Administrator enhancements

FeatureRelease dates and environments

For administrators: View Audit Log information about many more areas in Workfront

In the Audit Logs area, you can now track and troubleshoot changes in more areas throughout Workfront.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: April 22, 2021

Production release: With the 21.2 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic

For group administrators: Improved controls for moving subgroups and an updated toolbar

We have made the following improvements in the Subgroups area in Setup.

  • To give you a quick way to reorganize the groups you manage, we have added an "Add subgroups" toolbar button that allows you to create new subgroups and move existing ones.

  • The toolbar in the Subgroups area now makes lists consistent with other modernized lists in the new Workfront experience. When you select groups, icons represent available functions in the toolbar.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: April 22, 2021

Production release: With the 21.2 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

New for administrators: Updated look and feel on Timesheets & Hours Preferences page

To improve the experience on the Timesheets & Hours Preferences page, we have updated the user interface to match the more modern look and feel found elsewhere throughout Workfront.

Sections and individual options are easier to read because they are separated by more vertical space.

The labels for the 2 radio button options are broken up so they are not so long—the second part of each label is now an info message on a separate line.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: April 22, 2021

Production release: With the 21.2 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic

For group administrators: List improvements in the Groups area

Two improvements in the Groups area in Setup make lists consistent with other modernized lists in the new Workfront experience:

  • When you select groups, icons represent available functions in the toolbar.

  • In the list of groups, columns, sorting, and hierarchy have the newer look and feel you are used to in other lists. Also, by default, lists display up to 2,000 items on a single page instead of 100.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: April 8, 2021

Production release: With the 21.2 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

For group administrators: Create and edit programs from the Groups area in Setup

We are continuing to make it easier to manage your groups and their associated objects in one place. Now you can view and work with a group's programs from the Groups area in Setup. This saves you from having to go to the Programs area to manage your group's programs. And it keeps the list of group programs you're working with separate from the other programs in the system.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: April 8, 2021

Production release: With the 21.2 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

For administrators: Refreshed headers in the Setup area

To better orient administrators in the Setup area and to maintain consistency throughout Workfront, we have updated the Setup headers with various updates, including a large colorful badge marking each Setup page and subpage, as well as modernized font styles and sizes.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: April 1, 2021

Production release: With the 21.2 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

For group administrators: View and manage more group objects from the Groups page

We are continuing to make it easier to manage your groups and their associated objects in one place. Now you can view and work with your group's companies, teams, and portfolios from the Groups area in Setup. This saves you from having to go to the various Setup pages for these objects to manage them for your group. And it keeps the list of group objects you're looking at separate from those of the other groups in the system.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: March 25, 2021

Production release: With the 21.2 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

New for group administrators: Assign group timesheet profiles

Now it's easier to manage timesheet profiles for a group you administer. Not only can you create timesheet profiles, you can assign them to your groups or to individual members of your groups. This is true even when the Timesheets & hours option is not enabled in your access level.

Up until now, enabling Timesheets & hours option was required in order to assign timesheet profiles. But this might not be ideal for every group administrator because it grants view and edit access to all timesheet and hours information in the system. If you don't need this level of access, now you can manage timesheet profiles for your groups.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: March 11, 2021

Production release: With the 21.2 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic

For administrators: Set the Filter, View, and Grouping that users see in object lists

Using a layout template in the new Workfront experience, you can now set the default Filter, View, and Grouping that users see in object lists throughout Workfront.

For example, instead of leaving the Filter list control set to All, you can change it to My Home Team. This way, whenever a user views a list of objects, it includes only the objects associated with the user's team.

Previously, these defaults couldn't be customized, so they were always set as All for Filters, Standard for Views, and Nothing for Groupings. One added bonus of the new functionality is that you can hide these three settings from your users if they don't need them.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: March 11, 2021

Production release: With the 21.2 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

New for administrators: Easily list the reports that are currently using a custom field

When you need to edit or delete a custom field that might already be implemented in some Workfront reports, it's important to assess whether those reports will need adjustments in order to keep working properly after you make the change. Now, with the new Custom Field Impact view in the Custom Forms area in Setup, you can easily find out which reports use the field.

Without this view, you had to run a report to find out which custom fields were being used in reports. This was difficult and tedious if your organization uses many custom fields.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: February 18, 2021

Production release: March 4, 2021

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic

For group administrators: View and manage a group and its objects in one place

Now it's easier to manage a group when you are viewing a group in the Groups area in Setup. The new More menu lets you quickly edit, copy, or delete the group without going back out to the Groups page.

