Adobe Experience Manager Brand Portal User Guide

This user guide documents insights in to Brand Portal offerings and key workflows. Use the left rail to navigate through various functionalities and drill down to know how different personas interact with the portal.

See also

User GuideDescription
What’s newChanges made in Brand Portal.
Release NotesEnhancements, critical issues fixed, and known issues in the current release.
Configure Experience Manager Assets with Brand PortalHow to replicate Brand Portal with Experience Manager Assets to publish assets.
Troubleshoot issues in parallel publishingTroubleshoot replication between Brand Portal and Experience Manager Assets.
Supported file formatsFile formats supported in Brand Portal for preview and download.
Publish Assets to Brand PortalHow to publish folders, collections, links, presets, schema, facets, and tags to Brand Portal.
Asset Sourcing in Brand PortalHow to configure Asset Sourcing in AEM Assets, upload assets in Brand Portal and publish the contribution folder back to AEM Assets.
Brand Portal feature videosLearn how to use Experience Manager Assets Brand Portal with the help of video tutorials.

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