View and manage comments on a timesheet

You can make comments on the following items in a timesheet:

  • On the timesheet
  • On the hour entries
  • On an individual item, like a task or an issue

Access requirements

You must have the following access to perform the steps in this article:

Adobe Workfront plan
Adobe Workfront license*

New: Light or higher

Current: Review or higher

Access level configuration
View access or higher to Tasks and Issues
Object permissions
View or higher permissions on tasks and issues

*To find out what plan, license type, or access you have, contact your Workfront administrator. For more information, see Access requirements in Workfront documentation.

View hour entry comments on a timesheet view-hour-entry-comments-on-a-timesheet

You can configure comments that are made on individual hour entries to be displayed in the timesheet. The option to show and hide comments does not affect comments made on the overall timesheet or comments made on individual items. For more information, seeĀ  Make comments on a timesheet.

By default, comments are hidden the first time you access a timesheet.

To show comments on a timesheet:

  1. Click the Main Menu icon in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront.

  2. Click Timesheets.

  3. Open the timesheet where you want to display comments.

  4. Click Show comments in the upper-right corner of the timesheet.
    Comments display under the item where the hour entry and the comment were logged.

Make comments on a timesheet make-comments-on-a-timesheet

Comment on the overall timesheet comment-on-the-overall-timesheet

You can make general comments about the timesheet. Commenting on the overall timesheet is similar to commenting on other objects.

  1. Click the Main Menu icon in the upper-right corner, or the Main Menu icon in the upper-left corner or Workfront, if available.

  2. Click Timesheets.

  3. Go to the timesheet where you want to make a comment.

  4. Click Updates in the left panel, then click the Comments tab.

  5. Start adding new comments or reply to existing ones, as described in Update work.

  6. (Optional) Add people or teams in the Tag people or teams field to include others in your update. For more information, see Tag others on updates.

  7. (Optional) Select the Private to my company option if you want only people from your company to view the update.

  8. Type your comment, then click Submit.

    Your comment displays in the Updates section of the timesheet, in the Comemnts tab.

  9. (Optional) Click the System Activity tab to review system-generated updates


    Click the All tab to view system activity and user comments in a chronological order.

    note tip
    The All tab is a read-only tab and you cannot reply to comments from there.

    For more information, see Update work.

Comment on an individual hour entry in a timesheet comment-on-an-individual-hour-entry-in-a-timesheet

  1. Click the Main Menu icon in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront.

  2. Click Timesheets.

  3. Go to the timesheet where you want to make a comment and click Timesheet in the left panel.

  4. Click in the hour entry field where you want to make a comment and click Comment to add a comment for your hour entry.

    note tip
    When using a standard QWERTY keyboard after clicking the hour entry box, press the following set of keys to open the comment box:
    • Shift + F2 for both Windows and Mac computers.

    Do one of the following:

    • Type a new comment and click Done.

    • Edit an existing comment and click Done, or click Cancel to discard the changes.

    • Click the Delete icon to delete a saved comment.

      A blue marker appears in the upper-right corner of the hour entry box to indicate that there are comments logged with the time entry.

    note tip
    When using a standard QWERTY keyboard, from inside the comment box, press the following set of keys to save the comment:
    • Ctrl + Enter for Windows computers.
    • Cmd + Return for Mac computers.
  5. (Optional) To configure hour-entry comments to display in the timesheet, see the section View hour-entry comments on a timesheet in this article.

Comment on a work item in a timesheet comment-on-a-work-item-in-a-timesheet

You can comment on individual items in the timesheet, update their Actual Start Date or Condition. The update displays in the Updates area of the object associated with the logged time.

You can comment only on tasks and issues in a timesheet. You cannot comment on projects or general time.

  1. Click the Main Menu icon in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront.

  2. Click Timesheets.

  3. Go to the timesheet where you want to make a comment, and click Timesheet in the left panel.

  4. Click the row of a task or an issue, then click Open Summary.

  5. Start typing an update in the Updates area of the Summary panel, then click Submit.
    The update displays in the Updates section of the task and issue.

  6. (Optional) Click Close Summary to close the Summary panel.

    For more information about updating tasks and issues in the Summary panel, see Summary overview.