Also, you can view and work with your group's layout templates, schedules, timesheet profiles, and subgroup members from the group's page. This saves you from having to go to the various Setup pages for these objects to manage them for your group. And it keeps the list of your group's objects separate from those of the other groups in the system.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: February 18, 2021

Production release: With the 21.2 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

New for administrators: More text formatting options available in Custom Form fields

When users type in Custom Form fields that allow formatting, they can now organize the text using bullets, numbering, hyperlinks, and block quotes, in addition to bold, italics, and underline.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: February 18, 2021

Production release: With the 21.2 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic

Project enhancements

FeatureRelease dates and environments

New buttons available in Projects header

To allow you to quickly filter the list of projects on the Projects page, there are two new buttons in the header that allow you to quickly apply the Projects I'm On or Projects I Own filter.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: April 29, 2021

Production release: With the 21.2 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

New Edit Issue Box

As part of updating the look and feel of the new Workfront experience, we have redesigned the Edit Issue box. You can access the new Edit Issue box from an individual issue or when editing a single issue from a list.

Various other changes were also made in addition to an updated look and feel.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: April 22, 2021

Production release: With the 21.2 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

New interface for creating and editing recurring tasks

As part of the redesign of the New and Edit Task boxes, we have added the ability to make a new task recurring as well as to edit the parent of a recurring task. This functionality was not included in the New and Edit Task box redesign released earlier.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: April 22, 2021

Production release: With the 21.2 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Move or delete a story or issue from the Scrum board

You can now move a story or issue off of your Scrum board by clicking the More icon on a story or issue card and selecting Move to. If you have future iterations defined, you can move the item to another iteration. You can also move the item to your team's backlog.

You also have the option to delete a story or issue directly from your Scrum board by clicking the More icon on a card and selecting Delete. When you delete a story or issue, it is moved to the Recycle Bin for 30 days and can be recovered only by the system administrator.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: April 22, 2021

Production release: With the 21.2 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Relocated the Save and Cancel buttons for the Edit and New Object boxes

Based on user feedback, we have moved the Save and Cancel buttons to the lower-left corner of the Edit Object and New Object boxes for projects and tasks.

Prior to this enhancement, these buttons were located in the upper-right corner of these boxes.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: April 8, 2021

Production release: With the 21.2 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Custom forms enhancement

For a better experience when you fill out a custom form, we have improved the way that long custom field labels display. When there is enough horizontal space to show them in their entirety, these labels are no longer truncated.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: March 18, 2021

Production release: With the 21.2 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

The Primary Contact of an Issue is now visible from the Project Details area

When converting an issue to a project, the issue's requester is transferred to the project and visible in the Converted Issue Originator field. You can view this field in the Project Details area, as well as in project reports and lists. This information is also visible for tasks, only in reports and lists.

You must enable this field in your Layout Template to be able to view it in the new Workfront experience for projects.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: February 25, 2021

Production release: March 10, 2021

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic

View information about a group that you want to assign to a portfolio, program, or team

When you are assigning a group to a portfolio, program, or team, we've made it easier to ensure that you have the right group—you can click the info icon next to the name of the group to display a tooltip containing the hierarchy of groups above it, along with the group's administrators. Depending on the details configured for the group, you might also see the group's Business Leader and description.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: February 25, 2021

Production release: With the 21.2 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Text formatting in custom fields now displays in all Workfront Classic lists and reports

In Workfront Classic lists, users can now see text formatting such as bold, bullet lists, and hyperlinks in custom fields when viewing lists and reports.

Previously in Workfront Classic, text formatting was visible only in Project, Task, and Hour lists.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: February 25, 2021

Production release: With the 21.2 release

Available in these environments:

Adobe Workfront Classic

New Edit Task box

As part of updating the look and feel of the new Workfront experience, we have redesigned the Edit Task box. You can access the new Edit Task box from an individual task or when editing a single task from a list.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: April 1, 2021

Production release: With the 21.2 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

New Task box

As part of updating the look and feel of the new Workfront experience, we have redesigned the New Task box. You can access the New Task box when you add a task to a project by clicking New Task at the top of the task list.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: April 1, 2021

Production release: With the 21.2 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Deactivate teams that are no longer in use

You can now deactivate teams you no longer use. When you deactivate a team, it no longer shows up in most typeahead, search fields, or common menus within Workfront. However, historical data associated with the team is retained.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: April 1, 2021

Production release: April 15, 2021

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic

Update to setting that allows users to delete tasks and issues with logged hours

To offer you a cohesive experience across all objects, we changed the way the "Allow users to delete tasks & issues with logged hours" setting works in Workfront. Now, when your Workfront or group administrator disables the Task & Issue preference, you can no longer delete projects that contain tasks or issues with logged hours.

