Upload assets
To upload a file (or multiple files), you can either select them on your desktop and drag on the user interface (web browser) to the destination folder. Alternatively, you can initiate upload from the user interface.
In the Assets user interface, navigate to the location where you want to add digital assets.
To upload the assets, do one of the following:
- On the toolbar, click Create > Files. You can rename the file in the presented dialog if needed.
- In a browser that supports HTML5, drag the assets directly on the Assets user interface. The dialog to rename file is not displayed.
To select multiple files, select the
or theCommand
key and select the assets in the file picker dialog. When using an iPad, you can select only one file at a time. -
To cancel an ongoing upload, click close (
) next to the progress bar. When you cancel the upload operation, Assets deletes the partially uploaded portion of the asset.
If you cancel an upload operation before the files are uploaded, Assets stops uploading the current file and refreshes the content. However, files that are already uploaded are not deleted. -
The upload progress dialog in Assets displays the count of successfully uploaded files and the files that failed to upload.
In addition, the Assets user interface displays the most recent asset that you upload or the folder that you created first.
Handling uploads for existing assets
You can upload an asset with the same path (same name and same location) as an existing asset. However, a warning dialog is displayed with the following options:
Replace existing asset: If you replace an existing asset, the metadata for the asset and any prior modifications (for example, annotations and cropping) you made to the existing asset are deleted.
The option to replace assets is not available if the asset is locked or checked out. -
Create another version: A new version of the existing asset is created in the repository. You can view the two versions in the Timeline and can revert to the previously existing version if necessary.
Keep both: If you choose to keep both assets, the new asset is renamed.
To retain the duplicate asset in Assets, click Keep. To delete the duplicate asset you uploaded, click Delete.
Filename handling and forbidden characters
Experience Manager Assets prevents you from uploading assets with the forbidden characters in their filenames. If you try to upload an asset with filenames containing a disallowed character or more, Assets displays a warning message and stops the upload until you remove these characters or upload with an allowed name.
To suit specific file-naming conventions for your organization, the Upload Assets dialog lets you specify long names for the files that you upload. The following (space-separated list of) characters are not supported:
- Invalid characters for asset name:
* / : [ \\ ] | # % { } ? &
- Invalid characters for asset folder name:
* / : [ \\ ] | # % { } ? \" . ^ ; + & \t
Bulk upload assets
The bulk asset ingestor can handle many assets efficiently. However, a large-scale ingestion is not just a broad file dump or a casual migration. For a large-scale ingestion to be a meaningful project that serves your business purpose and is efficient, plan the migration and curate the assets organization. All ingestions are different so instead of generalizing, factor in the nuanced repository composition and business needs. The following are some overarching suggestions to plan and execute a bulk ingestion:
- Curate assets: Remove assets that are not needed in the DAM. Consider removing unused, obsolete, or duplicate assets. Such housekeeping reduces the data transferred and assets ingested leading to faster ingestions.
- Organize assets: Consider organizing the content in some logical order, say by file size, file format, use case, or priority. In general, large complex files require more processing. You can also consider ingesting large files separately using the file size filtering option (described below).
- Stagger ingestions: Consider breaking up your ingestion into multiple bulk ingestion projects. q lets you see content sooner and update your ingestion as necessary. For example, you can ingest processing-intensive assets during non-peak hours or gradually in multiple chunks. However, you can ingest smaller and simpler assets that do not require much processing in one go.
To upload larger number of files, use one of the following approaches. Also, see the use cases and methods
- Asset upload APIs: Use a custom upload script or tool that uses APIs to add additional handling of assets (for example, translate metadata or rename files), if necessary.
- Experience Manager desktop app: Useful for creative professionals and marketers who upload assets from their local file system. Use it to upload nested folders available locally.
- Bulk ingestion tool: Use for ingestion of large amounts of assets either occasionally or initially when deploying Experience Manager.
Manage the Bulk Import tool configuration
After creating the Bulk Import tool configuration, you can perform tasks to evaluate the configuration before bulk ingesting assets to your Experience Manager instance. To view the available options to manage your Bulk Import tool configuration, select the configuration available at Tools > Assets > Bulk Import.
Edit the configuration
To edit the configuration details, select the configuration, and then click Edit. You cannot edit the title of the configuration and the import data source while performing the edit operation.
Delete the configuration
Select the configuration and click Delete to delete the Bulk Import configuration.
