Configure Content Hub user interface configure-content-hub-user-interface

Configure assets on Content Hub

Experience Manager Assets enables administrators to configure the options available on the Content Hub user interface. Based on the configuration options selected by the administrators, the Content Hub users are able to view fields on Content Hub. The configuration options include:

  • Filters available to users while searching for assets.

  • Asset details or properties available for each asset.

  • Metadata fields available to users while adding assets to Content Hub.

  • Asset metadata fields that are available for search on Content Hub.

  • Branding content that you need to display for your organization.

  • Any custom links that you need to include on Content Hub in addition to assets, collections, and insights.

Prerequisites prerequisites-configuration-ui

Content Hub administrators can set the configuration options for other users within your organization.

Access configuration options on Content Hub access-configuration-options-content-hub

To access configuration options on Content Hub:

  1. Click the user icon in the right pane.

  2. In the Product Settings section, select Configurations.

    Access configuration options on Content Hub

Manage configuration options on Content Hub manage-configuration-options

Manage the following configuration options for your users:

Import configure-import-options-content-hub

You can configure the metadata fields that display to the users while uploading or importing assets to the Content Hub portal, such as Campaign Name, Keywords, Channels, Timeframe, Region, and so on. To do so, execute the following steps:

  1. On the Configurations user interface, click Import.

  2. Click Add metadata.

  3. Specify a label for the property, map it to a property using the Metadata field, and select the input type for the new asset metadata.

  4. Click the Required field toggle to make the new metadata field mandatory to specify for users while uploading new assets.

  5. Click Confirm. The new metadata displays in the list of the existing asset properties.

  6. Click Save to apply the changes.

Similarly, you can click Edit icon , available next to each available property, to edit the labels, make these fields mandatory or non-mandatory to users while uploading assets using the Required field toggle, or click the Delete icon to delete any metadata property.

Click the Auto-approval toggle if you need all assets that you add to the Experience Manager Assets repository to be auto-approved so that they are available in Content Hub immediately. Else, DAM authors or administrators need to manually approve the assets to make them available on Content Hub. The toggle is set to Off state by default.

Click Save after making all modifications to apply the changes.

Configuration UI upload details on Content Hub

Metadata enabled on the Configuration User Interface display on the asset upload page:

Upload metadata on Content Hub

Filters configure-filters-content-hub

Content Hub allows administrators to configure filters that display while searching for assets. Execute the following steps to add a new filter:

  1. On the Configurations user interface, click Filters.

  2. Click Add filters.

  3. Specify a label for the filter, map it to a property using the Metadata field, and select the input type for the new filter.

  4. Click Confirm. The new filter displays in the list of the existing filters.

  5. Click Save to apply the changes so that the new filter gets displayed on the Search page while filtering assets.

    note note
    The new filter gets displayed on the Search page only if there is alteast one asset in the repository matching the filter criteria.

Similarly, you can click Edit icon , available next to each available filter, to edit the labels or click the delete icon to delete any existing filter. Click Save after making all modifications to apply the changes.

Configuration UI filters on Content Hub

The filters enabled on the Configuration User Interface display on the Search page:

Search on Content Hub

Asset details configure-asset-details-content-hub

You can also configure the asset properties that display for each asset, such as file name, title, format, size, and so on. To do so, execute the following steps:

  1. On the Configurations user interface, click Asset details.

  2. Click Add metadata.

  3. Specify a label for the property, map it to a property using the Metadata field, and select the input type for the new asset metadata.

  4. Click Confirm. The new metadata displays in the list of the existing asset properties.

  5. Click Save to apply the changes so that the new property gets displayed on the asset details page.

Similarly, you can click Edit icon , available next to each available property, to edit the labels or click the delete icon to delete any existing asset detail. Click Save after making all modifications to apply the changes.

Configuration UI asset details on Content Hub

The properties enabled on the Configuration User Interface display on the Asset Details page:

Asset properties on Content Hub

Search configure-metadata-search-content-hub

Administrators can define the metadata fields that are searched when a user specifies a search criteria on Content Hub. Execute the following steps:

  1. On the Configurations user interface, click Add metadata.

  2. Specify the metadata field and click Confirm.

  3. Click Save to apply the changes so that the new metadata property gets displayed in the list of metadata fields.

Similarly, you can click Edit icon , available next to each available metadata property, to edit the property or click the delete icon to delete any existing property. Click Save after making all modifications to apply the changes.

Configuration UI Search on Content Hub

Branding configure-branding-content-hub

Administrators can also personalize the title and body text on the banner of Content Hub portal, as per your branding requirements. To do so, execute the following steps:

  1. On the Configurations user interface, click Branding.

  2. Specify text in Title text on banner and Body text on banner fields.

  3. Click Save to apply the changes.

Configuration UI branding on Content Hub

The branding updates enabled on the Configuration User Interface display on the Content Hub portal banner:

Configuration UI branding on Content Hub

You can also add custom tabs in addition to standard All Assets, Collections, and Insights tabs on the Content Hub portal just below the banner. To do so, execute the following steps:

  1. On the Configurations user interface, click Custom Links.

  2. Click Add link.

  3. Specify text in Label and URL fields. The label that you define display as a tab and when you click the label, you navigate to the URL defined in the URL field.

  4. Click Confirm.

  5. Click Save to apply the changes.

Similarly, you can click Edit icon , available next to each URL, to edit the links or click the delete icon to delete any existing URL. Click Save after making all modifications to apply the changes.

Configuration UI Custom Links on Content Hub

The custom link display as a new tab next to Insights tab on the Content Hub home page.

Configuration UI Custom Links tabs on Content Hub
