Metadata schemas metadata-schemas
Organizations come up with a metadata model that enhances the asset discovery, usage, interoperability, and so on. Correct metadata application is sacrosanct to maintain metadata-driven workflows and processes. To adhere to organization-wide metadata strategy and standards, you can use metadata schemas that help DAM users to align. Adobe Experience Manager allows easy and flexible methods to create, maintain, and apply metadata schemas.
In Adobe Experience Manager Assets, schemas contain specific fields for specific information to be filled in. It also contains layout information to display metadata fields in a user-friendly way. Metadata properties include title, description, MIME types, tags, and more. You can use the Metadata Schema Forms editor to modify the existing schemas or add custom metadata schemas.
To view and edit the properties page for an asset, follow these steps:
Click the View Properties option from the quick actions on the asset tile in card view. Alternatively, select an asset and then click Properties
You can edit the various editable metadata properties under the available tabs. However, you cannot modify the asset Type in the Basic tab of properties page.
Figure: Basic tab on asset Properties.
To modify the MIME type for an asset, use a custom metadata schema form or modify an existing form. See Edit Metadata Schema Forms for more information. If you modify the metadata schema of a MIME type, the properties page layout for the assets and all subtypes are modified. For example, modifying a jpeg schema under
only modifies the metadata layout (asset properties) for assets with MIME typeimage/jpeg
. However, if you edit the default schema, your changes modify the metadata layout for all types of assets.
Metadata Schema forms default-metadata-schema-forms
To view a list of forms or templates, in Experience Manager interface navigate to Tools > Assets > Metadata Schemas.
Experience Manager provides the following Metadata Schema Form templates.
- dm_video
- image
Schema form for images with the MIME type such as image/jpeg
and image/png
The image form has the following child form templates:
- jpeg: Schema form for assets with sub type jpeg.
- tiff: Schema form for the assets with sub type TIFF.
- application
and application/zip
.pdf: Schema form for assets with sub type PDF.
- video
and video/mp4
.Add a metadata schema form add-a-metadata-schema-form
To add a metadata schema form, follow these steps:
To add a custom template to the list, click Create from the toolbar.
note note NOTE A lock symbol is displayed with the unedited templates. If you customize a template, it is not locked -
In the dialog, provide the title of the schema form and click Create to complete the form creation process.
Edit metadata schema forms edit-metadata-schema-forms
You can edit a newly added or existing metadata schema form. The metadata schema form includes tabs and form items within tabs. You can map/configure these form items to a field within a metadata node in the CRX repository. You can add tabs or form items to the metadata schema form. The tabs and form items derived from the parent are in the locked state. You cannot alter them at the child level.
On the Metadata Schema Forms page, select a form and click Edit in the toolbar.
On the Metadata Schema Form Editor page, customize the metadata form. Drag the needed components from the Build Form tab to one of the tabs.
Figure: A Metadata Schema Form Editor page with available tabs.
To configure a component, select it and modify its properties in the Settings tab.
Components within the Build Form tab components-within-the-build-form-tab
The Build Form tab lists form items that you use in your schema form. The Settings tab provides the attributes of each item that you select in the Build Form tab. The following table lists the form items available in the Build Form tab:
Edit the metadata component edit-the-metadata-component
To edit the properties of a metadata component on the form, click the component to edit all or a subset of the following properties in the Settings tab. It is recommended to map only one field to a given property in the metadata schema. Otherwise, the latest added field mapped to the property is picked by the system.
Field Label: The name of the metadata property that is displayed on the properties page for the asset.
Map to Property: This property specifies the relative path to or name of the asset node where it is saved in the CRX repository. It starts with ./
to indicate that the path is under the asset’s node.
The following are examples of valid values for a property:
: Stores the value at the asset’s metadata node as the propertydc:title
. -
: Stores the creation date and time of an asset. It is a protected property. If you configure these properties, Adobe recommends that you mark them as Disable Edit. Otherwise, the error “Asset(s) failed to modify” occurs when you save the asset’s properties.
To ensure that the component is displayed properly in the metadata schema form, the property path should not include any spaces.
- Placeholder: Use this property to specify relevant placeholder text regarding the metadata property.
- Required: Use this property to mark a metadata property as mandatory on the properties page.
- Disable Edit: Use this property to disallow any edits to a property on the properties page.
- Show Empty Field In Read Only: Mark this property to display a metadata property on the properties page even if it has no value. By default, when a metadata property has no value, it is not be listed on the properties page.
- Show list ordered: Use this property to display an ordered list of choices.
- Choices: Use this property to specify choices in a list.
- Description : Use this property to add a short description for the metadata component.
- Class: Object class the property is associated with.
- Delete: Click Delete to delete a component from the schema form.
If you select the Required option, you can search for assets missing mandatory metadata. From the Filters panel, expand the Metadata Validation predicate and select the Invalid option. The search results display assets missing mandatory metadata that you configured through the schema form.
If you add the Contextual Metadata component to any tab of any schema form, the component appears as a list in the properties page of assets to which the particular schema is applied. The list includes all other tabs except the tab to which you applied the Contextual Metadata component. Currently, this feature provides basic functionality to control the display of metadata based on the context.
