Manage digital assets with the Adobe Experience Manager Assets HTTP API assets-http-api

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Get Started with the AEM Assets HTTP API overview

The AEM Assets HTTP API enables CRUD (create, read, update, and delete) operations on digital assets through a REST interface available at /api/assets. These operations apply to asset metadata, renditions, and comments. It includes support for Content Fragments.

A modernized OpenAPI implementation of the Content Fragment Management API is available. For full documentation see Content Fragment Management API. It is recommended to use the new OpenAPI implementation. The existing usage of Assets HTTP API for Content Fragments should be migrated to the new Content Fragment Management OpenAPI.

To access the API:

  1. Open the API service document at https://[hostname]:[port]/api.json.
  2. Follow the Assets service link leading to https://[hostname]:[server]/api/assets.json.

The API response is a JSON file for some MIME types and a response code for all MIME types. The JSON response is optional and may not be available, for example, for PDF files. Rely on the response code for further analysis or actions.

All the API calls related to uploading or updating assets or binaries in general (like renditions) is deprecated for Experience Manager as a Cloud Service deployment. For uploading binaries, use direct binary upload APIs instead.

Manage content fragments content-fragments

A Content Fragment is a structured asset that stores text, numbers, and dates. As there are several differences to standard assets (such as images or documents), some additional rules apply to handling Content Fragments.

For more information, see Content Fragments support in the Experience Manager Assets HTTP API.

See AEM APIs for Structured Content Delivery and Management for an overview of the various APIs available and comparison of some of the concepts involved.
The Content Fragment and Content Fragment Model OpenAPIs are also available.

Examine the data model data-model

The Assets HTTP API primarily exposes two elements: folders and standard assets. It also provides detailed elements for custom data models used in Content Fragments. For more details, see Content Fragment data models. See Content Fragment data models for further information.

Manage folders folders

Folders are like directories as in the traditional file systems. Folders can contain assets, subfolders, or both. Folders have the following components:

Entities: The entities of a folder are its child elements, which can be folders and assets.


  • name: The folder’s name (the last segment of the URL path, without the extension).
  • title: An optional title displayed in place of the folder name.
Some properties of folder or asset are mapped to a different prefix. The jcr prefix of jcr:title, jcr:description, and jcr:language are replaced with dc prefix. Hence in the returned JSON, dc:title and dc:description contain the values of jcr:title and jcr:description, respectively.

Links Folders expose three links:

  • self: A link to the folder itself.
  • parent: A link to the parent folder.
  • thumbnail (Optional): A link to a folder thumbnail image.

Manage assets assets

In Experience Manager an asset contains the following elements:

  • Properties and metadata: Descriptive information about the asset.
  • Binary file: The originally uploaded file.
  • Renditions: Multiple configured renditions (such as, images in various sizes, different video encodings, or extracted pages from PDFs/Adobe InDesign files).
  • Comments (optional): User-provided remarks.

For information about elements in Content Fragments see Content Fragments Support in Experience Manager Assets HTTP API.

In Experience Manager a folder has the following components:

  • Entities: The children of assets are its renditions.
  • Properties.
  • Links.

Explore available API operations available-features

The Assets HTTP API includes the following features:

For the ease of readability the following examples omit the complete cURL notations. The notation correlates with Resty which is a script wrapper for cURL.

Retrieve a folder listing retrieve-a-folder-listing

Retrieves a Siren representation of an existing folder and of its child entities (subfolders or assets).

Request: GET /api/assets/myFolder.json

Response codes: The response codes are:

  • 200 - OK - success.
  • 404 - NOT FOUND - folder does not exist or is not accessible.
  • 500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR - if something else goes wrong.

Response: The class of the entity returned is an asset or a folder. The properties of contained entities are a subset of the full set of properties of each entity. To obtain a full representation of the entity, clients should retrieve the contents of the URL pointed to by the link with a rel of self.

Create a folder create-a-folder

Creates a sling: OrderedFolder at the given path. If * is provided instead of a node name, the servlet uses the parameter name as node name. The request accepts either of the following:

  • A Siren representation of the new folder
  • A set of name-value pairs, encoded as application/www-form-urlencoded or multipart/ form- data. These are useful to create a folder directly from an HTML form.

Also, properties of the folder can be specified as URL query parameters.

An API call fails with a 500 response code if the parent node of the provided path does not exist. A call returns a response code 409 if the folder exists.

Parameters: name is the folder name.


  • POST /api/assets/myFolder -H"Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"class":"assetFolder","properties":{"title":"My Folder"}}'
  • POST /api/assets/* -F"name=myfolder" -F"title=My Folder"

Response codes: The response codes are:

  • 201 - CREATED - on successful creation.
  • 409 - CONFLICT - if folder exists.
  • 412 - PRECONDITION FAILED - if root collection cannot be found or accessed.
  • 500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR - if something else goes wrong.

Create an asset create-an-asset

Asset creation is not supported via this HTTP API. For asset creation, use the asset upload API.

Update an asset binary update-asset-binary

See asset upload for information on how to update asset binaries. You cannot update an asset binary using the HTTP API.

Update metadata of an asset update-asset-metadata

This operation updates the asset’s metadata. When updating properties in the dc: namespace, the corresponding jcr: property is updated. However, the API does not sync the properties under the two namespaces.

