Adaptive Form Submit Action configuring-the-submit-action

Adobe recommends using Core Components to add Adaptive Forms to an AEM Sites Pageor to create standalone Adaptive Forms.

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A Submit Action lets you choose the destination of data captured via an Adaptive Form. It is triggered when a user clicks the Submit button on an Adaptive Form. Forms as a Cloud Service, for Adaptive Forms based on Core Components, offers an array of pre-built Submit Actions. These out-of-the-box submit actions empower you to:

  • Effortlessly send form data via email.
  • Initiate Microsoft® Power Automate flows or AEM Workflows while transmitting the data.
  • Directly transmit the form data to Microsoft® SharePoint Server, Microsoft® Azure Blob Storage, or Microsoft® OneDrive.
  • Seamlessly send the data to a configured data source using the Form Data Model (FDM).
  • Conveniently submit the data to a REST endpoint.

You can extend the default Submit Actions. You can also customize the Submit Actions for organizational-specific requirements.

To define a Submit action for an Adaptive, use the Configure Dialog of an Adaptive Form Container component. The configure dialog of a Adaptive Form Container component includes:

  • Basic Tab
  • Form Data Model Tab
  • Submission Tab

You can define the Form Container properties using the Configure Dialog. To learn more about the Configure Dialog of a Form Container component, click here.

Select and configure a Submit Action for an Adaptive Form select-and-configure-submit-action

To select and configure a Submit Action for your form:

  1. Open the Content browser, and select the Guide Container component of your Adaptive Form.

  2. Click the Guide Container properties Guide properties icon. The Adaptive Form Container dialog box opens.

  3. Click the Submission tab.

    Click the Wrench icon to open Adaptive Form Container dialog box to configure a submit action

  4. Select and configure a Submit action, based on your requirements.

You can also configure different actions for an Adaptive Form submissions.

  • Redirect URL/Path - This option allows user to configure a page for each form, to which the form users are redirected after submitting an Adaptive Form.
  • Show Message - This option allows users to add a message that is displayed when the Adaptive Form is successfully submitted. The predefined text is included in the dialog box and it can be modified by the user.

For detailed information about the following Submit Actions, see:

You can also submit an Adaptive Form to other storage configurations:

You can customize the default Submit Actions. Additionally, you can customize the Submit Actions to align with specific organizational requirements.

Error handling on Submit Action error-handling-on-submit-action

As a part of AEM security and hardening guidelines, configure custom error pages such as 400.jsp, 404.jsp, and 500.jsp. These handlers are called, when on submitting a form 400, 404, or 500 errors appear. The handlers are also called when these error codes are triggered on the Publish node. You can also create JSP pages for other HTTP error codes.

When you prefill a form data model (FDM), or schema based Adaptive Form with XML or JSON data complaint to a schema that is data does not contain <afData>, <afBoundData>, and </afUnboundData> tags, then the data of unbounded fields of the Adaptive Form is lost. The schema can be an XML schema, JSON schema, or a Form Data Model (FDM). Unbounded fields are Adaptive Form fields without the bindref property.

See Also see-also
