Manage PDF documents in Experience Manager Assets as a Cloud Service add-assets-to-experience-manager

Experience Manager Assets integrates with the Document Cloud PDF Viewer seamlessly, which lets you preview multiple pages of a PDF document. In addition, you can also use advanced Document Cloud PDF viewer features such as annotations, search text, navigate the PDF document using bookmarks and thumbnails, and more under the same roof. Experience Manager Assets also lets you upload documents in other supported formats and preview them in a PDF format.

Document Cloud PDF viewer benefits AEM Assets in the following ways:

If you are unable to get multiple pages preview of a previously uploaded PDF document then select the PDF and click Reprocess Reprocess Assets.

Support for PDF Document Cloud Viewer Components pdf-doc-cloud

The native PDF Doc Cloud viewer has the following components in AEM Assets:

  • PDF viewer using page thumbnails Thumbnail view is a small preview of the pages of a PDF document. Using thumbnails, you can directly jump to the desired page. You can access thumbnails of the selected PDF document through thumbnail on the left pane.

  • PDF viewer using bookmarks Bookmark is a direct link that navigates you to the content in the document. You can access bookmarks of the selected PDF document through bookmark on the left pane.

  • Search in PDF You can use search search to look up the text in the PDF document.

  • Page Up/Page Down Use Page Up Page Up or Page Down Page Down to scroll through the document.

  • Zoom Out/Zoom In Use Zoom Out Zoom Out or Zoom In Zoom In to streak the document.

  • Page Fit Use width or height dimensions to fit the document as per your screen size.

  • Dock/Undock PDF You can dock or undock the components of native PDF viewer using this option.

Support for Multiple Pages Preview and Annotations for PDF Asset multi-page

Adobe Experience Manager Assets lets you preview PDF document consisting of several pages. To preview multiple pages of a PDF document, consider the following steps:

  1. Follow the steps to upload assets in AEM.
  2. Browse the PDF document that you want to upload and preview.
  3. Open the document.
  4. The PDF document viewer loads by default. You can also select PDF rendition under the rendition panel.
  5. Under Renditions drop-down, select All Renditions.

You can also apply annotations to the PDF document in a multiple pages preview.

The maximum size of an Asset that you can preview is up to 100 MB.

PDF Annotations {#pdf-annotations}

Experience Manager Assets lets you add comments to a PDF document. A PDF document can have multiple annotations.

To annotate a PDF document, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the Assets interface, navigate to the PDF document that you want to annotate. The native PDF viewer opens on the right showing preview of the selected PDF document.
  2. Click Annotate from the top menu.
    Following are the Annotations that can be applied on a PDF document:
Select Comment to express an observation.
Select Textbox to enter the text.
Sticky notes
Add a small text or reminder that you can add to a particular area on the PDF.
Text highlighter
Select the text to highlight in different colors.
Text underliner
Select the text that you want to underline.
Select the text that you want to cross out.
Insert a visual art to the PDF.
Erase drawing
Remove or undo drawing.
The annotations that you add to the PDF document are available in the preview mode. However, the annotations are not displayed when you download or print the PDF document.

Support for Multiple Pages Preview for Documents in Other Formats multi-format

In addition to the PDF documents, you can also preview multiple pages for documents in other format types. The supported document format types are TXT, RTF, DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, XLS, and XLSX. Experience Manager Assets automatically converts these document formats into a PDF format and make them available for preview.

Multi-page Preview of Documents in Other Formats

For the multiple page preview of other supported document formats, perform the following steps:

  1. Follow the steps to upload assets in AEM.
  2. Browse the document that you want to upload and preview.
  3. Open the document.
  4. Select PDF under the static section in the left panel. The right panel showcases the multiple pages preview of an Asset. Select thumbnail from the left panel to choose the page that you want to preview.
  • The maximum size of an Asset that you can preview is up to 100 MB.
  • The maximum size of XLS or XLSX files to preview is 20 MB.

See also
