20.3 Project Management enhancements

This page describes all project management enhancements made with the 20.3 release to the Production environment. These enhancements were made available in the Production environment the week of August 10, 2020.

For a list of all changes available with the 20.3 release, see 20.3 release overview.

Custom field formatting in lists

This feature is supported only in the new Adobe Workfront experience. It is available for some lists in Adobe Workfront Classic, but it is not supported in Adobe Workfront Classic.

Now, when the system administrator creates custom forms fields that are configured for formatting, you can format text in those fields where you use them the most: in lists throughout Workfront. Instead of going into the Details area to format text in the custom form, you can click a field in a list and apply Bold, Italics, and Underline to text there.

Note that this functionality is available only in the updated lists. For more information about updated lists, see Get started with lists in Adobe Workfront.

Updated look and feel of several global headers

This feature is available only in the new Adobe Workfront experience

The global areas of Projects, Portfolios, Programs and Templates now have an updated header that makes better use of the space on the screen. This update provides more space for the information you work with that you need to focus on.

The Templates link from the Projects area has been removed. You can still access the Templates area from the Main Menu.

New Edit Project box

This feature is available only in the new Adobe Workfront experience

As part of updating the look and feel of the new Workfront experience, we have redesigned the Edit project box. You can access the new Edit Project box from an individual project or when editing a single project from a list.

In addition to an updated look and feel, the following improvements are available in the Edit Project box:

  • Customize your Layout Template once and reflect those customizations in both the Details page and the Edit Object box.
  • Individual custom form names are now available on the left panel inside the Edit Project box and you can quickly access each form from there.
  • Commenting functionality is removed from the edit project screen to eliminate redundancy with the Updates section.

For information about the new Edit Project box, see Edit projects.

New Summary panel and Updates improvements for the documents list

This feature is available only in the new Adobe Workfront experience

The new Summary panel to the right of the documents list is now available with an enhanced design in the new Workfront experience. This panel provides the same actions and information available in the panel on the right when you select a document in Workfront Classic, including document details, updates, Custom Forms, approvals, and document versions.

Some actions are currently unavailable but will be added in a future release. These actions include the proofing workflow.

For more information, see Summary for documents overview.

Improvements in Document Details

This feature is available only in the new Adobe Workfront experience

Look for the following improvements in the Document Details page:

  • New version options moved to a drop-down menu near the left panel, providing easier access.
  • Open proof icon changed to an Open proof label, making it easier to see on the page.
  • Larger preview thumbnail, allowing you to easily identify the document
  • Global Edit icon added, giving you the ability to edit multiple fields at once.

For more information, see Document Details overview.

For administrators: Set project preferences at the group level

This functionality is temporarily unavailable for most customers on clusters 1, 2, 3 and 5. This page will be updated when the functionality is reinstated for all customers.

To give your Group administrators more autonomy and to allow for more group-level customization of your workflows, you can now define your project preferences at the group level, for groups that you administer. When you create a project, the preferences of the group will take effect before those of the system.

All project preferences are customizable at the group level, except for Timeline Calculations and Custom Quarters.

For more information about Group Project Preferences, see Configure project preferences for a group.

New for administrators: Create Custom Form fields where users can format text

In a Custom Form, you can now create fields that include text formatting buttons. When users type in these fields, they can highlight and organize their text using bold, italics, and underline. The high character limit of 15,000 allows for plenty of text and formatting.

For more information, see Create a Custom Form in the new Workfront experience.

New for administrators: Create both an internal name and a user-facing label for a Custom Form field

To give you more flexibility in labeling and relabeling Custom Form fields, you can now create an internal name for a field in addition to the user-facing label you’ve been using. This gives you the freedom to change the field label that your users see without changing the field name that the system sees.

In the past, the label was both displayed above the field for users and used by the system to identify the field. So changing the label for users made the field malfunction wherever it was used because the system could no longer identify it.