Prior to this change, disabling the setting prevented users just from deleting tasks or issues, not projects.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: April 1, 2021

Production release: With the 21.2 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Requests enhancements

FeatureRelease dates and environments

Control what type of assignments you make on a new request

We have changed the way the Assignments field functions when creating a new request to provide consistency and always show the same field regardless of what types of assignments users can enter.

When you enable the Assigned To, Job Role, or Team fields to be visible when setting up a request queue, requestors will see the same Assignments field that can accommodate all or any of these three assignment types.

There is an indication in the Assignments field about which types of assignments are allowed. For example, when you enabled the Assigned To and Team fields when setting up the request queue, you will be prompted to "Search people or teams" instead of "Search people, roles, or teams."

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: April 8, 2021

Production release: With the 21.2 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Improvements to creating requests and managing drafts

As we continue to incorporate your feedback about creating requests in the new Workfront experience, we made several improvements to the new requests workflow. These include a Close button when creating a new request to leave the request without losing the draft and other enhancements.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: April 8, 2021

Production release: With the 21.2 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Improvements to the requests workflow

As we continue to listen to and incorporate your feedback, we have added several improvements to the new requests workflow to make your interaction with Workfront easier and more intuitive. You can now select where to place the Documents section for uploading files when creating a request queue, and more!

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: March 25, 2021

Production release: With the 21.2 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Open Summary Panel in the Submitted section of the Requests area

To make your experience consistent across all areas of Workfront, we have added the Open Summary icon to the Submitted section of the Requests area. Now, you can open the Summary panel for submitted issues and see more information about the issues, assign them, or add a document or a comment.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: March 18, 2021

Production release: With the 21.2 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Bring back removed New Issue Fields on a New Request form

With the redesign of the New Request form that launched with the previous release, we had prevented several fields from the New Issue Fields area of the project Queue Details section to display when submitting a new request. After incorporating your feedback, we have decided to bring the fields back so they can all display on the New Request form.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: February 25, 2021

Production release: With the 21.2 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

New experience when submitting requests in the Requests area

To bring consistency with the new Workfront experience and create efficiencies for you when submitting requests, we have redesigned the New Request box in the Requests area.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: January 13, 2021

Production release: With the 21.2 release (Originally planned for the 21.1 release but moved to 21.2)

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Share a link to a request queue when submitting a request

We have now made it possible to share a link to a request queue, topic group, or queue topic As you create a request.

Before you submit a new request, you can copy a link to the request queue, topic group, or queue topic of the request and share it with other users, or embed it in a dashboard.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: January 13, 2021

Production release: With the 21.2 release (Originally planned for the 21.1 release but moved to 21.2)

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Resource Management enhancements

FeatureRelease dates and environments

Month-level view in the Workload Balancer

To help you manage the allocation of resources for larger periods of time, we have now implemented a month-level view for the Workload Balancer. You can view up to three months at a time and update monthly resource allocations. Prior to this change, you could view the Workload Balancer only by day or week.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: April 22, 2021

Production release: With the 21.2 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic

Connection between the Scenario Planner, Workload Balancer, and task list

To help you with the strategic planning of your projects and ensure they align with the bigger-picture initiatives of the Scenario Planner, we have created a new area on the project that displays job role requirements from the initiatives as well as planned hours estimated on the project's work items. This area is available for the project-level Workload Balancer as well as for the task list. To support this new functionality, you can also view the Workload Balancer by month, in addition to using the existing daily and weekly options.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: April 22, 2021

Production release: With the 21.2 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Use Planned Hours when calculating Net values in the Resource Planner

A new setting in the Resource Planner allows you to use Planned Hours when calculating Net values.

