How do I mark up a proof?

ProofHQ offers a set of drawing tools that will help you leave precise feedback on your proofs. You can choose the color and the opacity of each markup you leave on the proof, and for line tools you can also change the thickness of the line.

To view the available tools, click on the Add a comment button at the top of the page. Drawing tools available in the toolbar are:

  • rectangle
  • freehand line
  • straight line
  • connected lines
  • arrow
  • highlight
  • mask shape

To draw, simply pick the tool you want to use, the color of the markup and the thickness of the line (for line tools). You can have multiple markups attached to a comment. When you save the comment, a pin with the number of the comment will be dropped in the middle of the group of markups. Pins allow you to quickly view markups left on the proof, if you click on it, the markup and the comment connected to the markup will show.

What tools could I use to markup text in a proof?

The text annotation tool available in the Proof Viewer allows you to quickly markup text in your proof. To access it, you click on the Add a comment button at the top of the page. The annotation tool is the first icon to the left in the toolbar. It allows you to select text in your proof. You have 4 options to choose from:

  • highlight - it highlights the text and copies it into the comment box
  • replace - copies the text and adds [REPLACE] and [WITH] in the comment box, so that you can easily suggest replacement text
  • delete - strikes through the text and adds [DELETE] to the comment box
  • insert after - lets you easily suggest text that needs to be inserted after the highlighted phrase

If the text you’d like to use is saved in a separate document, you can use the keyboard shortcuts (ctrl+c and ctrl+v on a PC, cmd+c and cmd+v on a Mac) to copy and paste it into the comment box.

What does it mean to make a decision on a proof?

Making a decision on a proof can have two meanings in ProofHQ. On one hand, it can be a formal approval when somebody needs to sign off on a proof. Another approach is using the action of making a decision to notify other reviewers that you are done making comments on the proof.

Standard decision options available in ProofHQ are Approved, Approved with changes, Changes required and Not relevant. Administrators in Enterprise and Unlimited accounts can customize these options (rename or even hide them). To learn more, see Configure approval decision options in Workfront Proof.

Does everyone have to make a decision on a proof?

No, it depends on what proof role each reviewer was assigned on a proof (for more information about proof roles, see Manage Proof Roles in Workfront Proof). Approver, Reviewer and Approver, Moderator and Author are roles that require a decision on the proof.

Usually the person who creates the proof doesn’t need to make a decision, however this depends on the workflow in your organization. If a reviewer doesn’t need to make a decision on a proof, make sure that their role is set to reviewer, otherwise the system will wait for their decision before the overall status of the proof is updated.

If you are sending a proof to a group of reviewers, but you only need one person to sign off on the proof and it doesn’t matter who makes the decision, you can enable Only one decision required. The overall proof progress will be updated after the first decision on the proof is made, regardless of who makes the decision.

Can I generate a list of all comments that were made on a proof?

Yes, you can generate a Print summary of the comments left on the proof. This document can be generated either for a single version or across all versions that were shared with this reviewer. It shows you a list of all comments, markups and decisions that were made on the proof. For more information about this feature, please visit Print and Export Comments in Workfront Proof.

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