Bulk import assets using Assets view bulk-import-assets-view

Bulk Import in AEM Assets view provides administrators with the ability to import large number of assets from a data source to AEM Assets. The administrators do not need to upload individual assets or folders to AEM Assets anymore.

The Assets view bulk importer uses the same backend as that of the Admin view bulk importer. However, it offers more data sources to import from and a more streamlined user experience.

You can import assets from the following data sources:

  • Azure
  • AWS
  • Google Cloud
  • Dropbox
  • OneDrive

Prerequisites prerequisites

Data Source
  • Azure Storage Account
  • Azure Blob Container
  • Azure Access Key or SAS Token based on the authentication mode
  • AWS Region
  • AWS Bucket
  • AWS Access Key
  • AWS Access Secret
Google Cloud
  • GCP Bucket
  • GCP Service Account Email
  • GCP Service Account Private Key
  • Dropbox Client ID (App key)
  • Dropbox Client Secret (App secret)
  • OneDrive Tenant ID
  • OneDrive Client ID
  • OneDrive Client Secret

In addition to these prerequisites based on the data source, you must be aware of the source folder name available in your data source that contains all assets that need to be imported to AEM Assets.

Configure the Dropbox developer application dropbox-developer-application

Before importing assets from your Dropbox account to AEM Assets, create and configure the Dropbox developer application.

Execute the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your Dropbox account and click Create apps.
    If you’re using an Enterprise Dropbox account, you need to have access to the Content Admin role.

  2. In the Choose an API section, select the only available radio button.

  3. In the Choose the type of access you need section, select one of the following options:

    • Select App folder, if you need access to single folder created within your application in your Dropbox account.

    • Select Full Dropbox, if you need access to all files and folders within your Dropbox account.

  4. Specify a name for your application and click Create app.

  5. In the Settings tab of your application, add https://experience.adobe.com to the Redirect URIs section.

  6. Copy the values for the App key and App secret fields. The values are required while configuring the bulk import tool in AEM Assets.

  7. On the Permissions tab, add the following permissions within the Individual scopes section.

    • account_info.read

    • files.metadata.read

    • files.content.read

    • files.content.write

  8. Click Submit to save the changes.

Configure the OneDrive developer application onedrive-developer-application

Before importing assets from your OneDrive account to AEM Assets, create and configure the OneDrive developer application.

Create an application

  1. Sign in to your OneDrive account and click New registration.

  2. Specify a name for the application, select Accounts in this organizational directory only (Adobe only - Single tenant) from Supported account types.

  3. Execute the following steps to add redirect URIs:

    1. In the Select a platform dropdown menu, select Web.

    2. Add https://experience.adobe.com to the Redirect URIs section.

  4. Click Register. The application is created successfully.

  5. Copy the values for the Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID fields. The values are required while configuring the bulk import tool in AEM Assets.

  6. Click Add a certificate or secret corresponding to Client credentials option.

  7. Click New client secret, provide the client secret description, expiration and click Add.

  8. After creating the Client Secret, copy the Value field (Do not copy the Secret ID field). It is required while configuring bulk import in AEM Assets.

Add API permissions

Execute the following steps to add API permissions for the application:

  1. Click API permissions in left pane and click Add a permission.
  2. Click Microsoft Graph > Delegated permissions. The Select Permission section displays the available permissions.
  3. Select offline_access permission from OpenId permissions and Files.ReadWrite.All permission from Files.
  4. Click Add permissions to save the updates.

Create bulk import configuration create-bulk-import-configuration

Execute the following steps to create a bulk import configuration in the Experience Manager Assets:

  1. Click Bulk Import in left pane and click Create Import.

  2. Select the data source. The available options include Azure, AWS, Google Cloud, Dropbox and OneDrive.

  3. Specify a name for the bulk import configuration in the Name field.

  4. Specify the data source specific credentials, as mentioned in Prerequisites.

  5. Provide name of the root folder that contains assets in the data source in the Source Folder field.

    note note
    If you are using Dropbox as the data source, specify the source folder path based on the following rules:
    • If you select Full Dropbox while creating the Dropbox application and the folder which contains the assets exists at https://www.dropbox.com/home/bulkimport-assets, then specify bulkimport-assets in the Source Folder field.
    • If you select App folder while creating the Dropbox application and the folder which contains the assets exists at https://www.dropbox.com/home/Apps/BulkImportAppFolderScope/bulkimport-assets, then specify bulkimport-assets in the Source Folder field, where BulkImportAppFolderScope refers to the name of the application. Apps is automatically added after home in this case.
    note note
    If you are using OneDrive as the data source, specify the source folder path based on the following rules:
    • Specify the Root folder name only, without the domain. If the full URL path of the folder is https://my.sharepoint.com/my?id=/personal/user/Documents/Importfolder/, specify /Importfolder/ in the Source Folder field.
    • If the folder name contains multiple words separated by spaces, specify the name with the spaces in the Bulk Import configuration.
    • The source folder must be located at the root of the directory. Folder paths are not supported.
  6. (Optional) Select the Delete source file after import option to delete the original files from the source data store after the files are imported into Experience Manager Assets.

