Edit proof comments

You can edit any comment you make on a proof. Additionally, the following users can edit comments made by other users:

  • The proof Owner
  • The proof Creator
  • Users with Supervisor profile permissions
  • Users with a proof role of Author or Moderator

To edit proof comments:

  1. Go to the project, task, or issue that contains the document, then select Documents.

  2. Find the proof you need, then click Open proof.

  3. (Conditional) If the comments area is not open, click  View comments  in the upper-right corner.

  4. Hover over the comment you want to edit, click the More icon that appears, then click Edit.

  5. Edit_a_comment-More_icon.png

  6. Make any changes in the comment, then click Post.

    The label “Edited” appears on the comment. When a reviewer mouses over this, your name and the date and time of the changes appear. If you edit the comment more than once, this information appears only for the most recent change. This label also appears above the comment when you select the document in the Documents area and view the Updates tab in the Summary.
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