Integrate Asset Selector with Adobe application integrate-asset-selector-with-adobe-app

Asset Selector allows you to integrate using various Adobe applications to enable them to work together seamlessly.

Prerequisites prereqs-adobe-app

Use the following prerequisites if you are integrating Asset Selector with an Adobe application:

Integrate Asset Selector with an Adobe application adobe-app-integration-vanilla

The following example demonstrates the usage of Asset Selector when running an Adobe application under Unified Shell or when you already have imsToken generated for authentication.

Include the Asset Selector package in your code using the script tag, as shown in lines 6–15 of the example below. Once the script is loaded, the PureJSSelectors global variable is available for use. Define the Asset Selector properties as shown in lines 16–23. The imsOrg and imsToken properties are both required for authentication in Adobe application. The handleSelection property is used to handle the selected assets. To render the Asset Selector, call the renderAssetSelector function as mentioned in line 17. The Asset Selector is displayed in the <div> container element, as shown in lines 21 and 22.

By following these steps, you can use Asset Selector with your Adobe application.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Asset Selector</title>
    <script src=""></script>
        // get the container element in which we want to render the AssetSelector component
        const container = document.getElementById('asset-selector-container');
        // imsOrg and imsToken are required for authentication in Adobe application
        const assetSelectorProps = {
            imsOrg: 'example-ims@AdobeOrg',
            imsToken: "example-imsToken",
            apiKey: "example-apiKey-associated-with-imsOrg",
            handleSelection: (assets: SelectedAssetType[]) => {},
        // Call the `renderAssetSelector` available in PureJSSelectors globals to render AssetSelector
        PureJSSelectors.renderAssetSelector(container, assetSelectorProps);

    <div id="asset-selector-container" style="height: calc(100vh - 80px); width: calc(100vw - 60px); margin: -20px;">


ImsAuthProps ims-auth-props

The ImsAuthProps properties define the authentication information and flow that the Asset Selector uses to obtain an imsToken. By setting these properties, you can control how the authentication flow should behave and register listeners for various authentication events.

Property Name
A string value representing the IMS client ID used for authentication purposes. This value is provided by Adobe and is specific to your Adobe AEM CS organization.
Describes the scopes used in authentication. The scopes determine the level of access that the application has to your organization resources. Multiple scopes can be separated by commas.
Represents the URL where the user is redirected after authentication. This value is typically set to the current URL of the application. If a redirectUrl is not supplied, ImsAuthService uses the redirectUrl used to register the imsClientId
A boolean indicating whether the authentication flow should be displayed in a modal (pop-up) or not. If set to true, the authentication flow is displayed in a pop-up. If set to false, the authentication flow is displayed in a full page reload. Note: for better UX, you can dynamically control this value if the user has browser pop-up disabled.
A callback function that is called when the Adobe IMS authentication service is initialized. This function takes one parameter, service, which is an object representing the Adobe IMS service. See ImsAuthService for more details.
A callback function that is called when an imsToken is received from the Adobe IMS authentication service. This function takes one parameter, imsToken, which is a string representing the access token.
A callback function that is called when an access token has expired. This function is typically used to trigger a new authentication flow to obtain a new access token.
A callback function that is called when an error occurs during authentication. This function takes two parameters: the error type and error message. The error type is a string representing the type of error and the error message is a string representing the error message.

ImsAuthService ims-auth-service

ImsAuthService class handles the authentication flow for the Asset Selector. It is responsible for obtaining an imsToken from the Adobe IMS authentication service. The imsToken is used to authenticate the user and authorize access to the Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service Assets repository. ImsAuthService uses the ImsAuthProps properties to control the authentication flow and register listeners for various authentication events. You can use the convenient registerAssetsSelectorsAuthService function to register the ImsAuthService instance with the Asset Selector. The following functions are available on the ImsAuthService class. However, if you are using the registerAssetsSelectorsAuthService function, you do not need to call these functions directly.

Function Name
Determines whether the user is currently signed in to the service and returns a boolean value accordingly.
Retrieves the authentication imsToken for the currently signed-in user, which can be used to authenticate requests to other services such as generating asset _rendition.
Initiates the sign-in process for the user. This function uses the ImsAuthProps to show authentication in either a pop-up or a full page reload
Signs the user out of the service, invalidating their authentication token and requiring them to sign in again to access protected resources. Invoking this function will reload the current page.
Refreshes the authentication token for the currently signed-in user, preventing it from expiring and ensuring uninterrupted access to protected resources. Returns a new authentication token that can be used for subsequent requests.

Validation with provided IMS token validation-ims-token

    const apiToken="<valid IMS token>";
    function handleSelection(selection) {
    console.log("Selected asset: ", selection);
    function renderAssetSelectorInline() {
    console.log("initializing Asset Selector");
    const props = {
    "repositoryId": "",
    "apiKey": "ngdm_test_client",
    "imsOrg": "<IMS org>",
    "imsToken": apiToken,
    hideTreeNav: true
    const container = document.getElementById('asset-selector-container');
    PureJSSelectors.renderAssetSelector(container, props);
    $(document).ready(function() {

Register callbacks to IMS service register-callback-ims-service

// object `imsProps` to be defined as below
let imsProps = {
    imsClientId: <IMS Client Id>,
        imsScope: "openid",
        redirectUrl: window.location.href,
        modalMode: true,
        adobeImsOptions: {
            modalSettings: {
            allowOrigin: window.location.origin,
        useLocalStorage: true,
onImsServiceInitialized: (service) => {
            console.log("onImsServiceInitialized", service);
onAccessTokenReceived: (token) => {
            console.log("onAccessTokenReceived", token);
onAccessTokenExpired: () => {
// re-trigger sign-in flow
onErrorReceived: (type, msg) => {
            console.log("onErrorReceived", type, msg);