Adding Private Repositories in Cloud Manager private-repositories

By configuring Cloud Manager to work with your own private GitHub repositories, you can validate your code directly within your GitHub repository through Cloud Manager, eliminating the need to consistently sync your code with the Adobe repository.

This feature is exclusive to public GitHub. Support for self-hosted GitHub is not available.

Configuration configuration

Configuration consists of two main steps:

Add Repository add-repo

  1. In Cloud Manager, from the Program Overview page, select the Repositories tab to switch to the Repositories page and click Add Repository.

  2. In the Add Repository dialog, select Private Repository as the repository type.

  3. Provide the details of your repository

    • Repository Name - An expressive name
    • Repository URL - The URL of the repository, which must end in .git
    • Description (optional) - A longer description of the repository as necessary

    Add own repository

  4. Select Save.

For details about managing repositories in Cloud Manager, see Cloud Manager Repositories.

Private Repository Ownership Validation validate-ownership

Cloud Manager now knows about your GitHub repository, but it still needs access to it. To grant access, you need to install the Adobe GitHub app and verify that you own the specified repository.

  1. After adding your own repository, the Private Repository Ownership Validation dialog opens.

    Private Repository Ownership Validation

  2. Cloud Manager uses a GitHub app to securely interact with your repository.

    • An owner of your GitHub organization must install the app located at and grant access to the repository.
    • See GitHub’s documentation for details on how this is done.
  3. To enhance security, you must create a secret file in the default branch of your repository. Select Generate.

  4. Confirm the generation of the secret file by tapping or clicking Confirm.

    Confirm secret generation

  5. Back in the Private Repository Ownership Validation window, Cloud Manager has generated the content of the private fil in the Secret file content field. Copy the content from that field.

    • The contents of the secret file will only be shown once. If you do not copy the content before closing this window, regenerate the secret.

    Copy secret file content

  6. Create a new file in the default branch of your GitHub repo called .well-known/adobe/cloud-manager-challenge and paste the secret file content into that file and save.

  7. Once the app is installed and the secret file exists in the repository, you can select Validate in the Private Repository Ownership Validation dialog.

The app can be installed and secret file can be created in any order. However both steps must be completed before you can validate.

Until validation, the repository will be listed with a red icon, indicating that it is not yet validated and cannot yet be used.

Unvalidated repo

The Type column easily identifies Adobe-provided repositories (Adobe) and your own GitHub repositories (GitHub).

If you need to return to the repository at a later date to complete the validation, on the Repositories page, select the ellipsis button in the row representing the GitHub repository you just added and select Ownership Validation from the drop-down menu.

Using Private Repositories with Cloud Manager using

After the GitHub repository is validated in Cloud Manager the integration is completed and you can use the repository with Cloud Manager.

  1. When you create a pull request, a GitHub check will start automatically.

    GitHub checks

  2. For each pull request, a full stack code quality pipeline will be created automatically. This pipeline is started at each pull request update.

  3. The GitHub check remains in a running state until the code quality checks complete. The code quality results will then be propagated to the GitHub check.

    GitHub code quality checks

When the pull request is closed or merged, the full stack code quality pipeline created is automatically deleted.

See the document GitHub Check Annotations for details on the information provided via GitHub when pull request checks are run.
You can control the pipelines that are created automatically to validate each pull request to a private repository. Please see the document GitHub Check Configuration for Private Repositories for more information.

Associating Private Repositories with Pipelines pipelines

Validated private repositories can be associated with full-stack and frontend pipelines.

Web tier and config pipelines are not supported with private repositories.

Limitations limitations

Certain limitations apply when using private repositories with Cloud Manager.

  • You cannot pause the pull request validation using the GitHub check from Cloud Manager.
    • If the GitHub repository is validated in Cloud Manager, Cloud Manager will always try to validate the pull requests created for that repository.
  • If the Adobe GitHub app is removed from your GitHb organization, this will remove the pull requests validation feature for all repositories.
  • Web tier and config pipelines are not supported with private repositories.
  • No git tag will be created and pushed when using private repositories on production full stack pipelines.
  • Pipelines using private repositories and the on-commit build trigger are not started automatically when a new commit is pushed into the selected branch.
  • Artifact reuse functionality does not apply to private repositories.