Project enhancements

FeatureRelease dates and environments

Include images in updates

On the Updates tab of an object, you can now add images by clicking the Image icon on the toolbar. You can also drag and drop an image into the update area. Note that your Workfront administrator must enable adding images before you can see the Image icon.

You can add images in both updates and replies. An image thumbnail in the update indicates that recipients can preview the image in the browser or download it, and email and in-app notifications show that images are attached to the update.

Previously, the only way to share an image in Workfront was to attach it to an object as a document. Images added on the Updates tab are only available on that tab and not on the Documents tab.

Before Workfront users can include images in updates, this feature must first be enabled by the Adobe Workfront administrator.

Available on these dates:

Preview release: September 9, 2021

Production release: With the 21.4 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Updated algorithm for smart assignments

We have improved the algorithm used when making smart assignments. With the new improvement, Workfront looks at the 30 most recent assignments made by the logged-in user to make suggestions when they assign tasks and issues. The list of suggestions can contain up to 50 users.

Prior to this enhancement, Workfront was considering the assignments on the parent tasks and other user attributes related to those assignments when suggesting users.

Available on these dates:

Preview release: September 9, 2021

Production release: With the 21.4 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic

New experience when creating a project from a template

To make your use of Workfront consistent with the new Workfront experience, we have redesigned the interface for creating a project from template. The functionality for creating a project using a template has not changed. However, some of the improvements of this newly redesigned interface include the following:

  • Preview template information before attaching it

  • Add templates to a list of favorites during the project creation process

We have updated the interface for creating the project both when you create it from the Projects as well as from the Templates area.

Available on these dates:

Preview release: September 9, 2021

Production release: With the 21.4 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

New experience when attaching templates to projects

To make your use of Workfront consistent with the new Workfront experience, we have redesigned the interface for attaching a template to a project. The functionality for attaching a template has not changed. However, there are some of the improvements of this newly redesigned interface that include the following:

  • Preview template information before attaching it

  • Add templates to a list of favorites during the attachment process

  • View all options for managing template and project settings in one continuous page

Available on these dates:

Preview release: August 26, 2021

Production release: With the 21.4 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Unified duration and duration unit values for tasks

For a cleaner and more streamlined user experience, we have merged the value of the Duration field with the duration unit of time. Prior to this enhancement, the unit of time displayed in a separate drop-down field after the Duration field.

In addition to the Duration fields in the Task Details, Edit Tasks and New Task boxes, we are also updating the following fields to match this experience:

  • Duration field when making advanced assignments

  • Leveling Delay field when creating or editing a task

  • Frequency field when creating a recurring task (available soon)

  • Lag field when adding a predecessor (available soon)

Available on these dates:

Preview release: August 19, 2021

Production release: With the 21.4 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Disable adding issues inline on projects

To ensure that users provide accurate information when adding issues to projects by completing an issue form, we have introduced a new setting that allows you to manage whether they can add issues to a project or its tasks inline. This setting is enabled by default in the new Issue Settings area of the Edit Project box. Disabling it dims the Add More Issues option in the Issues section of a project so users cannot add any more issues in the list. Users can still add issues to the projects by using the New Issue option in the Issues section or using a request queue if one is configured for the project.

Available on these dates:

Preview release: August 5, 2021

Production release: With the 21.4 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Custom field display improvement for checkboxes and radio buttons

Viewing and selecting checkbox and radio button options in custom forms just became easier—a custom field with many checkbox or radio button options now displays in multiple columns across the page. Previously, they displayed in a single column, which required extra scrolling for users filling out the form.

This does depend on how you position the fields in the custom form—if you place another field in the same row with the checkbox or radio button field, the options might have only enough horizontal space to display in a single column.

Available on these dates:

Preview release: July 29, 2021

Production release: With the 21.4 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Resource Management enhancements

FeatureRelease dates and environments

Make fast assignments in the Workload Balancer

You can now efficiently balance resources in the Workload Balancer with minimum clicks by dragging an item from the Unassigned area and dropping it on a user's line in the Assigned area. Using drag-and-drop, you can also unassign items from users and move them back to the Unassigned area, as well as move them to other users.

Prior to this enhancement, you could only assign items by clicking the More menu of a task or an issue, then using the Assign option. Now, the Planned Hours allocated to the user update in real-time while dragging the tasks.

Available on these dates:

Preview release: September 9, 2021

Production release: With the 21.4 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

New default option for Workload Balancer

As part of our effort to deprecate scheduling and make the Workload Balancer Workfront's main resource assignment tool, we have made the Workfront Balancer the default option for all new users. Currently, Scheduling is the default option. This change applies to all areas where you can access Scheduling from which include the Resourcing area (in the new Adobe Workfront experience) or in the People area (in Adobe Workfront Classic), as well as at the project and team level.

