Formula fields are now supported in request forms

Preview release: February 27, 2025; Production for fast release: With the 25.3 release (March 2025); Production for quarterly release: With the 25.4 release (April 2025)

You can now add formula fields to a record type request form in Workfront Planning.

Prior to this enhancement, these types of fields could not be added to request forms.

For information, see Create and manage a request form in Adobe Workfront Planning.

Updates to the Connection view page of a record

Preview release: February 27, 2025; Production for fast release: With the 25.3 release (March 2025); Production for quarterly release: With the 25.4 release (April 2025)

We have updated the Connection view of a record page with the following capabilities:

  • By default, only the first 5 fields of the connected record display in the table view. Prior to this update, all fields displayed.

  • You can now hide columns in the connected record’s table view.

  • You can rearrange columns using the Fields icon in the table’s toolbar.

  • You can connect and disconnect records.

For more information, see Manage the record page layout.

New expression added to formula fields

Preview release: February 20, 2025; Production release for all customers: February 20, 2025

We have added the JSONELEMENT expression to formula fields. This expression returns the data from JSON by the provided JSONPath.

For information, see Formula fields overview.

Real-time presence indicators in a record’s details preview or page

Preview release: February 20, 2025; Production for fast release: With the 25.3 release (March 2025); Production for quarterly release: With the 25.4 release (April 2025)

To understand what information is edited by other users when working in a record’s preview or details page, we have introduced real-time presence indicators for this area of Workfront Planning.

The field edited by another user will now be highlighted, and other users’ avatars will be visible to you in the upper-right corner of the preview or details page.

For information, see Edit records.

Enhancements for creating Workfront objects when connecting them to Planning records

Preview release: February 20, 2025; Production for fast release: With the 25.3 release (March 2025); Production for quarterly release: With the 25.4 release (April 2025)

You can now easily create projects, portfolios, and programs as you connect them to a record from an existing connection field.

The following features are available with this improvement:

  • A persistent Add button when connecting to a Planning record a Workfront project, portfolio, or another Planning record

  • Ability to add programs and associate them with a portfolio using a persistent Add button in a connection field.

Configure automations to create objects and records based on an existing record

Preview release: February 20, 2025; Production for fast release: With the 25.3 release (March 2025); Production for quarterly release: With the 25.4 release (April 2025)

As a workspace manager, you can now configure custom automations for a record type to automatically create either a connected Workfront object or a Planning record.

The created objects or records are immediately connected to the record where the automation is configured and triggered.

For information, see Create objects using Adobe Workfront Planning record automations.

Examine and confirm actions taken by AI Assistant

Preview release: February 13, 2025; Production for fast release: With the 25.3 release (March 2025); Production for quarterly release: With the 25.4 release (April 2025)

To make it easier to ensure that AI Assistant takes the actions you intend, you can now examine and confirm those actions before there are executed. Now, when you enter a prompt that performs an action such as creating, updating, or deleting a record, AI Assistant displays the actions it will take and asks for confirmation that those are the correct actions.

Previously, this confirmation step was unavailable.

Functions added to formula fields

Preview release: January 30, 2025; Production release for all customers: January 30, 2025

The following expressions are now available in Workfront formula fields: ARRAY, ARRAYLENGTH, ARRAYELEMENT. Definitions and examples of each expression are available in the formula editor.

For information, see Formula fields overview.

Sharing Workfront Planning items with teams, job roles, and companies

Preview release: January 30, 2025; Production for fast release: With the 25.2 release (February 13, 2025); Production for quarterly release: With the 25.4 release (April 2025)

You can now share views and workspaces with teams, job roles, and companies, in Workfront Planning. Prior to this enhancement, you could share views and workspaces with users and groups.

For information, see the following articles:

Share views

Share workspaces

Copying and pasting external text is now supported for connections and People fields

Preview release: January 23, 2025; Production for fast release: With the 25.2 release (February 13, 2025); Production for quarterly release: With the 25.4 release (April 2025)

You can now copy text from a source external to Workfront and paste it in a Workfront Planning connected field or a People-type field. This enhancement is available when editing records in the table view. The text must match an existing user (for People-type fields) or an existing record or object (for a connected record). You can copy and paste multiple values for multiple fields and update records in bulk.

Prior to this enhancement, you could only copy information from an existing Workfront Planning field and paste it in another field.

For more information, see Edit records.

Multi-tiered filters in record views

Preview release: January 23, 2025; Production for fast release: With the 25.2 release (February 13, 2025); Production for quarterly release: With the 25.4 release (April 2025)

With this release, we have updated the filter builder in Workfront Planning to allow for multi-tier filters.

The following improvements are part of this update:

  • You can use AND and OR filter operators to join multiple groups of filter conditions for more complex filters

  • The new filter builders are available in all record views: table, timeline, and calendar views

Prior to this enhancement, you could add multiple filtering operators between single conditions and you could not join multiple condition groups together.

For more information, see Manage the table view.

Create projects using a template as you connect them from Workfront Planning records

Preview release: January 22, 2025; Production for fast release: With the 25.2 release (February 13, 2025); Production for quarterly release: With the 25.4 release (April 2025)

You can now create projects using a template while you connect projects to existing records.

For example, if you connect Workfront Planning campaigns with Workfront projects, and you determine that a particular project does not exist, you can add it as a new project in the connected record field. The project is then added to Workfront. You can also use a template for the new project.

Prior to this enhancement, you could create blank projects, without a template.

For information, see Create Workfront objects from Workfront Planning.

Improved display of record name and description in the record’s details page and preview box

Preview release: January 22, 2025; Production for fast release: With the 25.2 release (February 13, 2025); Production for quarterly release: With the 25.4 release (April 2025)

To give you better visibility to record titles on the header of the display page, we have made an improvement to give titles more space, prevent overlap, and handle truncation gracefully.

As a result, longer record titles now wrap rather than being truncated when displayed in the details page and preview box.

For information about the record’s page, see Manage the record page.

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