Release Information release-information

Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service
Continuous Updates
Availability date
Continuous Update

How to Prepare for a Release how-to-prepare

With the continuous release model in Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service, the application is auto updated on an ongoing basis. There are two types of updates, feature releases and maintenance releases:

  • Feature releases are done with a predictable monthly frequency and are focused on new capabilities and product innovations.
  • Maintenance releases are done frequently and are focused on security updates, bug fixes, and performance enhancements. This ensures that Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service is always up-to-date with any critical fixes.

In addition to the speed of innovation, Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service also provides the flexibility to preview upcoming features a full month in advance before the features are released into production. This lets you assess the impact of an upcoming release on their organization by test driving the features in your own custom environment and training/preparing the internal users well in advance. If you have an AEM add-on, such as forms, you can ensure that it gets updated as well by selecting the solution in the program settings.

Prerelease is done only for monthly feature releases, not critical updates.

To prepare for a release:

  1. Mark your calendars: Check key dates for monthly releases on the Experience Manager releases roadmap and mark your calendars to prepare yourself for the key activities to get ready for the release.
  2. Review the release notes: Read the current release notes to get familiarized with the release and prerelease features.
  3. Access and try new features: Enable the prerelease channel in your non-production environments and start trying the features to assess in your custom environments.
  4. Train your users: Use documentation and Experience League resources to get users up to speed and well-versed with the new features.

Key Release Information key-articles
