Out of the box (OOTB) supported fonts for PDF generation on Forms as a Cloud Service ootb-supported-fonts-overview

AEM Forms as a Cloud Service offers various built-in OOTB supported fonts that can be seamlessly used within Communication APIs, Document of Record for Core Components, and Document of Record for Foundation Components.

Out of the box (OOTB) supported fonts ootb-supported-fonts

The list of the OOTB supported fonts are:

  • AdobeArabic
  • AdobeFanHeitiStd
  • AdobeGothicStd
  • AdobeHebrew
  • AdobeHeitiStd
  • AdobeThai
  • LetterGothicStd
  • MinionPro
  • MyriadPro
  • SymbolStd
  • AdobeMingStd
  • AdobeMyungjoStd
  • AdobePiStd.otf
  • AdobeSongStd
  • CourierStd
  • KozGoPr6N
  • KozGoProVI
  • eurosign.ttf

In addition to the above mentioned fonts, you can use custom fonts to give the PDFs a specific look and feel. To enable custom fonts, you add custom fonts to your Forms as a Cloud Service environment with a valid license.
