports
  • Task reports
  • Issue reports
  • Hours reports
  • User reports
  • Program reports
  • Portfolio reports
  • Assignment reports
  • Note reports
  • Document Approval reports
  • Proof Approval reports
  • Project (Financial Data) reports
  • Work Item reports
  • Time Off reports
  • Baseline Task reports
  • Milestone reports
  • Budgeted Hour reports
  • Queue reports
  • Calendar Event reports

Preview release: February 10, 2022; Production release: February 24, 2022

  • Template: Tasks list
  • Project: Expenses list
  • Project: Hours list
  • Project: People list