Edit programs editing-programs
To manage and edit programs, start at the My Programs console. The My Programs page provides an overview of all programs to which you have access. When selecting an individual program, the Program Overview page provides details of the program at a glance.
From the Program Overview, users with the requisite permissions can edit production programs created in your organization and sandbox programs created in your organization. By editing a program, you can:
- Add Sites solution to an existing program with Assets and conversely.
- Remove Sites or Assets from an existing program with both Sites and Assets.
- Add an unused solution entitlement to an existing program or create a new program.
- Delete sandbox programs.
Permissions permissions
You must have the Business Owner role to edit programs, delete sandbox programs, and access the License Dashboard.
Edit a program editing
Anytime a program is edited, including adding or removing a solution or add-on, those changes take effect following the next deployment.
To edit a program:
Log into Cloud Manager at my.cloudmanager.adobe.com and select the appropriate organization.
On the My Programs page, click the program that you want to edit to show its details.
Click your program’s name in the upper-left of the page and select Edit program.
The Edit Program page opens to the General tab.
The options available for editing the program are the same options for program creation.
- See Create Production Programs and Create Sandbox Programs for details on the individual options.
- Additional options may be available for your production program depending on the entitlements of your organization.
Click Update to save your changes to the program.
Delete a sandbox program delete-sandbox-program
Deleting a sandbox program removes all environments and pipelines associated with it.
To delete a sandbox program:
Log into Cloud Manager at my.cloudmanager.adobe.com and select the appropriate organization.
On the My Programs page, click the program that you want to edit to show its details.
Click your program’s name in the upper-left of the page and select Delete Program.
Alternatively, you can click