Configure the Translation Connector configure-connector
Learn how to connect AEM to a translation service.
The Story So Far story-so-far
In the previous document of the AEM Sites translation journey, Get started with AEM Sites translation you learned how to organize your content and how AEM’s translation tools work and you should now:
- Understand the importance of content structure to translation.
- Understand how AEM stores content.
- Be familiar with AEM’s translation tools.
This article builds on those fundamentals so you can take the first configuration step and set up a translation service, which you will use later in the journey to translate your content.
Objective objective
This document helps you understand how to set up an AEM connector to your chosen translation service. After reading you should:
- Understand the important parameters of the Translation Integration Framework in AEM.
- Be able to set up your own connection to your translation service.
The Translation Integration Framework tif
AEM’s Translation Integration Framework (TIF) integrates with third-party translation services to orchestrate the translation of AEM content. It involves three basic steps.
- Connect to your translation service provider.
- Create a Translation Integration Framework configuration.
- Associate the configuration with your content.
The following sections describe these steps in more detail.
Connecting to a Translation Service Provider connect-translation-provider
The first step is to choose which translation service you want to use. There are many choices for human and machine translation services available to AEM. Most providers offer a translator package to be installed. See the Additional Resources section for a selection of options available.
For the purposes of this journey, we use the Microsoft Translator which AEM provides with a trial license out-of-the-box. See the Additional Resources section for more information about this provider.
If you choose another provider your administrator must install the connector package as per the instructions provided by the translation service.
Creating a Translation Integration Configuration create-config
After the connector package for your preferred translation service is installed, you must create a Translation Integration Framework configuration for that service. The configuration includes the following information:
- Which translation service provider to use
- Whether human or machine translation is to be performed
- Whether to translate other content that is associated with the pages such as tags
To create a translation configuration:
In the global navigation menu, select Tools > Cloud Services > Translation Cloud Services.
Navigate to where you want to create the configuration in your content structure. This is often based on a particular project or can be global.
- For example, in this case, a configuration could be made globally to apply to all content, or just for the WKND project.
Select Create in the toolbar to create the new configuration.
Provide the following information in the fields and then select Create.
- Select Configuration Type in the drop-down. Select Translation Integration from the list.
- Enter a Title for your configuration. The Title identifies the configuration in the Cloud Services console and in page property drop-down lists.
- Optionally, type a Name to use for the repository node that stores the configuration.
Select Create and the Edit Configuration window appears where you can configure the configuration properties.
Because your content is manages as sites, select the Sites tab.
Provide the following information.
- Translation Method - Select Machine Translation or Human Translation depending on your translation provider. For the purposes of this journey we assume machine translation.
- Translation Providers - Select the connector you installed for your translation service from the list.
- Content Category - Select the most appropriate category to better target the translation (only for machine translation).
- Translate Page Assets - Select Using Sites Translation Workflow to translate the assets associated with the sites pages.
- Translate Component Strings - Check this to translate component information.
- Translate Tags - Check this to translate tags that are associated with the page.
- Auto-Execute Translation - Check this property if you want translations to be automatically sent to your translation service.
Select Save & Close.
You have now configured the connector to your translation service.
Associate the Configuration with Your Content associate
AEM is a flexible and powerful tool and supports multiple, simultaneous translation services via multiple connectors and multiple configurations. Setting up such a configuration is beyond the scope of this journey. However this flexibility means that you must specify which connectors and configuration should be used to translate your content by associating ths configuration with your content.
To do this, navigate to the language root of your content. For our example purposes this is
- Go to the global navigation and go to Navigation > Assets > Files.
- In the assets console, select the language root to configure and select Properties.
- Select the Cloud Services tab.
- Under Cloud Service Configurations in the Add Configuration drop-down list, select your connector. It should appear in the drop-down list when you have installed its package as described previously.
- Under Cloud Service Configurations in the Add Configuration drop-down list, also select your configuration.
- Select Save & Close.
What’s Next what-is-next
Now that you have completed this part of the AEM Sites translation journey you should:
- Understand the important parameters of the Translation Integration Framework in AEM.
- Be able to set up your own connection to your translation service.
Build on this knowledge and continue your AEM Sites translation journey by next reviewing the document Configure translation rules, where you learn how to define which content to translate.
Additional Resources additional-resources
While it is recommended that you move on to the next part of the translation journey by reviewing the document Configure translation rules the following are some additional, optional resources that do a deeper dive on some concepts mentioned in this document, but they are not required to continue on the journey.
- Configuring the Translation Integration Framework - Review a list of selected translation connectors and learn how to configure the Translation Integration Framework to integrate with third-party translation services.
- Connecting to Microsoft Translator - AEM provides a trial Microsoft Translation account for testing purposes.