Maintenance Release Notes maintenance-release-notes

The following section outlines the technical release notes for the maintenance releases of Experience Manager as a Cloud Service associated with 2023.7.0 feature activation.

Release 12790 release-12790

Summarized below are the continuous improvements for maintenance release 12790, which was publicly released on July 21, 2023. This maintenance release is an update from previous maintenance release 12697.

2023.7.0 Feature Activation provides the full feature set for this maintenance release. See the Experience Manager Releases Roadmap for more information.

Enhancements enhancements-12790


Fixed Issues fixed-issues-12790

  • SLING-11974 - Fixed regression in SlingHttpServletRequest#getUserPrincipal for non-authenticated requests. The fix ensures that a principal is returned even for unauthenticated requests.

Known Issues known-issues-12790

  • GRANITE-46601 - Quickstart SDK fails to start on jdk 11.0.20 without Java™ option

Embedded Technologies embedded-tech-12790

Oak API 1.52.0 API
Version 2.27.2
Apache Sling API 2.27.2 API
Version 1.4.20-1.4.0
HTML Template Language Specification
AEM Core Components
Version 2.23.0
AEM WCM Core Components

Release 12697 release-12697

Summarized below are the continuous improvements for maintenance release 12697, which was publicly released on July 14, 2023. This maintenance release is an update from previous maintenance release 12549. Maintenance release 12697 replaces 12585 to rectify one issue.

2023.7.0 Feature Activation provides the full feature set for this maintenance release. See the Experience Manager Releases Roadmap for more information.

Enhancements enhancements-12697

  • General RDE stability improvements (SKYOPS-61133, SKYOPS-55281, SKYOPS-61216 and SKYOPS-61401)
  • DXML-12327: AEM Guides: Support for language variables in Native PDF publishing
  • DXML-11518: AEM Guides: Enhanced metadata support in Native PDF publishing
  • DXML-10093: AEM Guides: Support for connecting to external data sources and inserting data into DITA topics
  • DXML-10699: AEM Guides: Support for XLIFF format in translation
  • DXML-10141: AEM Guides: Option to use microservice-based publishing for PDF (Native & DITA-OT), HTML & Custom preset types
  • SKYOPS-61385 - Update the Dispatcher to use libpcre2 when evaluating regular expressions in Apache HTTPD

Fixed Issues fixed-issues-12697

  • AEM Guides: Various Native PDF enhancements and stability fixes
  • GRANITE-45268, SKYOPS-51444: Fixed issues with PublishFarmer not restarting GPs after restart
  • SKYOPS-53130: Improve AC Tool support in RDE
  • SKYOPS-57146: Fix Sling deadlock on AEM startup
  • SKYOPS-61646: Last replication date is not updated after upgrade to release 12585

Known Issues known-issues-12697

  • SLING-11974 - Regression in SlingHttpServletRequest#getUserPrincipal for non-authenticated requests.

Embedded Technologies embedded-tech-12697

Oak API 1.52.0 API
Version 2.27.2
Apache Sling API 2.27.2 API
Version 1.4.20-1.4.0
HTML Template Language Specification
AEM Core Components
Version 2.23.0
AEM WCM Core Components

Release 12549 release-12549

Summarized below are the continuous improvements for maintenance release 12549, which was publicly released on July 4, 2023. This maintenance release is an update from previous maintenance release 12255. Maintenance release 12549 replaces 12441 to rectify two issues.

2023.7.0 Feature Activation provides the full feature set for this maintenance release. See the Experience Manager Releases Roadmap for more information.

Enhancements enhancements-12549

  • FORMS-5054: Added support for all the statues supported by Adobe Sign.

Fixed Issues fixed-issues-12549

  • Various accessibility-related updates
  • SITES-12688: Page Editor: Logical operator OR not properly working in Asset Finder search
  • SITES-4951: Page Editor: Tag-search in Page editor does not find subtags
  • SITES-12465: Experience Fragments: Arrow keys not working in Experience Fragment component dialog box
  • SITES-12893: Experience Fragments: Apply circular reference validation for Experience Fragments
  • SITES-12715: Experience Fragments: Cloud service configs applied to Experience fragments folder do not persist
  • SITES-13097: Experience Fragments: Not able to add experience fragments to a translation project
  • SITES-13165: GraphQL: Restore default behavior for filtering of null values
  • SITES-12577: Link Checker: Transformer not rewriting links intermittently
  • SITES-13559: MSM: ‘Is not modifiable’ exception thrown when rolling out component
  • SITES-11757: MSM: Inherit rollout configuration from Parent does not get reverted for child pages
  • SITES-14073: Sites Admin: CSV Report fails with 500 when selecting no property to export
  • FORMS-7648: Unable to validate the maximum number of digits in a Numeric Box component. The validation script is not working.
  • FORMS-8177: When the Forms service is active, the com.adobe.aem.formsndocuments.publish.AssetReferenceProvider Failed to retrieve asset dependencies error encounters.
  • FORMS-8300: When a user attempts to delegate a task after opening it, the delegate response reloads the task, instead of opening the user’s AEM Inbox UI.
  • FORMS-8500: On the Microsoft® Edge browser with the IE Mode option enabled, HTML5 Forms fails to open.
  • FORMS-8541: On rendering an Adaptive Forms, a Null Pointer Exception occurs.
  • FORMS-8964: When a form is opened on an Android™ Device on Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, the text entered in the Text Box Component cannot be removed.
  • FORMS-9026: When a user creates an Adaptive Form based on a complex and valid JSON schema, drags related JSON schema fields to Adaptive Forms Editor to create Adaptive Forms fields, and refreshes the Adaptive Forms Editor window, all the fields are deleted and Adaptive Forms editor appears blank.
  • FORMS-9263: When a checkbox option’s displayed text contains special characters, users are unable to select such check boxes.
  • FORMS-8668: While rendering a PDF Preview of a form, some non-required Java™ stack dump appears in the error logs. However, there are no issues in rendering the form.
  • FORMS-8116: When rules are applied to the Adaptive Forms Container component, the applied rules are not saved.
  • FORMS-7906: When an Adaptive Form is added to an AEM Sites Container component, the rule editor fails to open.
  • FORMS-8846: The Bind reference property does not work for the Adaptive Forms attachments component.
  • FORMS-9072: When you search a Scheme while creating a form fragment, the search result does not return any schema for selection.
  • FORMS: Fixed multiple accessibility-related bugs to improve accessibility of AEM Forms features.

Known Issues known-issues-12549

  • SKYOPS-61385: With the latest Dispatcher update, certain invalid regular expressions that were previously silently ignored by libpcre1 are not accepted anymore by the updated libpcre2 during the deploy. The Dispatcher configuration check is going to be updated soon to also identify these even earlier.

Embedded Technologies embedded-tech-12549

Oak API 1.50.0 API
Version 2.27.0
Apache Sling API 2.27.0 API
Version 1.4.20-1.4.0
HTML Template Language Specification
AEM Core Components
Version 2.23.0
AEM WCM Core Components