Locate approvals in Adobe Workfront

You can view or manage approvals from several areas of Workfront. For information about how to manage approvals in various areas, see Approving work.

You can view or manage approvals from the following areas:

  • In the Home area

    • All projects, tasks, issues, timesheets, documents, and access awaiting your approval are displayed in the My Approvals widget in the Home area.
    • Approvals that you submitted yourself also display in the My Approvals widget in the Home area when you choose the Approvals I’ve submitted filter option. For more information, see the Review work you submit for approval in the Home area section in this article.
    • Approvals are removed from the My Approvals widget in the Home area when the associated project, task, or issue is marked Resolved, On Hold, Closed, or Canceled.

    For information about using Home, see Get started with Home.

  • In the header of a project, task, issue, document, or proof

  • In the Approvals section of a project, task, or issue

  • In a report

    You cannot make a decision on an approval from a report.

    You can create a project, task, issue, or document approval report that contains approval information.

    For information about creating reports, see Create a custom report.

Review work you submit for approval in the Home area

  1. Click the Main Menu Main Menu icon in the upper-right corner, then click Home.
  2. (Conditional) Click Customize to add the My Approvals widget.
  3. (Conditional) Click the Filter drop-down menu, then select Approvals I’ve submitted to see approvals you’ve submitted.

View the approval status of an object

You can view the approval status of an object in the following sections of the object:

UpdatesDisplays all approval statuses when they occur. Approval statuses display in line with other statuses displayed on the Updates section.
ApprovalsDisplays more detailed information about the approval process, such as each stage of the approval process and whether approvers have granted the approval.

Use the Updates area to view an approval status

When an approval is initiated on a project, task, or issue, a status displays in the Updates tab of the object, indicating the approval status. A new status displays any time the object transitions through the approval process. This includes the following events:

  • An approval process is initiated on an object. The approval process is initiated when the status is changed.
  • The object is rejected
  • The object is approved
If an approval is applied to a task, the approval updates are shown on the Updates tab of the task, not on the Updates tab of the project where the task resides.

Use the Approvals area to view an approval status

You can gain visibility into where a task or issue that you are working on currently is in the approval process. You can see the following information:

  • The phase of the approval process
  • Which approvers have already approved it
  • Which approvers have not yet approved it

To see the current state of where a task or issue is in the approval process:

  1. Go to the project, task, or issue that the approval is associated with.

  2. In the left panel, click Approvals. You might need to first click Show More.

    The Approvals tab displays the full information about all past approval paths and stages. You can see exactly who made a decision on the approval or whether the approval is set for a team, job role, or user.

    Approvals tab expanded

    For information about creating an Approval Process, see Create an approval process for work items.

Previous pageApproving work
Next pageRemind approvers about submitted approvals


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