Prior to this enhancement, Workfront calculated Net values only using Budgeted Hours. Net values display the difference between Available and Budgeted or Planned hours, FTE, or cost. Budgeted Hours is still the default setting when calculating Net values.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: March 11, 2021

Production release: With the 21.2 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic

12-week view in the Workload Balancer

You can now view up to 12 weeks of information in the Workload Balancer. Prior to this enhancement, you could view 2,4, and 6 weeks of information.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: March 11, 2021

Production release: With the 21.2 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic

Change in the way the Job Role filter works in the Unassigned area of the Workload Balancer

To improve the way the Job Role filter works in the Workload Balancer and to match users' expectations, we have modified the functionality of the filter in the Unassigned area. You can now view only the hours allocated to the job roles you specify in the filter.

Prior to this enhancement, when applying the Job Role filter to the Unassigned area the Workload Balancer displayed all hours associated with the work items assigned to the job roles .

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: February 25, 2021

Production release: With the 21.2 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic

Reporting enhancements

FeatureRelease dates and environments

Restrict hour editing in projects and reports

To provide more control over hour editing on the Hours tab in a project and Hour reports, we've added a setting that allows Workfront administrators to restrict hour editing to hour owners and system administrators.

Previously, users with Timesheets & hours enabled in their access level could edit hours.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: April 15, 2021

Production release: With the 21.2 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic

New look and feel for the Assignments field in updated lists and reports

To match the modern look of other areas in the new Workfront experience, the styling has changed for the Assignments field in updated lists and reports. The redesign includes a new Job role icon a new People icon for advanced assignments, a new Restricted Access icon, and more.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: April 8, 2021

Production release: With the 21.2 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

New look and feel for typeahead fields in updated lists and reports

To match the modern look of other areas in the new Workfront experience, the styling has changed for typeahead fields in updated lists and reports. These changes include various enhancements.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: April 8, 2021

Production release: With the 21.2 release (Temporarily removed from Production on May 20, 2021)

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Report on system updates

The new Journal Entry report gives you greater auditability by allowing you to drill in to system updates, including: status changes on a project, task, or issue; deleted tasks and issues; values in custom fields; and more.

Previously, you could report on system updates only via the Workfront API.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: February 18, 2021

Production release: March 4, 2021

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic

Proofing enhancements

FeatureRelease dates and environments

Proof decision now visible in the Documents list

The overall proof decision is now visible on the default document list view.

With this enhancement, you can easily see all proofs that have an overall decision directly within the default list view. This makes it extremely simple to spot your proof progress without needing to navigate to different pages.

Previously, you were required to go to the document details and proof workflow in order to view the overall proof decision, which required multiple clicks.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: April 15, 2021

Production release: May 6, 2021

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

New fields on the Proof Approval report

To help surface useful proofing information, we've added new fields to the Proof Approval report.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: February 25, 2021

Production release: With the 21.2 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic

Carry over the existing proof workflow when generating a new version

Now, the existing proof workflow carries over to any new versions you create, no matter the method in which they are generated.

Previously, there was a slight difference in how the proof workflow was carried over depending on where you generated them in Workfront.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: March 11, 2021

Production release: With the 21.2 release (Removed from the Preview and Production environments; this feature is not releasing with the 21.2 release)

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic

Integration enhancements

FeatureRelease dates and environments

Introducing Adobe Workfront for XD

We're excited to announce the launch of our new plugin: Adobe Workfront for XD. This plugin allows you to access work item details, collaborate with coworkers in the Updates area, and submit proofs for review--all without leaving XD. Head over to the Adobe XD marketplace to download the plugin today.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: April 27, 2021

Production release: April 27, 2021

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Search for folders in document integrations

To make it easier for you to navigate your document integrations, we've made it possible to search for folders. Now, when you enter a term in the search bar, Workfront will return documents, folders, and subfolders that contain the search term in their names.

Previously, subfolders could only be located by opening the parent folders.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: March 25, 2021

Production release: With the 21.2 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Enhanced security when uploading files to Google Drive

The Google Drive integration now supports new Google security protocols.

When linking to, uploading, or creating files on Google Drive from the Documents section of a Workfront object, Workfront now accesses your Google files through Google's file picker. This limits Workfront's access and visibility only to those Google files that you link to Workfront.