Available on these dates:

Preview release: September 9, 2021

Production release: With the 21.4 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic

New filter experience in the Workload Balancer

We have redesigned the filter experience in the Workload Balancer to include the following additional functionality:

  • Easier, more streamlined user interface that matches the new Workfront experience

  • Additional fields that you can filter by

  • Ability to duplicate a filter

  • Sharing filters with other users

Available on these dates:

Preview release: September 16, 2021

Production release: With the 21.4 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Agile enhancements

FeatureRelease dates and environments

User assignments on Kanban and Scrum boards

We have updated the story cards on Kanban and Scrum boards to make it easier to assign a user to the story. Now you can click a team or user avatar to add an assignment when the story card is expanded. Previously, you had to locate and click a separate plus sign icon.

Preview release: September 9, 2021

Production release: With the 21.4 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Configure how dates are applied when adding work items to a Scrum iteration

By default, when you add a work item to an iteration, the Planned Start Date and Planned Completion Date on the work item are modified to match the iteration start and dates. Now you can choose to keep the original Planned Start Date and Planned Completion Date on all work items for a team.

This option applies only to Scrum teams and not to Kanban teams.

Available on these dates:

Preview release: September 9, 2021

Production release: With the 21.4 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Changes to agile view on projects

As part of the 21.3 release, we made improvements to the agile card header and story boards (see Agile card header and story board updates). These updates applied to iterations as well as to the agile view on projects.

With the 21.4 release, we are reverting these enhancements for the agile view on projects. No changes are being made to agile iterations.

Following are the changes that are being reverted regarding the agile view on projects:

  • The story cards and board columns have adjustable widths.

  • Columns do not have background shading.

  • Cards do not have identifier labels (parent story, subtask, story, task, or issue).

  • The Parent Story column has been renamed to Stories.

Available on these dates:

Preview release: September 16, 2021

Production release: With the 21.4 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Add new stories and issues from the Kanban board

You can now create a new story or issue directly from the Kanban board. This makes it easier to quickly add a new story without having to go to a project, report, or dashboard to create a task.

Available on these dates:

Preview release: July 22, 2021

Production release: With the 21.4 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Reporting enhancements

FeatureRelease dates and environments

New look and feel for the Assignments field in updated lists and reports

To match the modern look of other areas in the new Workfront experience, the styling has changed for the Assignments field in updated lists and reports. The redesign includes a new Job role icon a new People icon for advanced assignments, a new Restricted Access icon, and more.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: April 8, 2021 (with the 21.2 release)

Production release: July 15, 2021(Originally released to Production on with the 21.2 release)

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

New look and feel for typeahead fields in updated lists and reports

To match the modern look of other areas in the new Workfront experience, the styling has changed for typeahead fields in updated lists and reports. These changes include various enhancements.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: April 8, 2021 (with the 21.2 release)

Production release: July 15, 2021 (Originally released to Production on with the 21.2 release)

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Requests enhancements

FeatureRelease dates and environments

Improved search for requests now includes special characters

To make finding request queues faster and easier when submitting requests, we have improved the search algorithm to now find queues that might contain any special characters.

For example, you can find a request queue named "*Workfront" by typing either "*Workfront" or "Workfront" in the Request Type field.

All special characters are supported.

Available on these dates:

Preview release: September 9, 2021

Production release: With the 21.4 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

New look and feel for embedded request queues in the new Workfront experience

To keep the look and feel for submitting requests the same everywhere in the new Workfront experience, we have redesigned the interface for adding requests to an embedded request queue. Prior to this enhancement, the interface for adding requests from a dashboard matched the Workfront classic environment.

Available on these dates:

Preview release: August 26, 2021

Production release: With the 21.4 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Proofing enhancements

FeatureRelease dates and environments

Improved proofing capabilities for reviewers and requestors

To provide a more integrated experience between Workfront and Proof, we've made several improvements regarding proofing capabilities for Reviewers and Requestors:

  • You can grant Moderator or Author roles to any user in Workfront, regardless of whether they have a Proofing license, giving them additional rights, like applying actions or resolving comments.

  • You can add Reviewers and Requestors to proofs that require a login or that need to be electronically signed.

  • All users also benefit from improved connectivity between Workfront and Proof. Now, when deactivating a user or updating a user's email address, your updates are correctly reflected in proofing when changed in Workfront.

