Approve assets in Experience Manager

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Brand Managers and Marketers maintain strict control over brand assets. Only approved and latest version of the asset is available for use, ensuring brand consistency across all channels and applications.

You can approve assets in AEM Assets to streamline asset management, ensuring a controlled and efficient process for handling assets.

Before you begin pre-requisites

You must have access to AEM Assets as a Cloud Service and permissions to edit the Review Status property for an asset.


You need to make a one-time update to the applicable metadata schema in Admin view before you can approve an asset. You can skip this configuration for Assets view. Follow these steps to configure the metadata schema:

  1. Navigate to Tools > Assets > Metadata Schemas.

  2. Select the applicable metadata schema and click Edit.
    The Metadata Schema Form Editor opens with the Basic tab highlighted.

  3. Scroll down and click Review Status.

  4. Click the Rules tab on right side panel.

  5. Uncheck Disable edit.
    If you need to view the property that the Review Status field is mapped to, navigate to Settings tab and view the ./jcr:content/metadata/dam:status value in the Map to property field.

  6. Drag and drop a Dropdown field from the Build Form section in right side to Metadata section in the form.

  7. Click the newly added field, and then do the following updates in the Settings panel:

    1. Change the Field Label to Approval Target.
    2. Update the Map to property to ./jcr:content/metadata/dam:activationTarget.
    3. Add the choices with contenthub and delivery as option values.
    note note
    When you select the approval target as Content Hub using the Assets view, the assets are made available in Content Hub to the users that are part of the same organization. When you select approval target as Delivery, the assets are available to all users.
  8. Click Save.

If your assets or folders have a different default schema, make sure to make this update in that particular schema.

Approve assets approve-assets

To approve assets in Experience Manager Admin view, follow these steps:

  1. Select the asset (s) and click Properties in the top pane.

  2. In the Basic tab, scroll down to Review Status.

  3. Change the review status to Approved.

  4. Click Save & Close.

    Similarly, you can approve assets using the new Assets view.

Bulk approve assets bulk-approve-assets

Streamline your workflow by quickly approving multiple assets at once. You can bulk approve assets to expedite the approval process, saving time and enhancing productivity.

Follow these steps to approve bulk assets in Experience Manager Admin view:

  1. Create a folder in the author environment ( Replace XXX with your program ID and YYY with the environment ID from the Experience Manager.

  2. Navigate to Tools > Assets > Metadata Profiles.

  3. Click Create in the top right side of the page.

  4. Add a Profile title and click Create. The metadata profile is successfully created.

  5. Select the newly created metadata profile and click Edit (e).
    The Edit Metadata Profile form opens with the Basic tab highlighted.

  6. Drag and drop a Single Line Text Field from the Build Form section in right side to Metadata section in the form.

  7. Click the newly added field, and then do the following updates in the Settings panel:

    1. Change the Field Label to Approved Assets.
    2. Update the Map to property to ./jcr:content/metadata/dam:status.
    3. Change the Default value to approved.
  8. Drag and drop a Dropdown field from the Build Form section in right side to Metadata section in the form.

  9. Click the newly added field, and then do the following updates in the Settings panel:

    1. Change the Field Label to Approval Target.
    2. Update the Map to property to ./jcr:content/metadata/dam:activationTarget.
    3. Add the choices with contenthub and delivery as option values.
    note note
    When you select the approval target as Content Hub using the Assets view, the assets are made available in Content Hub to the users that are part of the same organization. When you select approval target as Delivery, the assets are available to all users.

    1. Click **Save**.

  10. In the Metadata Profiles page, select the newly created metadata profile.

  11. Click Apply Metadata Profile to Folder(s) from the top action bar.

  12. Select the folder(s) you need to approve and click Apply.

    The permission for the entire folder is set for approval and any assets uploaded to this folder is automatically approved.

This approach approves the newly created assets in the folder. For existing assets in the folder, you need to manually select and approve them.
Alternatively, you can use the Reprocess option to apply the changes from the metadata profile to older assets.

Similarly, to bulk approve assets within a folder in Assets view:

  1. Select the asset(s) and click Bulk Metadata Edit.

  2. Select Approved in the Status field available in the Properties section in the right pane.

    If you select the status as Approved, and if Dynamic Media with OpenAPI capabilities or Content Hub, or both are enabled for your Experience Manager Assets, you can view Delivery and Content Hub options available in the Approval Target field.

    • Select Delivery to make the assets available to both Dynamic Media with OpenAPI capabilities and Content Hub. If you do not have Content Hub enabled, selecting this option makes the assets available to Dynamic Media with OpenAPI capabilities only.
    • Select Content Hub to make the assets available to Content Hub.

    Approval status

    If you are not using the default metadata form and cannot view the Approval Target field, edit your metadata form to drag the Approval for field from the available components to your metadata form and click Save.

    note note
    If you select the approval target as Content Hub using the Assets view within an organization, the assets are made available in Content Hub to the users that are part of the same organization.
  3. Click Save.

Copy delivery URL for approved assets copy-delivery-url-approved-assets

The delivery URL for all approved assets in the repository is available if you have Dynamic Media with OpenAPI capabilities enabled on your AEM as a Cloud Service instance.

To copy delivery URL for an approved asset within the repository:

  1. Select the asset and click Details.

  2. Click the Dynamic Media icon available in the right pane.

  3. Select Dynamic Media with OpenAPI available in the Dynamic Media Panel.

  4. Click Copy URL to copy the delivery URL of the asset.
    dynamic renditions

    note note
    The option to copy delivery URL for approved assets is just available in Assets view.

For information on other renditions that display within Dynamic Media panel, see View and download Dynamic Media renditions.