Previously, files were accessed through a file dialog based in Workfront.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: March 11, 2021

Production release: With the 21.2 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic

Other enhancements

FeatureRelease dates and environments

Email allowlist validation

If you use the email allowlist, new and updated user email addresses are now validated against the allowlist. When you add a new user or edit an existing user and enter an email domain not on the allowlist, a message notifies you that the user will not receive email messages. You can still save the user profile, but you should add the domain to the allowlist so that the user will receive emails.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: April 22, 2021

Production release: With the 21.2 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Blueprints beta now available in Preview

Blueprints provides basic building blocks to help you create a work management system that grows with you. System administrators can browse the blueprints catalog and install ready-to-use project templates.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: April 22, 2021

Production release: Generally available with the 21.3 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

New look and feel for object headers

To further reinforce the hierarchy of information and help users more clearly understand what page they are on, each object header now has:

  • Colorful, more modern icons for each object type

  • The object type listed above the object's name

  • An updated font style and text size

  • Other minor style changes

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: February 25, 2021

Production release: March 10, 2021

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Updates to object status search responses

Workfront now stores object statuses in a new way.

These changes do not affect how status search requests are made. However, API requests containing an object status search will return an incomplete list of group statuses.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: March 25, 2021

Production release: TBD

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic

Event subscription payloads updated to include all fields ending in ID

All event subscription payloads now contain every field that ends in "ID".

It's important to note that each object has its own unique set of associated fields, which includes a unique set of associated fields that end in ID. This means that while each payload contains all of that object's associated fields that end in ID, each object has a different set of fields that end in ID.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: March 25, 2021

Production release: With the 21.2 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic

Mobile enhancements

FeatureRelease dates and environments

Timesheet comments

The mobile app now allows you to enter comments on your timesheets.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: N/A

Production release: With the 21.2 release

Available in these environments:

The new Adobe Workfront experience

Adobe Workfront Classic

Additional objects supported with typeahead — only for iOS users

The mobile app now supports more objects in custom form typeahead fields.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: February 25, 2021

Production release: April 27, 2021

Available in these environments:

iOS mobile app

Save requests as drafts in the Workfront mobile app

You can now save partially filled requests as drafts in the mobile app. We've added a new Drafts section in the Request area for you to easily find any of your drafts.

Available on these dates:

Beta Preview release: February 25, 2021

Production release: iOS: April 27, 2021; Android: With the 21.2 release

Available in these environments:

iOS mobile app

Android mobile app

Workfront Goals enhancements

Most new features coming to Workfront Goals release with the 21.2 release. For information about these new features now available in Preview, see Adobe Workfront Goals with the 21.2 release.

Workfront Scenario Planner enhancements

New features coming to Workfront Scenario Planner release with the 21.2 release. For information about these new features now available in Preview, see Adobe Workfront Scenario Planner with the 21.2 release.

Workfront Fusion enhancements

New features in Workfront Fusion are available in Production at a cadence outside of the 21.2 release schedule. For more information about the latest features, see Adobe Workfront Fusion release activity

API version 13

For API version 13, we’ve modified various resources and endpoints. Some of the changes support new functionality, and others make it easier for you to use the information available through the API.

For information on what’s new and updated, see What’s new in API version 13.

Functionality being removed from Production

Feature rollback: Carry over the existing proof workflow when generating a new version

Due to customer feedback, Workfront is removing this change from Preview environments on March 30, 2021 and from Production environments on March 31, 2021.

On March 11, 2021, Workfront released a change to existing proof workflows in both Workfront Classic and the new Workfront experience. The change allowed for an existing workflow to carry over to any new proof versions created by a user, regardless of the method used to generate them.

In the new Workfront experience after this change is removed, proofs created with the Simple proof selection will not include any preset proofing settings, and new versions will not carry over existing workflows or proof settings. A user can adjust settings after proof generation.

In Workfront Classic after this change is removed, the option to Generate Proof will not include any preset proofing settings, and new versions will not carry over existing workflows or proof settings. A user can adjust settings after proof generation.

Similar functionality to easily copy existing workflows might be added to Production at a future time.

Functionality no longer supported

Internet Explorer 11

With the removal of support for Internet Explorer, Workfront now officially supports Microsoft Edge.

For more information about supported browsers, see Adobe Workfront browser requirements.

Previous page21.3 Other enhancements
Next page21.2 Administrator enhancements


Learn: Automating Workflows with Workfront Fusion - Unique Use Cases in Action


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A Proven Framework to Boost Campaign Creation Speed

Online | Session | General Audience

Disparate teams, messy workflows, and clunky approvals impede your content production speed and business impact. Stensul’s CEO, Noah...

Wed, Mar 19, 4:00 PM PDT (11:00 PM UTC)


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