
You must have the following:

  • Tasks or issues assigned to job roles or to users associated with a job role.

    If the tasks or issues are unassigned, assigned to teams, or are assigned to users with no job role, the Planned Hours of the project is zero in the Role Allocation panel.
  • Tasks and issues with a Duration higher than zero.

View project Planned Hours in the Role Allocation panel

  1. Click the Main Menu icon in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, then click Projects.

  2. Click the name of a project to access it. This opens the Project page.

  3. Click one of the following in the left panel:

    • Tasks
    • Workload Balancer
  4. Click the Show role allocation icon .

    The Role Allocation panel displays.

  5. Review the following information in the Role Allocation panel:

    Job RoleJob roles assigned to tasks and issues on the project. These can be job roles assigned directly to tasks and issues or job roles associated with users assigned to tasks and issues on the project.
    Planned HoursThe total number of Planned Hours from tasks and issues assigned to job roles or users associated with a job role on the project.
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