Configure Basic Info

Inside the Basic Info area of your Customer Info page, some details about your customer are configured by Workfront and they display in a read-only mode. Other details can be configured by you. Any options you can edit in this area have a global effect on all users in Workfront.

To configure your Basic Info section in your Customer Info area:

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Setup Setup icon .

  2. In the left panel, click System > Customer Info.

  3. In the Basic Info section at the top of the Customer Info page, find the following information about your instance with Workfront:

    NameThe name of your organization, which also matches the name of your company. This is added by Workfront and it cannot be edited.
    Cluster SetupThe cluster number for your instance.
    Admin Email

    The email address of your Workfront administrator. You can edit this field to match the email address of one of your Workfront administrators. The user associated with this email address is considered the main Workfront administrator of your Workfront system. Any site-wide communication from Workfront is directed to this email address, so it is important to keep it updated.

    NOTE: You cannot deactivate, delete, or change the Access Level of the user associated with the Admin Email.


    The domain is set by Workfront when your account is created.

    The domain identifies your unique sub-domain of the URL you use to access Workfront.

    For example, if your organization has been assigned the domain "mycompany," the URL you use to access Workfront is

    You cannot edit the domain yourself. If you want to change your domain, you can contact Workfront Customer Support. For more information about contacting Workfront Customer Support, see Contact Customer Support.

    Time Zone

    This is the default time zone of your Workfront instance. You can edit this field to match the time zone of your primary Workfront location. The time zone you select determines the following:

    • The date and time displayed in outgoing emails
    • The default time zone for new users when they are created

    Users can modify the time zone for their Workfront instance under their profile. When users modify their time zone, the date and time in their emails from Workfront match their profile preferences. For more information about modifying user profile preferences, see Configure My Settings. It is selected as the default time zone when you create a new schedule. For more information about creating schedules, see Create a schedule.

    For information about using schedules to help users collaborate in Workfront across time zones, see Working across time zones.

    LocaleControls the language, date, and number format used in outgoing email messages. The locale selected here is the default when new users are created. Users can modify their locale, in their user profile. When users modify their locale, the language, date and number format in their emails from Workfront match their profile preferences. For more information about modifying your profile preferences, see Configure My Settings.
    Storage Quota

    This is the amount of document storage space available in your Workfront instance.
    The quota contains documents that you upload directly to Workfront.
    It does not include:

    • Documents you link to Workfront from any other third-party service provider (SharePoint, Google Drive, Webdam, Box, Dropbox, any other Document Asset Management provider).
    • Your Workfront data (projects, tasks, issues, users, and so forth).
    Product VersionThis is the type of Workfront instance that is assigned to you. The product version for most Workfront customers is Enterprise.
  4. Click Save.

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