Content Hub Overview overview-content-hub

Content Hub overview

Content Hub is available as part of Experience Manager Assets as a Cloud Service for democratizing access to on-brand content for organizations and their business partners. It focuses on distributing assets for activation at scale and creation of on-brand content variants for improved marketing agility.

Why Content Hub?

Content Hub offers the following key benefits:

Find and share all brand approved assets available in an intuitive portal

AEM Assets serves as a single source of truth and all approved assets are automatically available on Content Hub in a flat hierarchy to improve the search experience.

Configurable User interface

The most common properties within Content Hub, such as filters for search, fields available while adding or importing assets, asset properties, banner content for branding are configurable and an administrator can easily configure the Content Hub user interface based on their requirements.

Empower non-creatives to edit and remix content while staying on brand

Content Hub allows you to create new content with Adobe Express (if you have Adobe Express entitlements). You can edit existing content with easy to use tools, produce on-brand variations with templates and brand elements, and create new content with the latest GenAI capabilities from Adobe Firefly.

Gain insights on how content is used across teams

Content Hub provides valuable insights into assets, addressing a common challenge that marketing stakeholders often encounter - asset usage statistics used in marketing campaigns, channels, and different regions. By gaining a clear understanding of the performance and popularity of the assets, it delivers actionable insights essential for enhancing user experience.

Prerequisites prerequisites-content-hub

Content Hub requires a production author environment of Experience Manager as a Cloud Service, 2024.6 release or newer (minimum version is 2024.6.16799).

How to access Content Hub? access-content-hub

After setting up Content Hub and adding a user to the Content Hub product profile, Content Hub can be accessed using the following ways:

  • Access Content Hub using the following link:

  • Log on to experience.adobe com and click Experience Manager Assets Content Hub available in the Quick access section:
    Content Hub Access

  • Log on to experience.adobe com and click Experience Manager Assets Content Hub available in the product switcher:
    Content Hub Access method 3

Provide Content Hub feedback provide-content-hub-feedback

To recommend any product-related improvements, click Feedback next to your Organization name at the top of the Content Hub user interface.

Specify a subject, a description of the recommendation, and attach files, if required. Click Submit to submit the feedback to Adobe.

Content Hub feedback

Setup Content Hub for your team setup-content-hub

Follow these steps to setup Content Hub for your team:

Learn more on key capabilities key-capabilities-content-module

Deploy Content Hub

Configure Content Hub user interface

Learn how administrators can configure the Content Hub user interface.

Search assets available in Content Hub

Search assets available in Content Hub

Learn how to utilize various capabilities to narrow down your search results.

Edit images using Adobe Express

Edit images using Adobe Express

Learn how to create variants of images in Content Hub using Adobe Express

Share assets available in Content Hub

Share assets available in Content Hub

Learn how to share one or multiple assets as a link and then access them.

Manage collections in Content Hub

Manage collections in Content Hub

Learn how to create collections using assets and then manage them.

Share assets available in Content Hub

View asset insights in Content Hub

Content module provides valuable insights into assets, addressing a common challenge that marketing stakeholders often encounter
