Create a collection
You can create a collection either with static references or based on a search criteria-based filter. You can also create a collection from a lightbox.
Create a collection with static references
You can create a collection with static references, for example, a collection with references to assets, folders, collections, spin sets, and image sets.
Navigate to the Collections console.
From the toolbar, select Create.
In the Create Collection page, enter a title and an optional description for the collection.
Add members to the collection and assign appropriate permissions. Alternatively, select Public Collection to allow all users to access the collection.
To enable the members to share collections with other users, provide thedam-users
group read permissions at the pathhome/users
. Give permission to the users at/content/dam/collections
location to allow the users to view the Collections in pop up lists. Alternatively, make the user a part ofdam-users
group. -
(Optional) Add a thumbnail image for the collection.
Select Create, and then select OK to close the dialog. A collection with the specified title and properties is opened in the Collections console.
Experience Manager Assets lets you create review tasks for a collection similar to the way you create review tasks for an assets folder.To add assets to the collection, navigate to the Assets user interface. For details, see Add assets to a collection.
Create collections using dropzone
You can drag assets from the Assets UI to a collection. You can also create a copy of a collection and drag the assets there.
- From the Assets user interface, select the assets you want to add to a collection.
- Drag the assets to the Drop in Collection zone. Alternatively, select the To Collection icon from the toolbar.
- In the Add To Collection page, select the Create Collection icon from the toolbar. If you want to add the assets to an existing collection, select it from the page, and select Add. By default, the most recently updated collection is selected.
- In the Create New Collection dialog, specify a name for the collection. If you want the collection to be accessible to all users, select Public Collection.
- Select Continue to create the collection.
Create a smart collection
A Smart Collection uses a search criteria to dynamically populate assets. You can create a Smart Collection using only files and not folders or files and folders.
Navigate to the Assets UI, and select the Search icon.
Enter search keyword in the Omni Search box and select
. Select the GlobalNav icon to display the Filters panel and apply a search filter from the Search panel. -
From the Files & Folders list, select Files.
Select Save Smart Collection.
Specify a name for the collection. Select Public to add the DAM Users group with the Viewer role to the smart collection.
If you select Public, the smart collection becomes available to everyone with the Owner role after you create it. If you cancel the Public option, the DAM user group is no longer associated with the smart collection. -
Select Save to create the smart collection, and then close the message box to complete the process. The new smart collection is also added to the Saved Searches list.
The label of the Create Smart Selection button changes to Edit Smart Selection. To edit the settings of the smart collection, select Files from the Files & Folders list. Then, select the Edit Smart Selection button.
Add assets to a collection
You can add assets to a collection that contains a list of referenced assets or folders.
- In the Assets UI, navigate to the location of the asset that you want to add to a collection.
- Select the asset and select the To Collection icon from the toolbar. Alternatively, you can drag the asset to the Drop in Collection zone. Release the mouse button when the drop zone becomes active and its label changes to Drop to Add.
- In the Add To Collection page, select the collection to which you want to add the asset.
- Select Add, and then close the confirmation message. The asset is added to the collection.
Edit a smart collection
Smart collections are built by saving a search so you can alter their content by modifying the search parameters of the saved search.
- In the Assets user interface, select the Search icon from the toolbar.
- With the cursor in the Omnisearch box, select the
key. - Select the GlobalNav icon to display the Filters panel.
- From the Saved Searches list, select the smart collection you want to modify. The Search panel displays the filters configured for the saved search.
- From the Files & Folders list, select Files.
- Modify one or more filters, as necessary. Select Edit Smart Collection. You can also edit the name of the smart collection.
- Select Save. The Edit Smart Collection dialog appears.
- Select Overwrite to replace the original smart collection with the edited collection. Alternatively, select Save As to save the edited collection separately.
- In the confirmation dialog, select Save to complete the process.
View and edit collection metadata
Collection metadata comprises data about the collection, including any tags that are added.
- From the Collections console, select a collection and select the Properties icon from the toolbar.
- In the Collection Metadata page, view the collection metadata from the Basic and Advanced tabs.
- Modify the metadata, as necessary, and then select Save & Close from the toolbar to save the changes.
Edit collection metadata in bulk
You can edit the metadata of multiple collections simultaneously. This functionality helps you quickly replicate common metadata in multiple collections.
In the Collections console, select two or more collections for which you want to edit metadata.
From the toolbar, select the Properties icon.
In the Collection Metadata page, edit the metadata under the Basic and Advanced tabs, as necessary.