  7. Select the Import Mode. Select Skip, Replace, or Create Version. Skip mode is the default and in this mode, the ingestor skips to import an asset if it exists already.
    Import source details

  8. (Optional) Specify the metadata file to import, provided in CSV format, in the Metadata File field. The metadata source file must be in the source folder. Click Next to navigate to Location & Filters.

    note note
    Depending on your organization’s security rules, you may require administrator consent for this application to connect to the Bulk Import tool. If this is required, the administrator needs to provide consent before the bulk import configuration can be saved.
  9. To define a location in DAM where assets are to be imported using the Assets Target Folder field, specify a path. For example, /content/dam/imported_assets.

  10. (Optional) In the Choose Filters section, provide the minimum file size of assets in MB to include them in the ingestion process in the Filter by Min Size field.

  11. (Optional) Provide the maximum file size of assets in MB to include them in the ingestion process in the Filter by Max Size field.

  12. (Optional) Select the MIME types to include in the ingestion process using the Include MIME Type field. You can select multiple MIME types within this field. If you do not define a value, all MIME types are included in the ingestion process.

  13. (Optional) Select the MIME types to exclude in the ingestion process using the Exclude MIME Type field. You can select multiple MIME types within this field. If you do not define a value, all MIME types are included in the ingestion process.

    Bulk import filters

  14. Click Next. Select one of the following options as per your preference:

    • Save import to save the configuration for now so that you can run it later.
    • Save & run import to save the configuration and run the bulk import.
    • Save & schedule import to save the configuration and schedule the bulk import for a later time. You can choose the frequency of the bulk import, and set the date and time for the import. The bulk import will run on the set date and time in the choosen frquency.

    Execute bulk import

  15. Click Save to execute the selected option.

Handling filenames during bulk import filename-handling-bulkimport-assets-view

When you import assets or folders in bulk, Experience Manager Assets imports the whole structure of what exists in the import source. Experience Manager follows the inbuilt rules for special characters in the asset and folder names, therefore these filenames need sanitization. For both folder name and asset name, the title defined by the user remains unchanged and is stored in jcr:title.

During bulk import, Experience Manager look for the existing folders to avoid reimporting the assets and folders, and also verifies the sanitization rules applied in the parent folder where the import takes place. If the sanitization rules are applied in the parent folder, the same rules are applied to the import source. For new import, the following sanitization rules are applied to manage the filenames of assets and folders.

For more information on disallowed names, handling asset names, and handling folder names during bulk import, see Handling filenames during bulk import in Admin view.

View existing bulk import configurations view-import-configuration

To view the existing bulk imports, select the Bulk Imports option in the left pane. The bulk imports page appears with the list of Executed Imports.

You can also view the Saved Imports and Scheduled Imports from the dropdown option.

Save bulk import configuration

Edit bulk import configuration edit-import-configuration

To edit the configuration details, click More icon corresponding to the configuration name and click Edit. You cannot edit the title of the configuration and the import data source while performing the edit operation. You can edit the configuration using Executed, Scheduled, or Saved Imports tabs.

Edit bulk import configuration

Schedule one-time or recurring imports schedule-imports

To schedule a one-time or a recurring bulk import, execute the following steps:

  1. Click More icon corresponding to the configuration name available in the Executed Imports or Saved Imports tab and click Schedule. You can also reschedule an existing scheduled import by navigating to Scheduled Imports tab and clicking Schedule.

  2. Set a one-time ingestion or schedule an hourly, a daily, or a weekly schedule. Click Submit.

    Schedule bulk import configuration

Perform an import health check import-health-check

To validate the connection to the data source, click More icon corresponding to the configuration name, and then click Check. If the connection is successful, Experience Manager Assets displays the following message:

Bulk import health check

Perform a dry run before executing an import dry-run-bulk-import

Click More icon corresponding to the configuration name and click Dry Run to invoke a test run for the Bulk Import job. Experience Manager Assets displays the following details about the Bulk Import job:

Bulk import health check

Run a bulk import run-bulk-import

If you have saved the import while creating the configuration, you can navigate to Saved Imports tab, click More icon icon corresponding to the configuration and click Run.

Similarly, if you need to execute an already executed import, navigate to Executed Imports tab, click More icon corresponding to the configuration name and click Run.

Stop or schedule an ongoing import schedule-stop-ongoing-report

You can schedule or stop an ongoing bulk import using the bulk import status dialog that displays on the Bulk Import home page during an import.

Ongoing import

You can also view the assets that have been imported in the target folder by clicking View Assets.

Delete a bulk import configuration delete-bulk-import-configuration

Click More icon corresponding to the configuration name existing in Executed Imports, Scheduled Imports, or Saved Imports tabs and click Delete to delete the Bulk Import configuration.

To view the Assets target location where the assets are imported after running the Bulk Import job, click More icon corresponding to the configuration name, and then click View Assets.

Video: Bulk import assets using Assets View