Validate connection to the data source
To validate the connection to the data source, select the configuration, and then click check. If the connection is successful, Experience Manager displays the following message:
Invoke a test run for the Bulk Import job
Select the configuration and click Dry Run to invoke a test run for the Bulk Import job. Experience Manager displays the following details about the Bulk Import job:
Handling filenames during bulk import
When you import assets or folders in bulk, Experience Manager Assets imports the whole structure of what exists in the import source. Experience Manager follows the inbuilt rules for special characters in the asset and folder names, therefore these filenames need sanitization. For both folder name and asset name, the title defined by the user remains unchanged and is stored in jcr:title
During bulk import, Experience Manager look for the existing folders to avoid reimporting the assets and folders, and also verifies the sanitization rules applied in the parent folder where the import takes place. If the sanitization rules are applied in the parent folder, the same rules are applied to the import source. For new import, the following sanitization rules are applied to manage the filenames of assets and folders.
Disallowed names in bulk import
The following characters are not allowed in file and folder names:
- Control and Private Use Characters (0x00 to 0x1F, \u0081, \uE000)
- File or folder names ending with a dot (.)
Files or folders with names matching these conditions are skipped during the import process and marked as failed.
Handling asset name in bulk import
For asset filenames, the JCR name and path is sanitized using the API: JcrUtil.escapeIllegalJcrChars
Unicode characters are not changed
Replace the special characters with their URL Escape Code, for example,
is updated tonew%25asset.png
:URL escape code " %22 % %25 ' %27 * %2A / %2F : %3A [ %5B \n %0A \r %0D \t %09 ] %5D | %7C
Handling folder name in bulk import
For folder filenames, the JCR name and path is sanitized using the API: DamUtil.getSanitizedFolderName
Upper case characters are converted to lower case
Unicode characters are not changed
Replace the special characters with dash (‘-’), for example,
new folder
is updated tonew-folder
:" # % & * + . : ; ? [ ] ^ { } | / It is used for split folder in cloud storage and is pre-handled, no conversion here. \ Not allowed in Azure, allowed in AWS. \t space It is the space character.
Schedule a one-time or a recurring bulk import
To schedule a one-time or a recurring bulk import, execute the following steps:
Create a bulk import configuration.
Select the configuration and select Schedule from the toolbar.
Set a one-time ingestion or schedule an hourly, a daily, or a weekly schedule. Click Submit.
View the Assets target folder
To view the Assets target location where the assets are imported after running the Bulk Import job, select the configuration, and then click View Assets.
Run the Bulk Import tool
After configuring the Bulk Import tool and optionally managing the Bulk Import tool configuration, you can run the configuration job to start the bulk ingestion of assets.
To start the Bulk Import process, navigate to Tools > Assets > Bulk Import, select the Bulk Import configuration, and then click Run. Click Run again to confirm.
Experience Manager updates the status of the job to Processing and to Succeeded upon successful completion of the job. To view the imported assets in Experience Manager, click View Assets.
When the job is in progress, you can also select the configuration and click Stop to stop the bulk ingestion process. Click Run again to resume the process. You can also click Dry Run to know the details of the assets that are still pending import.
Manage jobs after execution
Experience Manager enables you to see the history of the bulk import jobs. The Job history comprises the status of the job, job creator, logs, along with other details such as the start date and time, create date and time, and finish date and time.
To access the job history for a configuration, select the configuration and click Job History. Select a job and click Open.
Experience Manager displays the job history. On the Bulk Import job history page, you can also click Delete to delete that job for the Bulk Import configuration.
Upload assets using desktop clients
In addition to web browser user interface, Experience Manager supports other clients on desktop. They also provide upload experience without the need to go to the web browser.
- Adobe Asset Link provides access to assets from Experience Manager in Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe InDesign desktop applications. You can upload the currently open document into Experience Manager directly from Adobe Asset Link user interface from within these desktop applications.
- Experience Manager desktop app simplifies working with assets on desktop, independent on their file type or native application that handles them. It is useful to upload files in nested folder hierarchies from your local file system, as browser upload only supports uploading flat file lists.
Process assets when uploaded
To do additional processing on the uploaded assets, you can apply processing profiles on the upload folders. The profiles are available in the Properties page of a folder in Assets. A digital asset without an extension or with an incorrect extension is not processed as desired. For example, when uploading such assets, either nothing happens or an incorrect processing profile may apply to the asset. Users can still store the binary files in the DAM.
The following tabs are available:
- Metadata profiles let you apply default metadata properties to assets uploaded into that folder.
- Processing profiles let you generate more renditions than are possible by default.
Also, if Dynamic Media is enabled on your deployment, the following tabs are available:
- Dynamic Media Image profiles let you apply specific cropping (Smart Cropping and pixel cropping) and sharpening configuration to the uploaded assets.
- Dynamic Media Video profiles let you apply specific video encoding profiles (resolution, format, parameters).
For folders that have a processing profile assigned, the profile name appears on the thumbnail in the card view. In the list view, the profile name appears in the Processing Profile column.
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