2017.3 Beta 3 release activity

The 2017.3 release will be made available in the Production environment in early November, 2017.

Functionality described on this page is subject to change prior to availability in the Production environment.

For a list of all changes made in 2017.3, see  2017.3 release activity overview.

The 2017.3 Beta 3 release contains enhancements for all users:

Customize Chart Colors customize-chart-colors

You can now customize the colors of the elements of charts. This applies for all chart types in reports. This does not apply for the Gantt chart.

Prior to this change, the colors of the elements of all charts were selected by default by Workfront. For more information about customizing chart colors, see the “Customizing Chart Colors” sections in Add a chart to a report.

Additional Options When Copying Projects additional-options-when-copying-projects

Now when copying a project, the options now match those that are available when copying tasks or issues. You can also change the status of the copied project while you are copying it.

Prior to this update, you could not change the status of the copied project during copying it, and only two options were available when copying a project:

  • To retain assignments on tasks and the project
  • To retain progress on tasks and project

With the new functionality, the former options have been removed, and the following options have been added when copying a project:

  • Clear Assignments
  • Clear Financial Information
  • Clear Progress
  • Clear Approval Process
  • Clear Custom Data
  • Clear Reminder Notifications
  • Clear Documents
  • Clear Expenses
  • Clear All Predecessors
  • Clear Permissions
  • Select All

For more information about the new functionality around copying projects, see the “Copying a Project in the Preview Environment” section in   Copy a project.

Resource Planner Improvement: Filters resource-planner-improvement-filters

You can now filter the information you see in the Resource Planner by the following objects:

  • Portfolio
  • Project Status
  • Team
  • Job Role
  • Resource Pool

You can also add a custom filter based on these objects.

For more information about using the Resource Planner, see Resource Planner overview.

Resource Planner Improvement: Show Issue Hours in the “Settings” Area resource-planner-improvement-show-issue-hours-in-the-settings-area

There is a new Settings area in the Resource Planner which displays several options to customize the Resource Planner. With this release, we have added the first option, to include planned hours from issues in the Planned Hours columns of the Resource Planner.

For more information about using the Resource Planner, see Resource Planner overview.

SSO Information for the Custom Refresh and Preview Sandboxes Do Not Refresh sso-information-for-the-custom-refresh-and-preview-sandboxes-do-not-refresh

Starting with this release, when you refresh your Custom Refresh and Preview Sandboxes, the SSO information is not copied from your Production environment, nor is it disabled. Prior to this change, the SSO information in the Custom Refresh and Preview Sandboxes was disabled and set to “None.”

For more information about the Custom Refresh Sandbox environment, see The Adobe Workfront Custom Refresh Sandbox environment.

For more information about the Preview Sandbox environment, see The Adobe Workfront Preview Sandbox Environment.

Updated Browser Support Requirements for Workfront Proof updated-browser-support-requirements-for-workfront-proof

Browser support requirements for Workfront Proof have been updated. For more information, see Adobe Workfront browser requirements.
