Third Quarter 2024 release overview

This page provides information about functionality that is included in the Third Quarter 2024 release. These enhancements are planned to become available in the Production environment throughout the quarter.

The live 24.7 release webinar was cancelled, but you can still watch a video demonstration of 24.7 features here.

Off-cycle features (those releasing to Production prior to the Third Quarter 2024 release date) are highlighted in yellow.

The 23.3 release included the option to move your organization to monthly releases. Therefore, Workfront has changed the numbering scheme of releases to account for both monthly and quarterly release tracks. The first number designates the year, and the second number signifies the month of the release. Example: The release for April, 2024 reads as 24.4.
Monthly and quarterly releases are planned to be available on the Thursday of the second full week of the month, unless otherwise specified.
table 0-row-2 1-row-2
Monthly release Quarterly release
  • 24.5 (May 16, 2024)
  • 24.6 (June 13, 2024)
  • 24.7 (July 18, 2024)
  • 24.7 (July 18, 2024)
For more information on the fast release process, see Enable or disable the fast release process.

Adobe Workfront enhancements

Administrator enhancements

Release dates

Business rules are now available

[In production]{class="badge informative"}

Administrators can now add business rules in the Setup area of Workfront.

A business rule allows you to apply validation to Workfront objects and prevent users from creating, editing, or deleting an object when certain conditions are met. The rules are built using a formula similar to calculated fields in custom forms.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: July 4, 2024

  • Production release for all customers: With the 24.7 release (July 18, 2024)

Only available for organizations on the new Ultimate plan.

Custom form designer generally available in Adobe Workfront

[In production]{class="badge informative"}

With the 24.7 release, the form designer will be generally available and will become the default experience for creating and editing custom forms in Adobe Workfront. When you create a new custom form or open an existing form, you will see the form designer's canvas-style workspace.

After this release, you will no longer have the option to revert back to the legacy form builder.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: June 19, 2024

  • Production release for all customers: With the 24.7 release (July 18, 2024)

Move objects between Workfront environments with environment promotion

[In production]{class="badge informative"}

Environment promotion allows you to move objects from one Workfront environment to another, such as from a sandbox environment to a production environment. You can configure and test objects without any risk to your organization's data and records. You can then move those objects to production without having to reconfigure them, saving time and effort.

Available on these dates:

  • Production release for all customers: With the 24.6 release (June 13, 2024)

Share custom forms and custom fields in the custom form designer

[In production]{class="badge informative"}

You can now share both custom forms and custom fields within the new form designer. This allows greater collaboration between users on custom forms.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: June 6, 2024

  • Production release for all customers: June 13

Add a new custom field from the Fields area

[In production]{class="badge informative"}

You can now add a new custom field or widget directly from the Fields area in Workfront, without opening a custom form to create the field. This allows you to quickly create reusable custom fields.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: June 6, 2024

  • Production release for all customers: With the 24.7 release (July 18, 2024)

Multi-select dropdown field type available on the form designer

[In production]{class="badge informative"}

To help you define dropdown fields more easily, we have added the Multi-Select Dropdown field to the custom form designer. This field type allows users to choose more than one option from a dropdown list.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: June 4, 2024

  • Production for all customers: June 4, 2024

Financial management enhancements

Release dates

Billable and non-billable expenses fields available for projects and tasks

[In production]{class="badge informative"}

To help you more easily view expense types, expenses have been separated into billable and non-billable expenses on projects and tasks. The following fields are available for you to add to views and reports:

  • Planned Billable Expense Cost

  • Planned Non-Billable Expense Cost

  • Actual Non-Billable Expense Cost

  • Actual Non-Billable Expense Cost

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: May 10, 2024

  • Production for all customers: May 10, 2024

Integration enhancements

Release dates

Workfront for Experience Manager Assets and Assets Essentials improvements

[In production]{class="badge informative"}

We have made the following improvements for the Workfront for Experience Manager Assets and Assets Essentials integrations:

  • The integration now supports GCP as a cloud service provider. AWS and Azure were previously supported.