Available on these dates:

Preview release: August 5, 2021

Production release: With the 21.4 release (Removed from Preview and Production on October 20, 2021. Originally released to fully integrated EMEA customers only. This functionality will be reintroduced to all customers at a later time.)

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic

Integration enhancements

FeatureRelease dates and environments

Link documents from Dropbox Business

We've added Dropbox Business as an available document integration. Now, you can access documents you have stored in Dropbox Business directly from inside Workfront.

Dropbox Business allows you to link shared documents and upload documents to shared folders. Dropbox (not Dropbox Business) allows only the owner of the documents to view the document in Workfront.

Your Workfront administrator can enable this integration for your organization.

Available on these dates:

Preview release: N/A

Production release: With the 21.4 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic

Updates to Workfront for Slack

The following updates are now visible in the Workfront for Slack integration:

The Workfront for Slack integration now has a new look and feel. Also, you now receive your Workfront for Slack notifications in real time.

For example, if you are assigned to a task, you receive that notification as soon as you are assigned.

Previously, there could be a delay before the notification appeared in Slack.

Available on these dates:

Preview release: July 29, 2021

Production release: July 29, 2021

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic

More clearly see details of account access when giving consent to Adobe Workfront integrations

The consent screens for Adobe Workfront integrations are now updated. Now, you can see the specific actions and areas that the integrations has access to, so that you can better understand what you are allowing the integration or application to access.

This new consent screen applies to any Adobe Workfront integration that uses OAuth 2.0.

Available on these dates:

Preview release: July 29, 2021

Production release: July 29, 2021

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic

API key authentication no longer necessary for integrations

Workfront integrations have recently begun using OAuth2 for greater security and usability. As part of this move, Workfront no longer requires API keys for integrations authentication.

Available on these dates:

Preview release: August 5, 2021

Production release: August 5, 2021

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic

Mobile enhancements

FeatureRelease dates and environments

Review and approve proofs in the mobile app

The Adobe Workfront mobile app now displays all proof approvals assigned to you, in your list of approvals in My Work. You can review a proof document directly in the app and make a decision on it.

Available on these dates:

Preview release: N/A

Production release: Week of October 11, 2021

Available in these environments:

  • iOS app store

  • Android app store

Create a new request from the mobile app home area

You can now create a new request from the home area in the Adobe Workfront mobile app. Tapping the "add" button in the floating navigation bar displays an option for Request in addition to Task. Previously, you had to navigate to the Requests page to create a request.

Available on these dates:

Preview release: N/A

Production release: August 4, 2021

Available in these environments:

  • iOS app store

  • Android app store

Other enhancements

FeatureRelease dates and environments

New keyboard shortcuts for indenting and outdenting in lists

To provide an accessible experience for all system users and comply with standard keyboard navigation principles, the indent/outdent keyboard commands have changed.

For Mac, press Option + > to indent a list item and Option + < to outdent.

For Windows, press Alt + > to indent a list item and Alt + < to outdent.

Previously, the keyboard shortcut for indenting in a list was Tab and outdenting was Shift + Tab. However, using the Tab key for indenting and outdenting meant that it was not possible to tab through all active fields in the interface.

This change applies only to updated lists and not to legacy lists.

Available on these dates:

Preview release: August 12, 2021

Production release: With the 21.4 release

Available in these environments:

  • The new Adobe Workfront experience

  • Adobe Workfront Classic

Workfront Fusion enhancements

New features in Workfront Fusion are available in Production at a cadence outside of the 21.4 release schedule. For more information about the latest features, see Adobe Workfront Fusion release activity.

Workfront Scenario Planner enhancements

New features are coming to Workfront Scenario Planner release with the 21.4 release. For information about these new features now available in Preview, see Adobe Workfront Scenario Planner release activity.

Workfront Goals enhancements

There are no Workfront Goals updates at this point in the release. This area will be updated when updates are available.

API version 14

For API version 14, we’ve modified some resources and endpoints. Some of the changes support new functionality, and others make it easier for you to use the information available through the API.

For information on what’s new and updated, see What’s new in API version 14.

For information on API versions, see API versioning and support schedule.

21.4 Release Webinar

The Workfront 21.4 Release Webinar was presented on September 23, 2021. You can view the webinar recording from the Events page on Workfront One.

Training updates

Explore the latest updates made to learning programs, learning paths, videos, and guides for each Adobe Workfront product release. For more information, see the Training release updates page.

Functionality no longer supported

Internet Explorer 11

With the removal of support for Internet Explorer, Workfront now officially supports Microsoft Edge.

For more information about supported browsers, see Adobe Workfront browser requirements.

Previous page22.1 Mobile enhancements
Next page21.4 Administrator enhancements


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