Request: PUT /api/assets/myfolder/myAsset.png -H"Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"class":"asset", "properties":{"dc:title":"My Asset"}}'

Response codes: The response codes are:

  • 200 - OK - if Asset has been updated successfully.
  • 404 - NOT FOUND - if Asset could not be found or accessed at the provided URI.
  • 412 - PRECONDITION FAILED - if root collection cannot be found or accessed.
  • 500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR - if something else goes wrong.

Create an asset rendition create-an-asset-rendition

Create a rendition for an asset. If request parameter name is not provided, the file name is used as rendition name.

Parameters: The parameters are:

name: for the rendition name.
file: The binary file for the rendition as a reference.


  • POST /api/assets/myfolder/myasset.png/renditions/web-rendition -H"Content-Type: image/png" --data-binary "@myRendition.png"
  • POST /api/assets/myfolder/myasset.png/renditions/* -F"name=web-rendition" -F"file=@myRendition.png"

Response codes

  • 201 - CREATED - if Rendition has been created successfully.
  • 404 - NOT FOUND - if Asset could not be found or accessed at the provided URI.
  • 412 - PRECONDITION FAILED - if root collection cannot be found or accessed.
  • 500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR - if something else goes wrong.

Update an asset rendition update-an-asset-rendition

Updates respectively replace an asset rendition with the new binary data.

Request: PUT /api/assets/myfolder/myasset.png/renditions/myRendition.png -H"Content-Type: image/png" --data-binary @myRendition.png

Response codes: The response codes are:

  • 200 - OK - if Rendition has been updated successfully.
  • 404 - NOT FOUND - if Asset could not be found or accessed at the provided URI.
  • 412 - PRECONDITION FAILED - if root collection cannot be found or accessed.
  • 500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR - if something else goes wrong.

Add a comment on an asset create-an-asset-comment

Parameters: The parameters are message for the message body of the comment and annotationData for the Annotation data in JSON format.

Request: POST /api/assets/myfolder/myasset.png/comments/* -F"message=Hello World." -F"annotationData={}"

Response codes: The response codes are:

  • 201 - CREATED - if Comment has been created successfully.
  • 404 - NOT FOUND - if Asset could not be found or accessed at the provided URI.
  • 412 - PRECONDITION FAILED - if root collection cannot be found or accessed.
  • 500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR - if something else goes wrong.

Copy a folder or an asset copy-a-folder-or-asset

Copies a folder or asset available at the provided path to a new destination.

Request Headers: The parameters are:

  • X-Destination - a new destination URI within the API solution scope to copy the resource to.
  • X-Depth - either infinity or 0. Using 0 only copies the resource and its properties and not its children.
  • X-Overwrite - Use F to prevent overwriting an asset at the existing destination.

Request: COPY /api/assets/myFolder -H"X-Destination: /api/assets/myFolder-copy"

Response codes: The response codes are:

  • 201 - CREATED - if folder/asset has been copied to a non-existing destination.
  • 204 - NO CONTENT - if the folder/asset has been copied to an existing destination.
  • 412 - PRECONDITION FAILED - if a request header is missing.
  • 500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR - if something else goes wrong.

Move a folder or an asset move-a-folder-or-asset

Moves a folder or asset at the given path to a new destination.

Request Headers: The parameters are:

  • X-Destination - a new destination URI within the API solution scope to copy the resource to.
  • X-Depth - either infinity or 0. Using 0 only copies the resource and its properties and not its children.
  • X-Overwrite - Use either T to forcibly delete an existing resources or F to prevent overwriting an existing resource.

Request: MOVE /api/assets/myFolder -H"X-Destination: /api/assets/myFolder-moved"

Response codes: The response codes are:

  • 201 - CREATED - if folder/asset has been copied to a non-existing destination.
  • 204 - NO CONTENT - if the folder/asset has been copied to an existing destination.
  • 412 - PRECONDITION FAILED - if a request header is missing.
  • 500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR - if something else goes wrong.

Delete a folder, an asset, or a rendition delete-a-folder-asset-or-rendition

Deletes a resource (-tree) at the provided path.


  • DELETE /api/assets/myFolder
  • DELETE /api/assets/myFolder/myAsset.png
  • DELETE /api/assets/myFolder/myAsset.png/renditions/original

Response codes: The response codes are:

  • 200 - OK - if folder has been deleted successfully.
  • 412 - PRECONDITION FAILED - if root collection cannot be found or accessed.
  • 500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR - if something else goes wrong.

Follow best practices and note limitations tips-limitations

  • Assets and their renditions become unavailable via the Assets web interface and the HTTP API when the Off Time is reached. The API returns a 404 error if the On Time is in the future or Off Time is in the past.

  • The Assets HTTP API returns only a subset of metadata. The namespaces are hardcoded and only those namespaces are returned. For complete metadata, see the asset path /jcr_content/metadata.json.

  • Some properties of folder or asset are mapped to a different prefix when updated using APIs. The jcr prefix of jcr:title, jcr:description, and jcr:language are replaced with dc prefix. Hence in the returned JSON, dc:title and dc:description contain the values of jcr:title and jcr:description, respectively.

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