Select Save & Close from the toolbar, and then close the confirmation dialog to complete the process.
To append the new metadata with the existing metadata, select Apend mode. If you do not select this option, the new metadata replaces the existing metadata in the fields. Select Submit.
The Append mode works only for fields that can contain multiple values. For fields that can contain only a single value, the new metadata is not appended to the existing value in the field even if you select Append mode.
The Search feature within Collections supports both Search for collections and Search for assets within a Collection.
Search collections
You can search collections from the Collections console. When you search with keywords in the Omnisearch box, Experience Manager Assets searches for collection names, metadata, and the tags added to the collections.
If you search for collections from the top level, only individual collections are returned in search results. Assets or folders within the collections are excluded. In all other cases (for example, within an individual collection or in a folder hierarchy), all relevant assets, folders, and collections are returned.
Search within Collections
In the Collections console, select a collection to open it.
Within a collection, Experience Manager search is restricted to assets (and their tags and metadata) within the collection that you are viewing. When you search within a folder, all matching assets and child folders within the current folder are returned. When you search within a collection, only matching assets, folders, and other collections that are direct members of the collection are returned.
Edit collection settings
You can edit collection settings, such as title and description, or to add members to a collection.
- Select a collection, and select the Settings icon in the toolbar. Alternatively, use the Settings quick action from the collection thumbnail.
- Modify the collection settings in the Collection Settings page. For example, modify the collection title, descriptions, members, and permissions as discussed in Add collections.
- Select Save to save the changes.
Delete a collection
From the Collections console, select one or more collections and select the delete icon in the toolbar.
In the dialog, select Delete to confirm the delete action.
You can also delete Smart collections by delete saved searches.
Download a collection
When you download a collection, the entire hierarchy of assets within the collection is downloaded, including folders and child collections.
From the Collections console, select one or more collections to download.
From the toolbar, select the download icon.
In the Download dialog, select Download. If you want to download the renditions of the assets within the collection, select Renditions.
When you select a collection to download, the complete folder hierarchy under the collection is downloaded. To include each collection you download (including assets in child collections nested under the parent collection) in an individual folder, select Create separate folder for each asset.
Edit metadata properties of multiple collections
Adobe Enterprise Manager Assets lets you edit the metadata of many collections in bulk. Use the Properties page to perform metadata changes on multiple collections, for example, change metadata properties to a common value or add or modify tags.
To customize the metadata Properties page, including adding, modifying, deleting metadata properties, use the Schema editor.
From the collections console, select the collections you want to edit.
From the toolbar, select Properties to open the Properties page for the selected collections.
Modify the metadata properties for selected collections under the various tabs.
The metadata you add for the selected collections overwrites the previous metadata for these collections, except for tags. Any tags you add in the Tags field, are appended to the existing list of tags in the metadata. -
To view the metadata properties for a specific collection, cancel the selection of the remaining collections in the collections list. The metadata editor fields are populated with the metadata for the particular collection.
- In the collection properties page, you can remove collections from the list of collections by canceling the selection. The collections list has all the collections selected by default. The metadata for collections that you remove is not updated.
- At the top of the list, select the check box near Title to toggle between selecting the collections and clearing the list.
Save the changes.
Create nested collections
You can add a collection to another collection, thereby creating a nested collection.
From the Collections console, select the desired collection or group of collections, and select To Collection in the toolbar.
From the Add To Collection page, select the collection in which to add the collection.
The most recently updated collection is selected by default in the Add To Collection page. -
Select Add. A message confirms that the collection is added to the target collection in the Select Destination page. Close the message to complete the process.
Saved searches
In the Assets user interface, you can search or filter assets based on certain rules, search criteria, or custom search facets. If you save these as Saved Searches, you can access them later from the Saved Searches list in the Filter panel. Creating a saved search also creates a smart collection.
Saved searches are created when you create a smart collection. Smart collections are automatically added to the Saved Searches list. The Saved Searches query for the collection is saved in the dam:query
property in CRXDE at the relative location /content/dam/collections/
. There are no limits to the searches that you can save and on the saved searches displayed in the list.
Editing saved searches is the same as editing smart collections. For details, see Edit a smart collection.
To delete saved searches, follow these steps:
In the Assets user interface, select the search icon from the toolbar.
With the cursor in the Omnisearch field, select the
key. -
Select the GlobalNav icon to display the Filters panel.
From the Saved Searches list, select Delete next to the smart collection you want to delete.
In the dialog, select Delete to delete the saved search.
The Perfect Blend: A New Era of Collaboration with AEM and Workfront
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