Publish assets to Brand Portal publish-assets-to-brand-portal
As an Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Assets administrator, you can publish assets, folders, and collections to the AEM Assets Brand Portal instance. Also, you can schedule the publish workflow of an asset or folder to a later date or time. Once published, the Brand Portal users can access and further distribute the assets, folders, and collections to other users.
However, you must first configure AEM Assets with Brand Portal. For details, see Configure AEM Assets with Brand Portal.
If you make subsequent modifications to the original asset, folder, or collection in AEM Assets, the changes are not reflected in Brand Portal until you republish from AEM Assets. This feature ensures that work-in-progress changes are not available in Brand Portal. Only approved changes that are published by an administrator are available in Brand Portal.
Assets should be published in batches. The recommendation for batch size is 15K.
For Experience Manager Assets as a Cloud Service, the transfer rate observed under lab condition is 1000 assets per hour. The rate is observed with an average size of 10 MB assets.
Publish assets to Brand Portal publish-assets-to-bp
Following are the steps to publish assets from AEM Assets to Brand Portal:
From the Assets console, open the parent folder and select all the assets that you want to publish and click Quick Publish option from the toolbar.
Following are the two ways publish assets:
- Publish now (Publish assets immediately)
- Publish later (Schedule publishing assets)
Publish assets now publish-to-bp-now
To publish the selected assets to Brand Portal, do either of the following:
From the toolbar, select Quick Publish. Then from the menu, click Publish to Brand Portal.
From the toolbar, select Manage Publication.
From Action, select Publish to Brand Portal.
From Scheduling, select Now.
Click Next.
Confirm your selection in Scope and click Publish to Brand Portal.
A message appears stating that the assets have been queued up for publishing to Brand Portal. Login to the Brand Portal interface to see the published assets.
Publish assets later publish-to-bp-later
To schedule publishing the assets to Brand Portal to a later date or time:
Select the assets that you want to schedule for publishing and click Manage Publication from the tool bar at the top.
On Manage Publication page, select Publish to Brand Portal from Action.
Select Later from Scheduling.
Select an Activation date and specify time. Click Next.
Select an Activation date and specify time. Click Next.
Specify a Workflow title in Workflows. Click Publish Later.
- The existing users part of DAM-Users group have read access on path “/conf/global/settings/cloudconfigs/mediaportal”
- The new users (or non-admin users) require the following rights to publish on brand portal.
Paths:"/conf/global/settings/cloudconfigs/mediaportal" : jcr:read
/libs : jcr:read
/conf : jcr:read
/content : jcr:read, crx:replicate
/content/dam/ : jcr:read,modify, crx:replicate
Publish folders to Brand Portal publish-folders-to-brand-portal
You can publish or unpublish asset folders immediately, or schedule to a later date or time.
Publish folders to Brand Portal publish-folders-to-bp
From the Assets console, select the folders that you want to publish and click Quick Publish option from the toolbar.
Publish folders now
To publish the selected folders to Brand Portal, do either of the following:
From the toolbar, select Quick Publish.
From the menu, select Publish to Brand Portal.
From the toolbar, select Manage Publication.
From Action, select Publish to Brand Portal.
From Scheduling, select Now.
Click Next.
Confirm your selection in Scope and click Publish to Brand Portal.
A message appears stating that the folder has been queued up for publishing to Brand Portal. Login to your Brand Portal interface to see the published folder.
Publish folders later
To schedule the publishing the asset folders to a later date or time:-
Select the folders that you want to schedule for publishing, select Manage Publication from the tool bar at the top.
From Action, select Publish to Brand Portal.
From Scheduling, select Later.
Select an Activation date and specify time. Click Next.
Confirm your selection in Scope. Click Next.
Specify a Workflow title under Workflows. Click Publish Later.
View published file or folder to Brand Portal view-published-file-folder
Login to the Brand Portal interface to see the published assets (depending on your scheduled date or time).
Switch to List view
Unpublish folders from Brand Portal unpublish-folders-from-brand-portal
You can remove any asset folder published to Brand Portal by unpublishing it from AEM Assets instance. After you unpublish the original folder, its copy is no longer available to Brand Portal users.
You can unpublish asset folders from Brand Portal immediately, or schedule to a later date and time.
To unpublish asset folders from Brand Portal:
From the Assets console, select the asset folders that you want to upublish and click Manage Publication option from the toolbar.
Unpublish asset folders now
To immediately unpublish the selected asset folder from Brand Portal:
From the toolbar, select Manage Publication.
From Action select Unpublish from Brand Portal.
From Scheduling, select Now.
Click Next.
Confirm your selection in Scope and click Unpublish from Brand Portal.
Unpublish asset folders later
To schedule unpublishing of an asset folder to a later date and time:
From the toolbar, select Manage Publication.
From Action, select Unpublish from Brand Portal.
From Scheduling, select Later.
Select an Activation date and specify the time. Click Next.
Confirm your selection in Scope and click Next.
Specify a Workflow title in Workflows. Click Unpublish Later.
Publish collections to Brand Portal publish-collections-to-brand-portal
You can publish or unpublish collections from your AEM Assets cloud instance.
Publish collections publish-collections
Following are the steps to publish collections from AEM Assets to Brand Portal:
In the AEM Assets UI, click AEM logo.
From Navigation page, go to Assets > Collections.
From the Collections console, select the collections that you want to publish to Brand Portal.
From the toolbar, click Publish to Brand Portal.
In the confirmation dialog, click Publish.
Close the confirmation message.
Login to Brand Portal as an administrator. The published collection is available in the Collections console.
Unpublish collections unpublish-collections
You can remove any collection published to Brand Portal by unpublishing it from your AEM Assets instance. After you unpublish the original collection, its copy is no longer available to the Brand Portal users.
Following are the steps to unpublish a collection:
From the Collections console of your AEM Assets instance, and select the collection that you want to unpublish.
From the toolbar, click Remove from Brand Portal icon.
In the dialog, click Unpublish.
Close the confirmation message. The collection is removed from the Brand Portal interface.
In addition to the above, you can also publish metadata schemas, image presets, search facets, and tags from AEM Assets to Brand Portal.
See, Brand Portal documentation for more information.
See also