To display any tab in the properties page in addition to the tab where the Contextual Metadata component is applied, select the tab from the list. The tab is added to the properties page.
Specify properties in JSON file specify-properties-in-json-file
Instead of specifying properties for the options in the Settings tab, you can define the options in a JSON file by specifying corresponding key-value pairs. Specify the path of the JSON file in the JSON Path field.
Add or delete a tab in the schema form add-delete-a-tab-in-the-schema-form
The schema editor lets you add or delete a tab. The default schema form includes the Basic, Advanced , IPTC, and IPTC Extension tabs.
Click +
to add a tab on a schema form. By default, the new tab has the name Unnamed-1
. You can modify the name from the Settings tab. Click X
to delete a tab.
Delete metadata schema forms deleting-metadata-schema-forms
Experience Manager lets you delete custom schema forms only. It does not let you delete the default schema forms/templates. However, you can delete any custom changes in these forms.
To delete a form, select a form and click the delete icon.
- After you delete custom changes to a default form, the lock
- You cannot delete the default metadata schema forms in Assets.
Schema forms for MIME types schema-forms-for-mime-types
Experience Manager provides default forms for various MIME types out of the box. However, you can add custom forms for assets of various MIME types.
Add new forms for MIME types adding-new-forms-for-mime-types
Create a form under the appropriate form type. For example, to add a template for the image/png
subtype, create the form under the “image” forms. The title for the schema form is the subtype name. In this case, the title is png
Use an existing schema template for various MIME types use-an-existing-schema-template-for-various-mime-types
You can use an existing template for a different MIME type. For example, use the image/jpeg
form for assets of MIME type image/png
In this case, create a node at /etc/dam/metadataeditor/mimetypemappings
in the CRX repository. Specify a name for the node and define the following properties:
Assets maps the following MIME types and schema forms:
Grant access to metadata schemas grant-access-to-metadata-schemas
The Metadata Schema feature is available to administrators only. However, administrators can provide access to non-administrators by modifying some permissions. Provide the non-administrator users create, modify, and delete permissions on the /conf
Apply folder-specific metadata applying-folder-specific-metadata
Assets lets you define a variant of a metadata schema and apply it to a specific folder.
For example, you can define a variant of the default metadata schema and apply it to a folder. When you apply the modified schema, it overrides the original default metadata schema that is applied to assets within the folder.
Only assets uploaded to the folder to which this schema is applied conform to the modified metadata defined in the variant metadata schema. Assets in other folders where the original schema is applied continue to conform to metadata defined in the original schema.
Metadata inheritance by assets is based on the schema that is applied to the top-level folder in the hierarchy. The same schema is applied to or inherited by the subfolders. If a different schema is applied at the subfolder level, the inheritance stops.
In Experience Manager interface, navigate to Tools > Assets > Metadata Schemas. The Metadata Schema Forms page is displayed.
Select the check box before a form, for example, the default metadata form, and click the Copy and save it as a custom form. Specify a custom name for the form, for example,
. Alternatively, you can create a custom form. -
In the Metadata Schema Forms page, select the
form, and then click Edit. -
In the Metadata Schema Editor page, add a text field to the schema form. For example, add a field with the label Category.
Click Save. The modified form is listed in the Metadata Schema Forms page.
Select Apply to Folders from the toolbar to apply the custom metadata to a folder.
Select the folder on which to apply the modified schema and then select Apply.
If the folder has the other metadata schema applied, a message appears warning that you are about to overwrite the existing metadata schema. Click Overwrite.
Click OK to close the success message.
Navigate to the folder to which you applied the modified metadata schema.
Defining mandatory metadata defining-mandatory-metadata
You can define mandatory fields at a folder level, which is enforced on assets that are uploaded to the folder. If you upload assets with missing metadata for the mandatory fields defined earlier, a visual indication for missing metadata appears on the assets in the Card view.
Click the Experience Manager logo and then navigate to Tools > Assets > Metadata Schemas. The Metadata Schema Forms page is displayed.
Save the default metadata form as a custom form. For example, save it as
. -
Edit the custom form. Add a mandatory field. For example, add a Category field and make the field mandatory.
Click Save. The modified form is listed in the Metadata Schema Forms page. Select the form and then select Apply to Folders from the toolbar to apply the custom metadata to a folder.
Navigate to the folder and upload some assets with missing metadata for the mandatory field you added to the custom form. A message for the missing metadata for the mandatory field is displayed on the Card view of the asset.
(Optional) Access
. Configure and
component that is disabled by default. Set a frequency at which Experience Manager checks for the validity of metadata on the assets.This configuration adds a property
of assets. Using this property, Experience Manager can filter results in a search.note note NOTE If an asset is added after the scheduled check, the asset is not flagged with hasValidMetadata
until the next scheduled check. The assets does not appear in intermediate search results.note caution CAUTION The metadata validation checks are resource intensive and may impact the performance of your system. Schedule the checks accordingly. If the server cannot cope up with the load, try disabling this job
See also