  • The size limit for files sent to Experience Manager through the integration has increased to 30 GB. Previously, the limit was 5 GB.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: June 27, 2024

  • Production for all customers: With the 24.7 release (July 18, 2024)

Project enhancements

Release dates

Edit the task and issue Commit Date and Condition from the header or Details section

[In production]{class="badge informative"}

To make it easier for you to update tasks and issues, we have now added the Commit Date and Condition fields as options to add to task and issue headers and Details section in a layout template. Users are now able to update these fields from the header or Details section of a page, when they are assigned to the modified layout template.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: May 30, 2024

  • Production for fast release: With the 24.6 release (June 13, 2024)

  • Production release for all customers: With the 24.7 release (July 18, 2024)

More relevant assignments added to the New Task workflow

[In production for Fast Release]{class="badge positive"}

We have added the same functionality for more relevant smart assignments to the Assignments field in the New Task box when adding a task to a project and in a project task list.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: February 13, 2024

  • Production for fast release: With the 24.5 release (May 16, 2024)

  • Production release for all customers: With the 24.10 release (October 2024)

More relevant smart assignments

[In production for Fast Release]{class="badge positive"}

We have changed the algorithm that Workfront uses to calculate and suggest smart assignments for tasks. The new algorithm applies in the following areas in Workfront where you assign a task: task lists, the Assignments area in the task header, Home, and the Summary panel.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: December 21, 2023

  • Production for fast release: With the 24.5 release (May 16, 2024)

  • Production release for all customers: With the 24.10 release (October 2024)

Proofing enhancements

Release dates

Security updates for the Desktop Proofing Viewer

[In production]{class="badge informative"}

The Workfront Proof Desktop Proofing Viewer 2.1.35 security update provides security bug fixes for vulnerabilities that have been identified in previous releases.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: July 4, 2024

  • Production for all customers: July 4, 2024

Resource management enhancements

Release dates

Time off now reflected in the Workload Balancer

[In production]{class="badge informative"}

To seamlessly adjust work when the primary assignee on a task has scheduled time off, the Workload Balancer now re-allocates hours to both the primary and the secondary users when the project timeline is recalculated.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: June 6, 2024

  • Production release for all customers: With the 24.7 release (July 18, 2024)

Other enhancements

Release dates

Backend change to in-product guides

We are implementing a technology change for our in-product guides over the next few weeks. While we've tried to minimize the impact of this transition, some users may encounter guides that they have previously seen.

Available on these dates:

  • Production for all customers: Incrementally through mid-August 2024

Adobe Unified Experience now available for more Workfront organizations

[In production]{class="badge informative"}

To allow organizations access to the benefits of the Adobe Unified Experience, we've begun making it available to existing Workfront customers.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: June 20, 2024

  • Production for specified customers: With the 24.7 release (July 18, 2024)

The Adobe Unified Shell is being made available in a phased rollout. Additional organizations will be onboarded to the Adobe Unified Shell with the 24.10 and 25.1 releases.

Help button removed from the main navigation bar

[In production]{class="badge informative"}

To unify the experience for users not on Unified Shell, the Help button on the main navigation bar has been removed. This button, which is not present for users on Unified Shell, linked to the Workfront documentation and was redundant with a similar Help button available for all users in the Main Menu.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: June 6, 2024

  • Production release for all customers: With the 24.7 release (July 18, 2024)

Improved UI experience for users with limited object access

[In production]{class="badge informative"}

When a user does not have access to an object, the user will see "No access" anywhere that object name displays in Workfront. This improved experience also applies to the Workfront API.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: March 27, 2024

  • Production for fast release: With the 24.5 release (May 16, 2024)

  • Production for quarterly release: With the 24.7 release (July 18, 2024)

Look-and-feel updates during the Third Quarter 2024 timeframe

Minor updates to the look and feel of various areas of the Adobe Workfront application are being made within the Third Quarter 2024 timeframe. Review the individual release notes for specific release dates.

Available on these dates:

  • Preview release: Throughout the Third Quarter 2024 release timeframe

  • Production release: Review the release notes for specific dates


Workfront Fusion enhancements

New features in Workfront Fusion are available in Production at a cadence outside of the Third Quarter 2024 release schedule. For more information about the latest features, see Adobe Workfront Fusion release activity.

Workfront Scenario Planner enhancements

There are no Scenario Planner updates at this point in the release. This area will be updated when updates are available.

Workfront Proof enhancements

There are no Workfront Proof updates at this point in the release. This area will be updated when updates are available.

Workfront Goals enhancements

There are no Workfront Goals updates at this point in the release. This area will be updated when updates are available.

API version 18

For API version 18, we’ve modified some resources and endpoints. Some of the changes support new functionality, and others make it easier for you to use the information available through the API.

For information on what’s new and updated, see What’s new in API version 18.

For information on API versions, see API versioning and support schedule.

Workfront Maintenance Updates

For information about the maintenance updates made during the Third Quarter 2024 release, see Workfront Maintenance Updates.

Training updates

Explore the latest updates made to learning programs, learning paths, videos, and guides for each Adobe Workfront product release. For more information, see the “What’s New” section of the Workfront Tutorials page.
